in #life6 years ago

I woke up this morning full of good intentions thinking i will have my 2nd fast day this week then get weighed on Tuesday morning.

I started off really well, having nothing to eat until 1pm where i had.

2 tbsp Full Fat Greek Yogurt
Pomegranete seeds
Small pinch of Chopped nuts.

This worked out just over 200 calories leaving me 300 to have for my tea BUT unfortunately life gets in the way and we had so much to do we ended up ordering a take out as it was now 7 pm and i was feeling really hungry.

I had
Chicken Burrito
Half slice Chocolate Cake.

I don't think i want to work the calories out for this as i have definitely gone over my daily allowance. I will have to be extra good until Tuesday eating less calories each day plus have another fast day.


I don't care, OK i have had a bad day, i have been good for 9 weeks so 1 bad day isn't going to mess this up PLUS I feel so full i feel sick and bloated, i don't want to feel like this again so i have learned a very good lesson.

I will fast on Sunday making sure on Saturday & Monday i will eat a few hundred less than supposed to to make up for this.

Three is going to be times i can't stick to this 100% but for the 1st time ever I'll let it bother me. If this happened before i would give up NOT THIS TIMEI will be back on it tomorrow and not think about it, this is my way of eating from now on so the odd naughty day will stay just that.

Thank you son-of-satire


The body is an amazing thing, it can be trained to put up with a wide range of dier, and, in your case, 1 slip, taken over the period will not make much difference,
Keep on steemin'

I won't be doing that again, i still feel bloated :(

Everyone slips now and then. The key is to get on it right away. One slip up is not going to sink the boat. But now you know that it doesn't make you feel very good when you eat stuff that body no longer wants...

I feel really uncomfortable, can't believe this is how i used too feel, it will not happen again :)

Oops! Don't sweat the little hiccups. You are doing great! I have not been eating well lately, lots of fast food and takeout. Luckily, I walk about 30-40 miles a week, so it isn't showing, but, I don't feel as well as I should.

I wish i could exercise, I'll not let this stop me this time :)

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