in #life6 years ago (edited)



I need to get my head sorted along with my weight. I'm still not feeling 100% so having something to focus on will help... hopefully.

1st Goal...My head. I want to be back to my normal self, feeling positive and having a clear mind by November. My 2nd Goal will help this plus if I continue using meditation when needed i should be able to ease my mind. But No pressure.

2nd Goal... My weight. I want to be down to double figures kg wise by November the 1st. So thats another 8 kgs to loose with the 9.9 i have already lost.

This is for my benefit to give me something to aim for. Once i have reached these goals fingers crossed I can then reset new goals towards a more positive, thinner and healthier me.

Thank you son-of-satire


Settle down in front of the fire, with plenty of notepaper and a couple of pens, cause you are going to lose one .
Fire up the brain, ask 'Uncle Google'
What plants / flowers will withstand snow on the winter.
Have a look at all the pretty ones you like, write their names down, (use the third pen, find the others later)
Progressively look them up and see what conditions they will grow in best.
Finish the cup of tea, (or is it rum laced with tea?), make another brew.
Tomorrow, try and find the list you made, give up and do it all again.
Say stuff it, just have the Rum/Tea instead.

I like the last line the best especially if there's rum in my coffee. Trying to get hubby to help is a chore these days, think he is going through the change as his mood swings are annoying.

You girls want it all, you are allowed to have mood swings, for no apparent reason, I might add, but let the poor old slave express an opinion that is at variance, he is having mood swings.
The poor fella has been there for a long time, call it maturity setting in.
Keep feeding him and he will come around to your way of thinking.

He's dieting lol he got told off from the Doctor that's why he's in mood haha

And you have never been told off by the quack??????
If the Dr told him what to do and it worked, and if he did that with all his clients, he would be out of work.
Doesn't sound like a good survival pattern to me.

My Doctor would never tell me off.
Hubby has really high blood pressure and high cholesterol and needs a good telling off at times

There's pills for that, take 2 with breakfast and she's sweet.

He takes them but they don't help. He's angry with the Drs for not sorting it.

Sounds like a plan, you have my encouragement. :-)

Thank you :)

well done on getting to where you are so far. Every step forward is progress.

I would strongly suggest - don't focus on weight or skinniness as a measure of success. Focus on your health and how you feel.

Do things that make you happy - like playing with the dogs. Try getting out to the park with the and throw a ball or something. You don't have to run after them. But each day try t do just a little than the previous day.

And if it is no happening on a particular day, don't beat yourself up over it. Some days I can run fr hours and hours with little effort- other days just getting around the block is a mission. Life is like that.

Don't worry about that the magazines say you should look like.What would they know about you? Nothing.

So don't try to pander to their expectations of what you should be. Focus on building happiness within yourself. And if that becomes hard, just sit and watch otters playing for half and hour and everything will be fine ;-)

I used to want to be skinny but now i would be happy to be in a healthy range. Its how i feel in my clothes or should easy pyjamas as that's all i wear as hardly go out. I am hoping once i lose more weight my knee should hurt a little less so i can do a little more around the the house.

I sit in the garden throwing a toy for the dogs, they do give me a lot of of pleasure. The only person who can do this is me, i have top strip putting everyone else first and concentrate on myself for a while :)

You're doing it!! You will achieve those goals and then.....reset new goals, just like you said <3

I am determined to start 2019 a stronger person :)

I believe in You!!

Thank you. That means a lot :)

Hey Karen!
It's a mantra that I use: Mindset is everything
I wrestle with depression all the time and sometimes the hardest thing for me to do is be thankful when I'm in the dark place. An exercise to try is just saying "thank you" over and over and over again until you feel better. Just close your eyes and repeat it, or say it out loud, whisper it in the shower as it mixes with your tears (yeah, I cry in the shower a lot). Those two little words will make you feel better.
And I hear you with the weight journey too! I've been mindful of my caloric intake rather than being super focused on the food I'm eating (I eat healthy food anyway and keep snacking to a minimum). It's been slow going but without being obsessive about counting every calorie, I'm finally beginning to notice some weight loss. I'm starting to see my cheek bones again! Anyway... I really want to wish you good luck. You can do anything with the right mindset.

Thank you :). I Am determined to loose this weight that's been a big problem for years. I've lost 23lbs but still away to go. Can definitely see changes which has helped me continue. I am fed up of being fat and miserable. The only person than can change that is me. I also cry in the shower, i Also cry in bed when the git is sleeping, nothing wakes him up. 2019 will be a new me. :)

I think it is very important and very beneficial to make goals and write them down, to keep us motivated and accounted for it.
I think your goals are pretty awesome and I wish all the best with these.
Have a lovely weekend @karenb54
You are doing it girl and you can do this.

Thank you :D

I agree with len.george. Don't focus on numbers when trying to lose weight. Go by how you feel. If you feel better than that is good. Make small goals. Large goals seem far away and impossible to achieve. Measure your successes. They are more important. Since the garden has been great therapy, plan for more. Start a scrapbook with pictures of the flowers you would love to have. Plan on how to expand in the limited space you have. You would be surprised what people can grow on tiny balconies while living in apartments.

A sceapbook is a good idea, I'm going to check a few out on EBay. Len does have a few good ideas but don't tell him that his head is to big to start with lol

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