in #life6 years ago

I am sat here thinking where has the time gone, This time 21 years ago I was getting prepared to give birth to my youngest daughter Nichola. After an emergency Cesarean she arrived.

Where has the last 21 years gone, one minute she's this little cute gorgeous child the next she's off to her boyfriends leaving me and her dad alone, we haven't been alone for 26 years.

Here Is Jessica holding on to her little sister, don't they look cute.

my girls.jpg

Sitting here with hubby, just me and him and our dogs, OMG we have got old.

My 26yr old was a nightmare to raise, she was diagnosed with ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, ODD, Oppositional Defiance Disorder and Aspergers which is on the lower spectrum for Autism. We never thought we would get through those years but we did thankfully and we are still friends. Jessica still has her problems but knows how to manage her condition. She is doing really well, she has apologised to us for being so mean when she was younger but we know that wasn't her and she couldn't help doing what she did. She has definitely made up for it now she is older.

Nichola thankfully didn't have any problems, she loved her big sister so much even when she was so bad. Nichola has grown up with an understanding for the disabled with me being disabled and her sister.

My girls are the best thing about my life, they are why I am here and what I was born for. They make me very proud.


jess & nick 2.jpg

Now my girls have there own lives to get on with its going to be me, hubby and the dogs most evenings. I don't know how I will cope once Nichola moves out. Scary thought I really do not want to think about.

Would I do anything different, YES I would take more time to enjoy them, I would take so many more photographs, I would do so many things with them to experience as much as possible. I would make so many more memories.

Thank you @son-of-satire


Please pass the following message onto Nichola.

" Mum doesn't want you to move out, so, bring all the boyfriends home, shack up in your bedroom, there is a spare bedroom to take over and park the next boyfriend in for when you wear this one out'

Then see how long before you will be withdrawing the keys.

I didnt say i never want her to move out, i said i would be dreading it but it will happen... eventually lol

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Wise words indeed. Sometimes we lose that we only live once

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We really do, and that live is very short

We just spend a third of our lives sleeping and the fact that life is short makes it more shorter because of that @karenb54

That is very true :)

Your daughters are really beautiful. Maybe at that time you did not take so many pictures and you can not do anything about it anymore. But whenever they meet it will be a good time to create new memories dear Karen.

I agree. Its so much easier the days with mobile phones, back then all we had were cameras which you didn't always carry around with you or by the time you got the camera out you have missed the shot.

This is how it is with phones, it's all easier. I really wish I had more pictures of my dad💙

Would have loved a camera phone back then :)

Beautiful girls.
I am also afraid of my boys leaving which might be very, very soon for my older boy to move out, which I really hate because there is no need to when you are that young, and I am really having hard time with it.
Sometimes I think we get even closer with our kids when they move out, because then they learn to appreciate everything we did for them and they seem to miss you more and want to spend more time with you then when they are living at home.
I am so not ready for this next step, so I just leave it up to God since there is nothing I can do about it.
I would also do things different, but I guess that is what every single parent would say, since being a perfect parent does not exist.

That is true, we do our best even when times are hard. My eldest left a few years ago. It was hard but you have to let them go. Having an empty house its going to be hard to get used to. :(

Family is the most expensive thing
I was touched by your words

Thank you :)

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