I have a new toy to play with and have done a deal over Facebook... feeling better now.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I woke up this morning not feeling 100%, pain and tiredness doesn't help. When i feel like this i have to take the day easy, that's what i did. I pottered around the house doing little jobs dishes, washing etc then rested in between. I did have plans to use my new toy today but didn't have the energy to fight with getting it out of the box.


I have heard loads of people talking about these machines, they are brilliant if your looking for ways to eat healthier without to much work. This is an air fryer, you use the smallest amount of oil to cook things even chips. You can add a teaspoon of oil or even cook them without oil. I had heard so many people talking about making chips in these machines, not potato chips, Celeriac chips that would be so much healthier especially on the plan i am on the minute. The lower the carbohydrates the better. I am going to try and cook a batch up tomorrow when I will hopefully be feeling better.

As for my garden, I have been looking for Lavender plants as mine just don't seem to want to grow. I found a lovely man on Facebook who sells a lot of plants, I messaged him asking if he sold Lavendar. We had a lovely conversation where he found out i was growing Hollyhock flowers, he said his wife would love to have a couple of Hollyhocks, now we are swapping flowers. Isn't that brilliant. I asked for 4 Lavender, I am paying for 2 then giving him 2 Hollyhocks to take away with him.

Sunflowers & Hollyhocks.jpg

I am going to transfer the Hollyhock from my 12 seeds pot tray placing them into a Biodegradable pot for him to take away.

He has just text me to tell me the Lavender is mixed English & French, I am looking forward to getting them potted up ready for my Bee's, they will love the mixture just as much as i will. Its also lovely to think that my flowers will be giving a few others some Joy.

Thank you @son-of-satire


I have really enjoyed the air fryer @karenb54 the meals have been very nice but ours broke sometime ago I must purchase a new one at some point for the healthier meals.

There's a few on sale at the moment, i am looking forward to trying it out :)

I love out air fryer, so much healthier way to fry things and everything i have tried so far in it came out great

thats a cool deal for the lavender ;)

I just hope my flowers don't let me down :)

Sending positive thoughts to you and your flowers I m sure they will do great :)

Thank you, i really hope so :)

Do the French come with their own supply of wine?
It would be good if they do,
We will be able to tell from your typing, lots of wine = lots of funny spelled words.
You wish. :-)🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

Don't you get cheeky or else I'll come after you

Nah Nah you to far away, I'm safe. :-)

I wouldn't bet on it LOL :)

You would have to win "Bingo" "Housie" a lot of times to make it

How are you doing, Karen?

I think spring has finally arrived here...



HI, I am OK thank you. Hows life at your end.
I think it has... at last BUT we have been forecasted snow for tomorrow so that will kill off everything i have done :(

Would love to know your thoughts in the air fryer when you have tried it a few times.
I have been considering buying one but I have so many gadgets in my kitchen I dont know if I can justify giving up more bench space for an item I may only potentially use occasionally.
I have also been on a protocol which an air fryer may be useful so do you mind if I ask what health issue you are challenged with (understand if you dont want to share this).

I will be posting my results, it took me a while to decide whether i could move things around for bench space, something has to be stored away. Since this cooks just about everything i think it should deserve its space, I will let you know :)

I would love to have the air fryer which I have seen once and I really liked the idea.
One day I will have to get it myself.

What a great way to swap some flowers. Very cool.
I love lavender. Hopefully it will be just perfect in your beautiful garden.

I will get round to using it, its going to make my eating plan easier :)
I can't wait until the Summer :)

I like Lavender plants. Yesterday I passed a farm field with mature lavenders planted in rows. There was a sign that 300 hundred feet down the road you could buy them. Unfortunately they were closed. Maybe they will be opened on the weekend :-)

Wish i lived closer i would go and buy some :)

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