Does your dog hate fireworks or suffer from anxiety, we are trying out a thunder jacket. Mika in her Thunder jacket. (video)

in #life7 years ago

I have mentioned in posts about my baby Mika not liking fireworks, Once the bangs start she runs around in a frenzy barking and panting, she gets in a right mess. Trying to settle her is impossible so we tried an anxiety wrap. I wrote a post about it here:

We have also hear about a thunder jacket that you can buy from a pet store or online.
this applies pressure to the dogs torso which is supposed to have an amazing calming effect, its best to get them fitted at the pet store, they come in all sizes. They cost £35 but thankfully the store I bought it from said if it didn't work we could take it back for a full refund.

The shop wrapped Mika's around her, coming home she was frozen, she didn't move, we managed to get her back to the car where she froze on my knee then when we got home she froze at the sitting room door. We tried to coax her in but it didn't work, she had to be moved.

Hubby lifted her up on my chair where she lay down and stayed there without moving, she was very unsure about it. THEN she heard a firework and darted off the chair barking so we decided to tighten is slightly, this time she settled. There is an advert that comes on with fireworks, as soon as it comes on Mika darts off and barks at the TV screen, this time she didn't move, then a dog came on the TV, she usually goes daft but still didn't move, she lay quiet for some time.

So far so good, we will know better once more fireworks goes off, will be amazing if this works as it will cut down on her Anxiety and let her rest more instead of running around barking and panting plus will save my ears as her bar is so loud.

Thank you @son-of-satire

Thank you @artedellavita


wow! I have heard someone talk about these before but I have never seen one used or know if they work or not. I will definitely be following your progress with this one because they will be a godsend to many pooch parents if they do work! Keep us updated and thank you for sharing! :D

Will do, Fingers crossed it works:) Thank you :D

I love this! When I was a teenager, I remember giving our dog "doggie downers" during fireworks. Probably not so good to drug poor doggie. But we always joked that we would slip them into our mother's food (she was a tad uptight ;o)

There's nothing worse seeing your dog upset, Think I would be tempted myself. If my mother was alive think I would do the same again lol couldn't stand the woman haha

All the animals are a scared lot when they burst crackers during Diwali here in India. Dogs are no exception.
And nobody gives a crap. :(

Somebody should poor little babies :(

That's sad because there could be 100s of millions of stray dogs here, if not billions. :(
I'll Google now to check their exact number.

this is a good find, dear friend @ karenb54, my dogs also suffer like yours, I will definitely try it.
thank you very much for this valuable information
I wish you a good night

No problem, thank you for visiting :)

I had not heard of these before. My little Lady, just about tears herself apart when she hears thunder! Poor thing, she suffers so. Please let us know how these thunder shirts work. I'd give anything to see Lady not suffer during thunderstorms...

I will do. It seems to help calm her at the minute :)

This wonderful post has received a bellyrub 3.49 % upvote from @bellyrub.

happy to do it:) because it's worth more than my upvote is right now lol and thank you for this post! will be passing on this information to a few others i know who have the same issue with the dog during fireworks, throughout the night did you find it worked even better? thanks again for sharing! so cool :)

Thank you so much. We didn't need to use it through the night she slept like a baby. I'll be putting her back in it today so will let you know how it goes ank thank you again :)

Well, that proves the old saying that you can learn something new every day.
I had never heard of those jackets, I hope for both of your sakes that they work as advertised,
How does Geordie get on?

Aslong as Geordie has something soft to lie on hes fine. He cuddles into my side I cover him with a blanket or jumper then he falls asleep lol

At least you only have one to contend with.

Wow, Karen, that is very interesting and very cool!

I guess it is kind of like being hugged constantly? I could live with that... ;)

This reminds me of a movie we watched a few years ago:

"Temple Grandin"

It's about a lady with some mental and emotional problems, but a very brilliant mind, who created her own device for "hugging" her. She pioneered great improvements in the way cattle are treated.

Thanks for this fascinating article! :D



You are welcome, My update post let you know its CRAP lol she was till in a mess, the scarf did the same trick so took it back and got a full refund :)

Ah, too bad...

Maybe you could switch? One for you and two for her? ;)

Maybe I could lol ::)

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