Anyone know a tooth fairy, i have something i want to sell...💰💰

in #life5 years ago (edited)

My day started with a few blunders. I phoned the dentists yesterday to confirm my appointment time, I spoke to a receptionist who said 11.20am, i confirmed the time. This morning i arrive at 11.10 am to be told my appointment has been cancelled but she was going to try and find out was has happened and hopefully fit me in, I wasn't leaving until my tooth had been dealt with. I sat for 10 minutes, thankfully they shouted my name, when i went into the room i asked what had a happened, the dentist said my appointment was 10.15, they thought i had just not turned up, i told her what had happened with me confirming, I think someone will be in trouble for messing up the appointments. The dentist did say Its OK Karen i would come see you whatever, which was nice of her.

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I sat in the chair my nerves starting to give, My dentist always manages to calm my nerves by telling me what she will be doing step by step so i know what is coming next, She then gave me instructions to follow when i left the clinic, she also went over them again when she was finished.

1st step was the numbing injections, 2 in the front of my gum the other behind, the 2 in front were fine but the one behind OUCH i couldn't scream with my mouth open but i did moan and cling on to the seat, that was really painful. She then stepped back for 5 minutes then checked if i could still feel any pain, another 2 injections solved that problem. She then got started loosening the tooth, I could feel the pushing and pulling but no pain, she then pulled hard and out it came, definitely quicker than i was expecting. I was then padded up to help stop the bleeding, given an extra pad to take home as it needed changing after an hour, she also gave me an instruction leaflet, must have realised how forgetful i am.

Thankfully hubby got rained off work, he came straight to the clinic so i didn't need to phone for a taxi home. I was told not to lie flat or on the side of the wound, don't go to sleep in case you might swallow the padding and choke, don't put anything hot on that cheek as germs love warm places. Then tomorrow i have to do salt washes, can't say i am looking forward to that.

I stayed in all day whilst hubby took his mum shopping as our usual shopping day Saturday will be taken up with hubby's new toy arriving a 4ft fish tank. he will be spending all day setting it up hoping to transfer his fish next week. Its took all day for the numbing to go, i managed to eat a little but its awkward. I hate the feeling after the tooth has been removed, it feels like you have a gaping whole, your scared to do anything in case something gets in the way. best just not bother eating today and hopefully tomorrow it doesn't feel as bad.

I am glad today is over with, just wish there was a tooth fairy as i could make a few quid of my teeth at the minute.

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Thank you @son-of-satire


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The ordeal is finally over.. Thank goodness. Next is an implant .... :-)_

Don't think i could go through the pain. Lol

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