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RE: Came Close To Giving Up Yesterday: Seriously — I Nearly Walked Away

in #life6 years ago

I find it impossible not to see multiple views on an issue. Everything is grey; black and white is for simpletons. We can and should all work at being more diplomatic without BS. Maybe positivity is the word we use when we really wish people would express themselves while remaining civil.


I agree, BUT...

People hate that but part. Not everything is a yes or no. Life isn't a multiple choice exam either. There's more than one right answer and being wrong doesn't mean failure. The more I live, the more I notice how twisted things are becoming. Remain civil. Civilized. I wonder if royalty invented that word.

They used to coach people to use "I agree, BUT..." now we're told to use "I agree, AND..." because everyone expects an argument after BUT.

I agree with all of that. I have written multiple choice tests where up to 3 answers were correct - they're a great idea, really test you.

I almost said polite and it's so Canadian. It's just that when you're trying to solve a problem and you feel the other person is attacking you, it makes it difficult to listen to them, even painful. You are not negative. The better word choice is passionate.

Part of what I'm trying to say or how I feel is this: At times, realistically, it's okay to be negative. It's just not healthy to stay there and it doesn't make it any easier to come out of there when the confused world stamps that label on you, permanently, for simply being negative at the right times.

New words: It is normal to be gloomy occasionally but don't get caught being pessimistic all the time. Is that better? I get what you mean. Pretending everything is okay when it isn't is bad for you.

We're on the same page.

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