Dog Days With Digger

in #life7 years ago

Hey everybody, it's me Digger...the dog days of August are upon us...and although I'm too young yet to know what that human understands it very you can probably tell, I'm still a puppy...and a Chihuahua puppy at that...I don't know how my ancestors got to North Carolina...but our bloodline traces all the way down to Mexico...where it's warm, and small breed dogs like me, as you can probably guess, I love this hot weather...I just wish I had my second set of shots and bordetella so I could go outside and meet other dogs at the park.


While it might be hotter than 2 year old Peruvian Pomeranian human keeps me nice and cool inside...even wraps me in a blanket to make sure I stay warm...sometimes I curl up in a ball and wrap up in the blanket...other times I like to wiggle free of it and just sprawl out on the floor...because, like most dogs my size...the floor is where I will spend a good deal of my life...I'll be too small to jump up on the couch for awhile yet...but my humans pick me up and lets me run around up there when they're sitting down trying to watch TV.


I still get to take plenty of naps...and waking my humans up at all hours of the night is still entertaining...they take me to my potty place and let me do my business...then they give me a treat...well, half a treat...look, who are we kidding, I saw the one with the beard cut two whole treats down to about 20 little bite size treats made just for, I'm not getting too much, but I am getting rewarded for being a "good boy"...I'm not real sure what that means just yet because I don't cock my leg to pee while I'm being pad trained...but I'm sure I'll eventually catch on.


In the meantime...I plan on getting lots of rest...eating everything I can sink my teeth into...and playing until my eyes pop out...and did I mention napping...that's one of my favorite past times right now...I get up to go potty and play until I drop...then my humans make me cozy with a blanket and I do my thing...I look cute...that's what I do...I eat stuff, play with things, go potty, take naps, and look cute...hey ladies (wink, wink)...wanna go for a walk?


Just in case you missed it...I made an introductory post a couple of days can find it here...if you wanna check it out...I plan on taking over my human's account here...or at least posting from time to I do hope you follow me and find my posts engaging...otherwise, what are we all doing here...I mean, I'm a puppy, so I still have time to find the answer to that question...but do you? Okay everybody...hope to catch you next time...I need to get my rest...or is it go potty...maybe I just wanna play...nope, it's definitely time for dinner...don't judge me ;)


Digger is so adorable. i wish i could hold him for sometimes.
but i like how you told thing by being digger himself.

Thank-you...I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Hope you grow up in a good way

as you are in good hands

Thank-you! Glad you enjoyed the post :)

I am Groot! :D

Hello Groot...I am Digger! :D

Thanks for stopping by...glad you enjoyed it ;)

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