🚕When taxi driver doesn't want to charge you ...

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Yesterday I had to meet my dear friend that I haven't seen for a long time. She is mother of two teenagers, free lance architect, wife, mother and working person.. In our twenties we were inseparable..each new club opened at that time we had to check..In summer we both had sunglasses in bags when going in night life..since we loved to end up in open club on river, dancing and watching sunrise :)

But this is not story ...story is that she waited me at river restaurant, since she finished her meetings before I ended my work time for that day. I didn't want her to wait for me to long so I took taxi instead going with public transportation.
Lucky for me taxi was passing the street so I jumped in it.

Usually I seat on the back (our taxi car are regular cars, no separation between driver and customer ) but this time I seat in front next to driver.
It was pretty cold outside and I commented how is nicely warm in car..
Not sure how we started our conversation about watching TV..
But it turned out that he is not watching TV since 1995 :)))

I must explain to you thing about TV here..You see, you have now days three big stations with nacional frequency ...Meaning, one state TV that citizens pay for trough electricity bill and two more, private one that are in use of party that rules state..They cover whole country..Many people here don't have cable TV, in cities they do but in further, more isolated parts don't...They can only watch those with nacional coverage..

Where's the problem?
Well, those TV stations, beside they are in hand of one politic party that is selling everything in this country for free, taking their fee secretly (everyone knows they do it) they also are doing very successful '' brainwashing'' of the voters they have...and rest of the population..
Sounds like North Korea...well :)))

To go back to taxi driver talk..He described me how and when he stopped watching it..but he said..I like socializing and friends coming to my house made me to buy one two years ago..So they can watch it when visiting..
But he said, I don't turn it on. I am watching You tube channel with shows I like to be informed with..

I started laughing..and said

I have two TV in apartment that I am renting, and both are in closet :) Not watching TV since 2010 :)

So we continued our interesting conversation till the point of my exit. I took out wallet from a bag to pay a bill, and he gently pushed my hand with money..
I looked at him surprised..something like this


''No, I don't want you to pay this ride, he said..For so many years that I am doing this job, never ever met person that is not watching TV..I can't take your money...'' he said

He smiled and I laughed, and I went out from a car...
My smile lasted on my face for some time..
Like he never met person who is not watching TV, I never met taxi driver who doesn't want money :))

He made my day!


О, па то онда значи да се клуб негледалаца телевизије баш лепо шири, @jungwatercolor. Следећи пут кад видиш човека, опиши му Стимит :)

Ne uzeh vizitku @lighteye, pojedoh se ziva..Toliko me iznenadio da sam se zbunila :)
Tv je proteran iz moje kuce :))) A radim egzorcizam i po drustvu :)

I really liked your article @jungwatercolor and this is also my opinion about watching TV.
I really like your aquarelle painting of owl. :)

Thank you @fragarixie, looks like many of us here are not fans of TV :))
One of old owls, haven't than them for a long time..

hahaha... true
When I was a kid... only had the chance of watching tv through my neighbor's house window... In my glory days... I won so many flat screens TV in art contest... Now we have one big TV who watching us while we are busy checking internet and upvotes from steemians... hahaha...

Oh! <3 This is such a great story @jungwatercolor! :D I love when you have a chance meeting with someone that leaves you with a smile on your face! :D

Yes, true, and kind of story that doesn't happen often, but still when i think of a driver i smile @mayasky :)

You have a twin sister who doesn't watch TV here in Zagreb.
Just made myself some home made pasta with salsa and putting DVD The Shape of Water in my player. Long live the old school! :)

When soulmates meet :)
Shape of water, seen it, love it :) But still Pan's labyrinth is my favorite of this author.
Srecom ili nesrecom jos nismo a i verovatno nikada necemo uci u EU pa mi przimo torrente jos uvek bez posledica...skidamo piratski boga oca i slatko gledamo filmove :)
Ako treba neka preporuka reci...jedem filmove i nordic serije :)

Wow likes your post .. happy reading it .. really amazing ... thanks for sharing on a good day.
I like to read every post you .. I also learn a lot about steemit from every post you. Whether it's writing or photos. Thank you steemians ..
It's an honor for me if you visit my blog..

Yes I agree it amazing, also is your comment...amazing how many times you repeated it...

I love this owl, I love animal and of course bird art, so I am partial to it. It's funny because here in USA all our stations are owned by one giant corporation, each cable company and the big ones if you lead back all go to one or two corps, they also own all the big pharmaceutical companies and food and corporate farms etc. so you can imagine all our tv is really just propaganda disguised as 'entertainment' I never watch it because of that. I just watch old things online when I want and never watch commercials.

sorry to hear that @donnadavisart, it looks like world is becoming one large company for devastating people minds :(
I look for information over you tube and lucky for us still don't have torrent regulations so we are ''burning'' them heavily :)

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I didn't watch TV since 2004. For me, TVs are big monitors. :)

For me they are like Pandora boxes @tibonova.

Wow such a gorgeous story! It is so true that people are glued to their phones all the time these days and we don't have time for conversations with other people anymore~ This taxi driver is so lovely and your story is so lovely and your owl picture is very lovely <3

Gorgeous post, @jungwatercolor!!!! <3 I love it very much!


Thank you dear @veryspider :) Yes, driver is king!

glued to their phones - yes. It is a illness! Many people do this in public because they don't want to talk to anybody (some even pretend to do so - I looked, the screen is empty). It is for communication, but in reality, we do not communicate anymore. Not normal. Not person to person.

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