I'm going to buy a Drone - Regulations, Regulations and more Regulations ... that must be taken into account to be able to fly a Drone.

in #life7 years ago

As many of you recommended me in the comments of the publication from a few days ago when I began this series of "I'm going to buy a Drone", I started to check what was necessary to take into account to be able to fly a Drone. Especially what is demanded here in Germany, where I live.

And although we normally find regulations excessive, before I start talking about them, I'll show you an example of why some regulations should exist, at least in the case of Drones.

There are many people who do not have Common Sense, like the one who handled the Drone in the following video.

Can you imagine what would have happened if the Drone had not had the safety sensors? Or if these had failed?

Honestly, I would not want to imagine it.

Ok, to fly a Drone in Germany, at least one like the DJI Mavic Pro that weighs less than 2.5 Kg, it is necessary to fulfill several requirements since April 2017 when the new regulations began.

  • Have an Accident Insurance.
    This is mandatory to fly any type of Drone in the German territory. There are already specialized insurance companies that offer insurances that work in and out of Germany and that vary depending on whether you are professional (you are going to make money with what you do) or it is just for fun. Here are several examples of different rates, of course it's all in German but you can understand the details a bit
  • It is necessary to put a small metal plate (or any material that does not burn easily) with your personal information.
    I imagine that it is in case of an accident to be able to locate you quickly because the license plate needs to have your full name, address and telephone number. On this website I'm going to buy mine.


And then there are regulations already on the subject of flying.

  • You can not fly the Drone more than 100 meters above the ground.
  • You can not fly the Drone in residential areas (if the drone weighs more than 250 grams).
  • You can not fly the Drone near arrival and departure areas and aerodrome control areas.
  • You can not fly the Drone at a distance of less than 100 meters away from federal highways, federal waterways or railroad facilities.
  • You can not fly the Drone within 100 meters of crowds of people, accidents, disaster areas, places of operation of authorities and organizations with security functions, as well as mobile facilities and troops of the Bundeswehr (German Army).
  • You can not fly the Drone within 100 meters of industrial plants, correctional institutions, industrial facilities, military installations and power plants.
  • The Drone can not be flown within 100 meters of land where buildings of the constitutional bodies of the Federation or the Länder are located, as well as buildings of federal and regional authorities or diplomatic and consular representations, as well as international organizations for the sense of international law they have in their headquarters.
  • You can not fly the Drone within 100 meters of police stations or other security property.

With so many "You can not fly the Drone" it seems that if we buy the Drone will be for pleasure because we will not be able to fly with it anywhere. At least that was the impression it gave me initially.

Where can I fly my Drone ???

But suddenly I found [this application that works on the web] (https://app.airmap.io) as well as in Android and iPhone. AirMap is an application that allows you to see the places where you can or can not fly your Drone on a map. It also gives you relevant information about where you are, especially in terms of regulations.


Although it has a lot of information as you can see in the screenshot, with regard to Germany this application is missing by marking many places like police stations, to give an example. And although I still keep AirMap on my phone now I also have this other application made by the DFS (Deutsche Flugsicherung or German Air Safety).


Supposedly this other application does have all the data missing from AirMap, so if you are planning to fly your Drone in Germany do not forget to download it. I would say that it is mandatory to have it, almost as much as the accident insurance and the small metal plate with your data.

I still have not been able to try it because I have to have a Drone to be able to use it, so until I buy the DJI Mavic I can not say if it works well or not. But let us hope that it does.

Of course, all this that I mentioned is if your Drone has a weight between 250 Gr and 2500 Gr.

For less than 250 Gr you will only need accident insurance, this is mandatory for all types of Drone regardless if it is used for work or just for fun, if the Drone has a camera or not, etc, none of this matters. You need insurance yes or yes.

Now if your Drone weighs more than 2500 Gr you need to do a test in Germany of evaluation as a pilot of the same model of the Drone you are going to pilot. Something that says that you "know what you are doing" in addition to special permits that you will need to ask for. But of course, here we are talking about Drones as the DJI Inspire 2 and things like that.

From what I could see in general, even though there is the European Union, each country has its own regulations and what works in Germany may serve you in countries like Italy or Portugal but it will not work for you in France or Spain where the regulations are more strict.

My recommendation is to investigate in Internet before traveling to any country with the Drone. As I said before, in the end it all comes down to having just a bit of ...

... Common sense.


I just ordered me second drone ... DJI Spark ... I used to have the Phantom 3 and I did something stupid and crashed it. Nothing bad .. but still stupid. So I had a Drone Kauf Verbot for a year from Mike, which just ended :)

Great information .... first thing I do now is to get insurance. Thank you so much for all the detailed information and I'm going to share it on our Drone group of Steem Chat.

I used to have the Phantom 3 and I did something stupid and crashed it. Nothing bad .. but still stupid. So I had a Drone Kauf Verbot for a year from Mike, which just ended :)

Do they really make this "DronKaufVerbot" like with the driver licence??? hehehehe I did not knew that. Are u german or living in Germany?

I'm going to share it on our Drone group of Steem Chat.

Oh, there is a Drone group? Can you share the link or it is private?

I just ordered me second drone ... DJI Spark

Also a pretty good option! Sadly the camera just film in 1080 if not it would have be one of my choices :)

Thanks for the coment, glad the post help a bit!

For me it's important that the drone is light and easy to handle. The drone group so far has one member... me but here is the link: https://discord.gg/hArT28c I changed it to Discord ..... I used it more often. Hope to see you there.

The drone group so far has one member... me

Two now ;) hahahaha I do not use Discord so often but ... btw, they are a lot of drone users here, take a look at the coments of the first post about all this. I will also include the link in the nest post.

I just used Ginabot to tell me who's talking about drones. Thought it would be great if drone pilots unite, we could even start a drone insurance fund in case we ever get into trouble or crash our drones. Yes, please invite more drone pilots. It would be awesome.

Excellent post! Undervalued for sure, thanks for doing all this research, @juanmiguelsalas.

Regarding the guy from the TV Tower video, I'm speechless. That area is always swarming with people (even a those early hours), I don't know if he realizes that he could have killed someone thanks to his complete lack of common sense. Ugh.

Thanks a lot @irime, glad you like it! :)

Regarding the guy from the TV Tower video, I'm speechless ...

This guy really do not have a clear idea of what kind of problem he could have had if the drone had fallen. Even putting the video on YouTube is quite risky as far as I know. He definitely does not have any common sense :(

That first video is pretty scary. Good it had those sensors else god knows what would've happened of that guy who owns it.
Somewhere down the line, I also wanna get one for myself. It'll make the videos next level. Good luck with the purchase. Let me know which one you go for and how it performs. :D

That first video is pretty scary. Good it had those sensors else god knows what would've happened of that guy who owns it.

Yes, only god knows ... he was really really lucky. And I already decided for the DJI Mavic Pro ;) https://steemit.com/life/@juanmiguelsalas/i-m-going-to-buy-a-drone-choosing-between-dji-mavic-and-gopro-karma

That's a great choice. Pretty handy as well. I guess that's the same one Tim was using in Steemfest right?

Yes, the same one!!!!

I bet you will have a lot of fun with that drone. But ffs all of those rules...

But ffs all of those rules...

I know, I know ... where I can fly my drone????


I am already in conversations to see how I can sell some services so I could fly the drone also as work.... But there is a lot to be done, Germany and the papers .... well, you know (Wohnst du in DE oder?)

Eigentlich ja

I'm glad that you researched these laws and regulations after my (and other peoples) comments. These things are important to know.

I heard of a guy who literally got jail time and 5 digit fine for flying a drone in Paris. You don't want to be that guy :D

And also one tip for everyone: one thing these laws don't mention is skill. You need skills to fly a drone truly properly. After flying my drone for over 200 hours I can sense what my actions do and how my drone controls. This is very important if you are going to be flying around small and dangerous planes. You'll also learn to know and take your surroundings into consideration after some time.

And also one tip for everyone: one thing these laws don't mention is skill. You need skills to fly a drone truly properly. After flying my drone for over 200 hours I can sense what my actions do and how my drone controls. This is very important if you are going to be flying around small and dangerous planes. You'll also learn to know and take your surroundings into consideration after some time.

This is very important ... actually will be not my first Drone ;) I got first cheap drones to learn how to fly. Drones without GPS, sensors and all that ;)
Here is a video with my last one. I was recording in my phone directly, reason why it jumps around because of bad conection.
Fun start at minute 3 something.

Paris is a NO GO zone for drone pilots :D

Yeah. I was about to take my drone with me when I flew to Paris but after reading that news article, I decided not to take it with me :D

And also its good that you know how to fly a drone already. You will get used to your new drone fast

I was about to take my drone with me when I flew to Paris but after reading that news article, I decided not to take it with me :D

Common sense ;) XD

I realized after this post how may laws I have broked this lasts months :P I was lucky!!!!

I MAY have flown too close to airports and flown at 500 meters but I cant be sure because 50 meters and 500 meters look the same :P

50 ... 0 meters what? XD

Damn that guy in the video was lucky. If that was to happen to my drone, it would fly straight into the tower

It was stupid, but it's GREAT footage of the TV Tower!

Interesting post

its so many regulations.. maybe you should play inside your house :) please visit my blog too

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