📷 My Wine Night 🍷

in #life7 years ago


Now at night here in Recife it is about 18 – 20 degrees, which for us Brazilians and especially those who live in the super tropical region of Brazil that is northeast is something very cold. Yes friends, 20 degrees for us is cold. And taking advantage of this "cold" (you who are Americans or Europeans and read my post may be laughing at me now), I took to make a "Wine Night".

Yes and tonight is a little sad for me. My wife @cleateles went to visit her mother and family in another state 350 km away, taking advantage of the holiday of Saint John and I could not go, I had to be taking care of our labrador Sansão.

I left her at the bus station and went to the supermarket. I bought a Portuguese wine (these are my favorites - Portugal ❤️). His name is Carlota Joaquina, is a wine from the region of Alentejo, in the south central region of Portugal. Region that comprises the region of Évora the city where my friends @rmach and @liliana.duarte live.😊


This wine has a pure taste, a little dry at the end of the tasting and a strong aspect, which we only feel at the end. In the right measure for tonight.

To accompany the wine I made a simple experience of a dough that resembles a "Syrian Bread" that I bought in the supermarket where they are already roasted and it is only necessary to heat on both sides of the frying pan and put the filling that you wish.


Today I decided to make a simple mixture of smoked turkey breast, curd and cheese.




1. First I baked the two sides of the mass

2. Then I put the curd


3. The smoked turkey breast


Over the cheese


I'll turn the dough and here's my "Syrian Bread" ready!😛😍


A Great Evening for All and a Toast to our Lives, Achievements and Success!😉🍷

Thanks for reading my post!

Obrigado por ter lido o meu post!


js sign.jpg


Não conhecia esta marca de vinho, mas o nome é super português!! Nós temos aqui carradas de vinhos. de Évora gosto de beber da "Fundação Eugénio de Almeida" ou "Cartuxa" mas nem sempre dá porque são upa upa (€€€). O que vale é que temos muitos outros vinhos mais em conta por todo o Alentejo.

Eu amo vinho português :D Quando eu for aí ano que vem, vou comprar umas 5 caixas para trazer pra cá :D

Ok, nessa altura é capaz de haver bons preços porque já vai haver vinho novo!! :)

Had me at the JAMÒN Y QUESO man! Wine is just the kicker!

Haha nice @scaredcatguide :) Welcome friend!

I will get them on my table. :) @jsantana


Haha rapid10 eh otimo!!!

Olá @marcelli, pois é hahaha :D

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Hello my friend @royalmacro, it's true. I've adjusted my power and I'm supporting your trail :)

good recipe @jsantana

Thank you John :)

That sounds like an awesome day! :P
I'm gonna be home alone for the weekend I'll probably do the same! :P
Upvoted :)

Thank's for coming @taraamin77

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