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RE: Marriage: Not A Course For Intercourse

in #life8 years ago

I can't remember where I read it (or heard it? podcast?) but there was a tribe in South America where children had multiple fathers. The women would have sex with whoever they wanted and when she got preggers all of the men who had sex with her become the fathers of the child. They believed that the semen was like a big brew that helped bring the kid into the world.
I've never understood the attraction of marriage. I also have many friends either divorced or in incredibly unhappy marriages. In fact I find it hard to think of any couple I know who aren't sacrificing happiness to stay together with their partners. Maybe it's just the people I know...



Even today it is hypothesized that 3 out of 10 children do not belong to the family's father.

Marriage was invented as measn to organise society better under religious doctrines. Back in the day the elite had most of the wives but with religion there was more equality. Everyone got to have at least one. This is why it became popular. Marriage is basically a socialist approach to procreation

Yeah it's traditionally been a socio-economic relationship. Mind you I have friends in poly relationships. One once said to me, "Monogomous relationships are hell. Polyamorous relationships are many-hells."

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