Live Longer & Look Better! Part 1 : Oil PullingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago (edited)

This is the first in a 3 part series I will be writing about oral health. Our mouths are the start of our digestive tracts and if our digestion functions correctly the entire body benefits.

We are healthier - so we live longer. The condition of our skin and colour of our teeth improves - so we look better.

All of this can be achieved naturally for less than USD $0.10 per day. So smile because it’s a win-win-win situation!!! =)

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I have been working with natural oral health for a several years now. In the past I did not understand the problems associated with using things like alcohol in mouthwash and fluoride in toothpaste. Now I know that the truth is you can have natural amazing white teeth and a healthy mouth for only a small cost.

This three part series will discuss:

  1. Oil Pulling
  2. Natural Toothpaste, Tongue Health & Flossing
  3. Colloidal Silver as Mouth Wash

So smile because we are going to get started with Part 1 – Oil Pulling!

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Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic technique developed thousands of years ago in Indian traditional medicine. Oil pulling cleans your mouth, improves your health and whitens your teeth.

The basic concept is to place a teaspoon of high quality food-grade oil in your mouth as soon as you wake up in the morning. Very gently swish the oil around your mouth for 15-20 minutes. During this time the oil mixes with your saliva creating a liquid that pulls out bacteria from the mouth, especially in hard to reach places like between your teeth and under your gums. Oil pulling is a great first defence against almost anything that is wrong in your mouth.

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There are 2 concerns that people often raise when I discuss oil pulling:

  1. The taste of oil in the mouth. Because there is only a small amount of oil used the sensation and taste is not very oily. Depending on what oil you use the taste will be different. I often use Extra Virgin Coconut Oil (EVCO) and find the taste quite appealing. EVCO also has the added benefits of antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-fungal properties. I also make my own oil cocktails - see Top Tip at the bottom!

  2. The length of time you need to swish the oil around. The length of time is important because it is said that the oil is pulling toxins from your bloodstream through the gums. Longer oil pulling maximises the removal of toxins from your mouth and bloodstream. You can start with a shorter period and work your way up. If your mouth becomes too full of liquid you can expel some. Personally I don’t think 20 minutes is a long time in the morning. I begin oil pulling as soon as I awake and by the time I have made tea and showered it is time to finish.

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Some important tips for oil pulling:

  1. Do not expel the oil into your sewerage system because it is full of toxins. The garden or a trash bag would be better.
  2. Do not gargle with the oil because it is full of toxins and it's not wise to draw those toxins down your throat. For gargling see part 3 of this series - Colloidal Silver. =)
  3. Use the best food grade oil you can.
  4. Try to change the type of oil every 6 weeks.
  5. You can do it more than once a day - I have had excellent results doing it twice a day.
  6. If you live in a cold climate coconut oil is usually solid. Just break off a piece with a spoon and place it in your mouth to dissolve.

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Whiter Teeth:

If you oil pull regularly your teeth will become whiter. This is much safer and cheaper than any other teeth whitening products on the market. You should begin to see your teeth whitening after 1 month to 6 weeks of regular oil pulling!! =)

There are several types of oil commonly used for oil pulling:

  • Coconut Oil
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Olive Oil
  • Sesame Oil

Each has their own properties and it is good to change your oil every 6 weeks to vary the benefits.

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Top Tip

I enjoy engineering my own oils to make an oil cocktail. Try your own combinations and tell me what you like. I often add a drop of Oil Of Wild Oregano into my morning oil pulling. This oil has many health benefits and deserves a post to itself but here is a short list of its powers:

*Has natural antibiotic properties
*Fights Gingivitis bad breath
*Fights flu,colds & bronchitis
*Fights ring worm and athlete foot
*Fights Parasites
*Natural insect repellent
*Fights against antibiotic resistance bugs
*Aids Digestion
*Aids acne,eczema,skin conditions
*Improves immune system

Be careful to only use a little as it is very strong!

When I use Oil Of Wild Oregano combined with olive oil it tastes a little like a Pizza Margherita. =)

I use this brand from Australia:
Link & Credit

I hope you found the information useful and begin oil pulling. Smile with confidence now because in Part 2 I will be discussing Natural Toothpaste, Tongue Health & Flossing! =)

@jockey banner 6.jpg


Really interesting. I've never heard about this technique. Following you for more information 🙂

Thank you very much! =) I hope you will enjoy Part 2 and 3! =)

Thanks for sharing this great info!

You are most welcome... Keep smiling and stay tuned for parts 2 and 3! =)

Oil Pulling as you said is the technique of history...Being a dentist I would not recommend a patient or any person oil pulling coz:

  1. There is no scientific proof that Oil pulling decreases the Bacterial flora in the mouth. And if it does it should be eliminating all the bacteria from oral cavity (some useful bacterias as well).
  2. Plaque and Calculus is only removed by mechnical process, jus like the yellow hard film in your bathtubs, Oil swishes cant do that.
  3. Oil mainly contains organic substances that are the basic raw ingredients for the bacteria, Thus increasing the bacterial growth in mouth.
  4. How safe is the use of Oil in pregnancy or children?
  5. Oil pulling can't decrease the advancement of caries(arrest caries) coz no flouride content in Oil.
  6. There is no comparison of Oil pulling with Brushing in terms of sensitivity of technique, like taste alterations, gag reflex, Ulcerations etc.
  7. There is no effective alternative against Brushing and Flossing in cleaning your teeth.
    These all things said i hope i am clear about the dark side of Oil pulling. And again i wouldn't recommend you to use Oil for cleaning up your teeth.
    Topic Oil pulling is okay as long as it restricts itself to history times only. But nowadays trends like Oil pulling, Charcoal Cleaning are creating negative impact on your teeth and overall oral health. So keep on Brushing and flossing, visit your dentist for any query and Steem On!!!! #oralhealth #dentist

Regardless of that which the dental education system teaches, I am still curious to know... have you tried oil pulling yourself and if so, what were the results? This question goes out to both @mirhimayun and @jockey

I ask this because I have traveled the world extensively and heard nothing but good things (first hand) from those who use oil pulling regularly. But I am yet to meet a person who uses flouride toothpaste and a plastic bristle brush rubbing against their gums on a daily basis who doesn't have to visit their dentist regularly.

Beware of any education system which is driven by profit. The only way to know with certainty is to do it yourself.

I have not tried it myself but have met with the patients who used to do so and I can say from the experience that it is not useful to have Oil pulling for your teeth...The oral hygiene of the patients was pathetic coz they only relied on the Oil. However there are cases as you mentioned that Oil pulling helped them...letme clear that part. Have you heard that genetics plays a part in the tooth health as well...some teeth are more vulnerable for decay while others are not so much. Ever heard a guy never did paste his teeth and still had healthy gums and teeth...Thatz Genetics. Regarding Education system I don't know about your country or state but out Edu System is still intact and also It has got nothing to do with The Education System...You read literature which is the extract of Clinical knowledge and experimentation of Pioneers of this field . There is not a word uttered out of dilemma. Medicine field is not bound to the theory but it is the applied science in the human body.

Thank you for your honest and thoughtful response. I am curious to know where you were educated?

Thank you for your post! I have a very different view on the medical industrial complex these days. Your comments inspired me to write a post which became my most successful post so far:

I hope you read it! I would also suggest that you try oil pulling. A dentist recently told me in Australia that they are currently doing studies. If the oil is food grade (safe to eat) it should cause no problems with your mouth. I have had amazing results. It is a compliment not a substitute to brushing.

I hope you read my other two articles coming up on this subject. Thank you for taking the time to make such a long comment.

I studied economics at University and I have come to realise that everything I was taught was tainted or an outright lie. I think this maybe the case for many subjects these days.

Cheers! =)

I have to admit to not being disciplined about oil pulling. With that said, we keep Cold-Pressed Extra Virgin Coconut oil in the house at all times. I've come here after reading your post about corruption in the medical industry and can only assume that detractors of this affordable and time tested practice are nothing more than shills for the medical industry as described in your other post.

I'm looking forward to the following posts in your series. I make & use a quart of Colloidal Silver every 2 weeks and while I can't say anything about humans I can attest to its effectiveness on our dogs, i.e. no placebo effect.

Yes thank you for your post. Give the oil pulling a try... I find it really works. Yes I use colloidal silver on all my animals and it works amazingly well! What a safe and effective treatment! Strange that I cannot seem to buy it in pharmacies in the west... It is readily available for sale here on Bali but I make it myself! =)

I have tried Oil Pulling & definitely notice that my entire mouth feels cleaner when I do it.

I must confess though, that I am not very disciplined about it.

Amazon sells CS and most health food stores here in the US carry it. It's odd that there are actually "Health" Food stores here. It makes me wonder what kind of food the other stores sell? Un-Health?

cool..I use coconut oil and heard about this, but now I'm going to do it :)

Try it and see what let me know what you think! Cheers! =)

I use coconut oil baking soda & turmeric ! It's deffinitely lightened the color and without a doubly a millions time less toxic than fluoride !

Ar you using them at the same time or individually? Thanks for your comment! =)

You gotta mix them , it's had had a notable effect on my coffeee stained teeth , I'm quite surprise !

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