Popular Fabula The Strange Passion

in #life8 years ago

Fuente: http://a-partir-pedra.blogspot.com.ar/2006_11_01_archive.html

Hello dear friend of steemit, surfing the web I cross with this beautiful fable, speaks of an old Chinese custom, the inhabitants flock with the eagerness to please the king do whatever it is without measuring the consequences, until a brave boy, does To enter into reason to the king.

Long ago, in a town of china, there were some traditions of the place, this caused curiosity in the tourists that attended this city.

The inhabitants of this city knew the king's tastes, he was a lover of pigeons, so they caught the pigeons and took the palace to give to the sovereign.

Every day the inhabitants of the city, regardless of social reason being men and women were present in the royal hall to deliver the precious gift. The king accepted them very happy, took the pigeons and took them to his glass cage where he placed them next to the rest of the pigeons, this attractive glass pigeon was located in the beautiful garden of the palace.

The tourists went to visit the garden of the palace and they wondered why he wanted so many pigeons, this was a question asked by all the inhabitants of the city, they were very intrigued by this situation.

Different versions were known on this subject, but no version was the real one, in fact no one took the trouble to find out, everyone quietly respected the king's decisions, who better than him to do what he liked the most.

The years passed, the loft was more and more full of pigeons of different colors and species, one afternoon a child was present with 12 pigeons, to see the pigeons the king was very happy.

Thank you, son! What beautiful doves you bring me as a gift! And how many? This will have been a great job to hunt them, for all your efforts will reward you with this money, delivering local currency to the child.

The boy thanked the sovereign for his kindness, the king was very happy to have helped the young man, seeing the king so happy the boy was encouraged to ask the king a question.

Excuse me, my lord! Can I ask a question?

Of course, of course, tell me what you want to know. I answer the king

Because he likes to have so many pigeons? Said the child

The king could not hold back the laughter and answered

At last someone was encouraged to ask this question! You are very brave little boy, I know very well that the whole town is intrigued by this subject.

You see, I do it for good reason! This is a tradition that I do more than thirty years ago, the last day of each year, I always do the same, I gather all the staff of the palace around the loft in the garden, just at 12 noon I open the doors and leaves In freedom all the pigeons that have given me during the year, you would have to see the beautiful spectacle that is to see those pigeons recovering their freedom.

The boy thought for a few seconds before answering.

I'm trying to imagine the situation! That must be something really beautiful, Is there any other reason to do that ritual every year, my lord?

You are a person of great interest! True? Answered the king

You see, it's not the main reason why I perform this ritual! I do this because I consider myself a good person, I have a good heart and I want everyone to know that I am kind to give those pigeons freedom.

The boy did not understand the words of the king, however much he thought he could not understand, how could the king be so intelligent could think this way? And she could not help saying.

Forgive my king, I do not really see the kindness in this action!

Now it was the king who did not understand the words of the child, please son, explain me your thoughts! Said the sovereign.

Vera Ud. All the inhabitants of the village spend a lot of time in our lives to catch the pigeons that we give away with much love, but there is something you should know, when we catch the pigeons, not all do them alive, many die in the process of Catch, if you want to be considered a kind man, do not let pigeons marry, one hundred of them die every year.

At the end of hearing this the king frowned, could not help but look angry and said in a voice euphoric and annoying.

What do you say, boy? Who do you think you are to talk to me like that?

What you just heard! The inhabitants, in order to please him, do whatever they can to hunt pigeons, hundreds die and those who live wait for a life to regain their freedom, that is not fair, my lord! Where do you see Grace, deprive them of their freedom, to be free? Said the boy in an angry tone.

When he heard these words, the king could only think what the boy said, seeing that he was right, he never thought carefully what he was doing, hundreds of dead pigeons for an unreasonable and unreasonable cause, just to show that he was kind , This child is right, I in his place seeing that way would also be very angry.

I'm very proud of you! Not only are you brave, you are also very intelligent, you were able to make me reason and see that I was doing an evil, besides this does not make me a kindly king, quite the contrary.

From this very moment the hunting of pigeons is forbidden!

The king put his hands in his wide pockets and took a bag full of gold coins and gift to the child, without saying.

I must admit that you were a brilliant adviser! Your recommendations have made me reflect my actions, for your bravery, brilliant and sincerity take this gold and take them to your parents for your education, I want you to know that my doors are open for what you may need.

The boy thanked the precious gift, gave the king the hand as if he were portraying an older person, then retired very happily to his home. This anecdote toured all corners of the city, the pigeons were flying freely, no one had to waste more time hunting the pigeons.

In the meantime the king learned a lesson, and the next time he makes a determination, he must analyze the repercussions of his actions.

Fuente: http://www.mundoprimaria.com/fabulas-para-ninos/obsequio-las-palomas/

I'll wait for you tomorrow to enjoy another account of my land in Corrientes.

José Luis Fernández
Corrientes Argentina

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