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RE: Ideas into Posts

in #life7 years ago

Feeling like you should post is the problem. So much stuff on Steemit is the same old crap. Videos about cryptocurrency, people posting about a follower milestone, people posting about their posts not getting views, people posting about things they think are popular topics with whales but are not really interested in themselves. As soon as money is involved the same things happen.
I still fall into the same trap sometimes and only recently posted something about not worrying about money and just writing what is important to you but being the hypocrite that I am, I was still checking the value of the post and updating my wallet despite saying in the post I was not going to do so.

I need to blog on Steemit like I used to blog on Wordpress when the monetary aspect wasn't an issue. There are some really good writers on Steemit that are able to write excellent original posts multiple times a day but a lot of those people are living different (more exciting lives) where they are travelling or have been able to give up work because they got into Steemit early, but for the likes of me (and possibly you) who are in the system and are working 30-40 hours a week with a family, our lives are not as exciting and trying to come up with interesting posts that haven't been written before is difficult.
One of the great things about Steemit is the curation rewards. Rather than spend time worrying about how the fact I haven't blogged today I spend the time checking out my feeds and also the "new" feed and have found some really good stuff and often the things I read or comment on will in themselves inspire me to write.
The more I engage with people with comments the more proper followers I get and the more satisfaction I then get from comments back on my posts, even if they make less than a $.

This comment is probably a tldr candidate and is longer than some of my posts so I'll end it here. Followed/upvoted

Take it easy.


That was an excellent response to my post. Exactly how I feel. sometimes work and life take precedence and what is leftover leaves me lacking in creativity to blog. We do what we can. I love the people we communicate with on a regular basis. Thanks so much for your kind words. 🐓🐓

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