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RE: A Look Inside the Infamous Kingston Polygamist Clan: Housing

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Lol. I know right.
They’re not to be taken lightly though.
In the last decade they’ve made connections in other countries and these countries treat them like royalty. Shut down streets when they come to visit...

They own much of Turkey somehow and are in with big oil in Iraq.

They have billions...

They’ve gotten away with murder in this state too. I’ve even gotten the DA and the AG’s chief investigator to admit to me that they know that the leaders brother killed the child in question. Both said there’s nothing they can do about it.

And... they train a militia... they have a tactical shop that has been featured in myth busters and other well known shows.

The IRS has said they don’t have the resources to go after them.

They are doing this all so secretively too... and growing so much every decade.

I think the leaders more of a business man so he won’t do anything stupid but then he’s still having teens train with assault rifles... so it’s questionable on how dangerous of a cult they are.

They are now being considered one of the largest organized crime families but it’s almost impossible to trace or tie anything to them.


Omg, wtf. Stuff like this degraded my faith in humanity. Lol. Makes for great drama though.

This all happened because no one took them seriously... but that’s slowly changing.

Rolling Stones Magazine targeted them a few years back and the Southern Poverty Law Center recently released an article about them and wants to start a column on them to help bring awareness.

But it has been making good drama. Lol. There’s a good reality series out about them and people that often want to do films.

I’m expecting lots of secrets to come out about them over the next 10 years. And there are so many secrets...

Oh yeah, the feds raided them almost two years back but they were warned over a week before the raid so they had time to hide EVERYTHING. Nothing has come of the raid. 😕 They switched out all their servers, and hid all of their real books and put out fake documents and books for the feds to find.

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