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RE: A Rant about a Germ Obsessed Parent and Outdoor Play

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I have friends who don't go to this kind of extremes, but they are really quite protective over their kids in a lot of different scenarios. UNFORTUNATELY, they have legitimate reason to feel afraid because they have miscarried before and have had subsequent issues with conceiving after the initial losses.

I guess I'm just saying that you never know what kind of reasons people have for doing certain things and (no offense) but we should get the whole picture? Perhaps it's really about mindset. Some people can't help being overprotective. All we can do is help them to become less dependent on their checks and rules.

let it go

But that said, when a kid ACTUALLY has illnesses, like they're coughing and their nose is running, parents should be a little more cautious with bringing their kids out to mingle amongst others so that sickness doesn't get spread.. I personally would NOT want to be THAT parent who spread chicken pox to the whole class because i thought my kid was well enough to go to preschool.. So sometimes erring on the side of caution to tackle sickness in the bud might be a good strategy...

No shame in being worried when your kid is legit under the weather...


Hello, Jessica
I get your idea. I am protective, too - in the sense that I need to make sure my daughter is playing in a safe environment. Other than that, she's free to explore. Often enough we do it together.
"No shame in being worried when your kid is legit under the weather..." - very true. I completely agree.
"Aurea mediocritas" - the middle path is golden. In other words, as a parent, I do my best to stay away from those extremes you talked about.

Don't we all. It's such a fine line isn't it :/

sucks to be us. HAH :X

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