Watching My Greatest Fears Disappear!

in #life7 years ago

How many ridiculous fears do we have that never end up happening which we forget after they pass? I have had a lot of them myself from one of the dumbest that I was going to get AIDS from getting a berry off a plant in third grade to thinking I had testicular cancer when I was 23 to most recently being afraid you will not like this post.

What I hope to achieve here is to help each of us see now that most of our crazy fears either never came to pass or were not as bad as we thought AND to have this knowledge ready the next time we are afraid.

Why do I share this?

Because I want to remember it myself next time another crazy fear comes for me.

Would you let me tell you a few of stories of things I've been afraid of?

Today, this helps me the next time a new fear comes up, to let go of it.

If you would prefer to watch instead, would you view the video this post is based on because you might enjoy the experience more listening or watching?

One of my most ridiculous fears as a child!

I remember that when I was in third grade or so, at around 10 years old, we went on this field trip. We went out to the woods somewhere to look around at nature and see the sights.

I grabbed these red berries off of a branch that was growing off a tree and I ate a couple of them. I don't remember how I got this idea, if a teacher or guide said that the berries were poisonous and that you shouldn't eat them, or if some kid was joking around, but by the end of the field trip, I remember getting back on the bus and I was terrified that I was going to get AIDS from having eaten those berries off of that tree growing in the forest. I was legit scared and horrified that this might happen to me. I felt at the time that it was a very real possibility.

Sure, it's easy to look back 20 years later and say, "Oh, you were just a stupid kid," or "You didn't know anything," or "Oh, you were so ignorant," or "That's an adorable little fear."

It's easy to look back and minimize what felt suffocating at the time. What I find today is that when I acknowledge that at that time, that was very scary and if I see the common thread between that and my fears today, then I can look and think, in 20 years, how am I going to feel about this fear I'm experiencing today? Because today, my mind does the same basic thing it's been doing since third grade.

Fear of spending money

One of the favorite ways our minds like to give these little fear tricks on us is in terms of money. I just experienced one of these this morning.

I'm grateful that I started trying to play music online recently, which from a rational state of mind, it doesn't look like it makes any sense:

"Jerry, you don't have a business trying to make music. You don't know anything about music. How can you possibly try and make music and do it live in front of people? No one's going to want to watch that."

I did it a few months ago and I'm grateful, especially if you watched. It looks like a thousand of people watched the first try and I think a lot of us had a lot of fun together, and if you didn't have any fun or you didn't watch, I invite you. Would you like to join sometime? I think this is a lot of fun, I'm enjoying it.

I was looking around this morning on the Image-Line website, which is the company that makes FL Studio 12, that's what I used to produce music.

I found on the website where you could get samples, loops and extra presets, all for a bundle up price where you could save 65% and just buy all of them at once and get all of them downloaded and available in the program.

I was thinking just before I did my first music live stream that it might be nice to have some samples because most of the tutorials I've seen for using FL Studio, I was watching a class this morning, the instructor has lots of samples that he uses and he says, "Samples are very common. That's how musicians put new music together."

You take a sample of something, you put it in, you put several different samples, you make a few different loops. Maybe you put a few of your own samples you create or different sounds. You basically put all these samples together or these existing loops together, you play around these things and try to make a song out of it.

Deadmau5 says you don't need to have any pride about making samples. I was going to just essentially make all my own samples. I was going to try and go through and strike a key on the keyboard at different points and make a sample out of it. He explicitly discouraged that.

He says, "That takes way too long." He explains that I could make a song in maybe 10 hours, but if you tried to do all of those samples yourself, if you could even do them, it would take 100 hours or something along those lines.

It takes about 10 times as long to do all your own samples. So I found the samples on the Image-Line website and I got 65% off to buy all of them. I added them to the cart and I said, "Yes, this is great."

The cost is $1,300, more than I paid for the software itself at the highest level, including Deadmau5's XFER loop pack that he has, and as many loops and samples that I probably need for the next year. Tons of loops and samples, all kinds of things covered. An incredible library to play with, like bringing, in terms of music production, an entire library of congress of sounds that I can play with. A huge value!

I have a credit line of $36,000 on the credit card and I have a balance of something like $500 on it right now, which I pay off every month. Therefore, $1,300 is a reasonable expense in the context of my business. I can write that off as an expense and I would hope it would be extremely useful. Rationally, it's a reasonable expense.

When I sat down to actually make the purchase, I was gripped with fear: "Well, this will be it. This will put you over. I'll be bankrupt over this $1,300 purchase. You don't need this, Jerry."

I thought that people online were going to say, "That's so stupid. You don't need all those samples. You're not going to know what to do with all those. Why don't you just buy one at a time?"

I was just gripped with that same kind of fear that I had about getting AIDS off of a berry on a bush in a forest, a little red berry.

Sure, a ridiculous fear of a third grader, but it's not me sitting there, looking at some numbers on a screen, on a computer, gripped with fear, as if something was threatening my life or my family's life.

Isn't that a ridiculous fear of a 33-year old?

It's not that just as ridiculous as the fear that I had as a child?

I'm grateful today that I have the courage to keep moving forward because I never would've started my business if I had been gripped by fear and thought about all the things that could go wrong.

Looking over five and a half years now, a lot of things went wrong. I've realized that there's a lot more things that could go wrong. A lot of things have gone wrong, things you wouldn't even imagine to worry about.

I looked at it and I said, "Is this the right thing to do? Will this be very helpful for making music? Will this allow me to do much better work? Will this allow me to advance what I'm doing? Will this be helpful for other people who are hoping to listen to my music? Will this be helpful for me to make a video you might enjoy?"

The answers to those were clearly yes. The sample library will be incredible and I've been working on downloading it now. I went ahead and bought it. I have the cash on hand to pay for it and so why not go ahead and buy it?

Then, as soon as I did it, the fear disappeared.

Fear of trying something new

When I went to do the first live stream making music, I was gripped with the similar kind of fear, just mostly feeling kind of stupid.

"You can't step up and try to make music like this, you have no business doing this. There are people out there that actually know how to play music and they're the ones that should be doing this, not you."

The same kind of thing, actually, and I found a bunch of different ways to stall. I literally figured out how to live stream on Twitter because I was trying to stall. I figured out how to live stream on Twitter so fast, that then I was back to the drawing board.

"All right, well, I've got three more hours. I guess it's time to either do this thing or to realize that I'm not going to do it."

I think that life is happier when I consistently show up and do my work, and my work is whatever you need it to be each day, whatever the world or we collectively need it to be each day.

Earlier this morning, it was to sit down with my daughter and feed her breakfast and to me, that work is often easier to enjoy than this, which is amazing, fun work compared to almost every job I did before.

I think that a lot of things in our lives happen because when we see that fear, we often back down. I say 'see that fear' in the context that it doesn't make sense, where what you stand to gain from working through the fear is huge and what you stand to lose from it, is almost nothing.

Fear of the known and unknown

I tell this story here and there about the 90 days after going to my Alcoholics Anonymous meeting. It wasn't the first one, I've been to one when I was 21, but I went to one when I was 29 and I was serious about getting sober.

After about 90 days, I really wanted to drink again and it was brutal. It was like suffocating to death and I was insane. I was split in these multiple personalities and both personalities agreed to go to one parking lot because I knew I needed to physically relax. I was terrified of all the possibilities. I was terrified to go in the liquor store again.

As I sat there, in front of the liquor store and in front of Massage Envy, I was terrified to do anything and that surprised me because rationally, I understood why I was terrified to go in the liquor store after suicide attempts, drunk driving all over the place and thousands of little, stupid, nasty, hurtful, shameful things. I understood why I was afraid to go in the liquor store because I had an insurmountable, hopefully to almost reasonable people, amount of evidence beyond any reasonable doubt that for me specifically, that was a bad idea. I understood why I was afraid to do the same thing I've done so many times before, as if I put my hand on a hot burner a thousand times and was afraid to do it again. That was a good, healthy fear.

Then I looked in the Massage Envy and I was afraid to go in there too. That struck me as strange because the fear of going in the liquor store was so understandable. It was so easy to see why I was afraid to go in there, but why was I afraid to go in the Massage Envy? That didn't make any sense.

I could find no rational reason why I was afraid to go in there, except that I didn't know what my life would look like if I went in there and if I actually found a different way to relax that didn't require getting wasted, having 10, 20, 30 shots of liquor over a 5, 10, 15, 20 hour period.

If I didn't find an alternative, I realized that I was going to have a problem, but when I had an alternative presented right in front me, I was afraid to take it. It was suggested by a AA member. They said, "Well, why don't you try getting a massage? You need to lighten up a little bit. I got a massage and it helped me."

Then, I saw that I was afraid to literally do anything, that somehow that little fear I had as a third grader about getting AIDS from eating berries in the forest, which obviously I'm grateful didn't materialize, that little fear somehow got wrapped into my entire existence, that literally just breathing and continuing to go on was something to be scared of, that either I would be somehow hurt or in pain, or I'd lose everything, that pretty much no matter what happened in life, I was afraid of it.

I'm grateful that I walked into Massage Envy, the fear spell kind of broke because for the first time in a long time, instead of being stopped by fear of the unknown, I simply essentially just took a plunge into the unknown.

So many times before, I'd chosen to push through fear of the known misery, that consistent and predictable misery. I'm not suggesting to just go out and do something stupid, but to have a little awareness of where fear is stopping progress. At the same time, to have awareness of where fear is healthy. I felt lots of fear lots of the times I drank and I did it anyway.

Doing something that's poisoning and hurting you, and causing problems, is not a fear you want to just work through and keep doing. I'm grateful today looking at so many of the fears I have experienced that I put myself in the position to experience them.

Fear of being caught!

I was so afraid of getting a speeding ticket for years because I drove over the speed limit all the time. I actually made it, I got stopped eight or ten times before I got a speeding ticket, every time going at least 5 miles an hour, usually 10 or 15 miles an hour over the speed limit, as much as 25 or so miles an hour over the speed limit sometimes without even getting a ticket.

Finally, I got stopped in a speed trap area, where they just gave everyone tickets, I wasn't a police officer then. I got stopped in a lot of places and just showed my badge and got out of it. I got stopped in this one place and I got a speeding ticket there. That didn't even slow me down. I finally realized that I didn't have to be afraid of speeding if I would just slow down.

Then, I tried to slow down and I asked myself why is it so hard to slow down? Why is it I have a hard time eliminating the behavior that produces the fear?

Then, it's realization like I have an addiction to fear, that I like being afraid. I like that feeling of stress and uncertainty. I like that little buzz I get going 10 or 15 miles an hour over the speed limit, and then all the mental activities.

"Well, if the officer stops me, then I'm going to say this, and then…"

Now I have a much better life because I just drive slower.

I set this cruise control to maybe three miles an hour or over if I want to get somewhere fast and at that speed, if I get pulled over, I'm happy to get a ticket and I don't worry about it then. I figure that's a standard deviation above. If some cop has a bad day and stops me going three miles an hour over, I'll be happy to take the ticket.

I figure that's a good driving speed generally for safety as well, that if you drive under the speed limit sometimes that may be more challenging for other drivers than going over it, but I tried to aim for the speed limit today for the first time ever since I started driving.

As soon as I could even barely drive a car, I started aiming to drive 5, 10 or 15 miles an hour over the speed limit. Most of my adult life, I aimed to go 10 over the speed limit, even if I didn't need to.

Today, I'm learning that I don't have to put myself in all these situations that generate fear. Then, when I do have a situation like this morning, where I'm trying to make some progress and move forward, I'm able to just walk through the fear instead of getting stopped by it.

What happened a lot in my life was that the places I needed to work through my fear, I wouldn't, and the places I needed to respect my fear, like alcoholism, I would just keep going into those over and over again. I would essentially choose the fear that I was most comfortable facing.

I would choose the predictable misery of the hangover, the predictable misery of acting like an idiot, the predictable misery of getting stopped by a police officer or being afraid the whole time of going too fast. I would choose that predictable misery instead of just trying to drive the speed limit. I don't remember ever trying to just drive the speed limit if I wasn't drunk driving and when I was drunk driving, even sometimes I'd go way over the speed limit. I'd go 40 or 50 miles an hour over the speed limit sometimes drunk driving.

After looking at all these fears I've had in my life, today it's amazing to see how they've disappeared.

Where are all those fears today?

Where are all those things that I thought would be so terrible?

I remember being terrified of being banned from Udemy, a website I had 72 courses on a year ago.

I remember being terrified of getting banned from Udemy and guess what?

I got the email that I got banned from Udemy and there my fears were, and you know what?

It wasn't that bad.

In fact, it's allowed me to make a lot of improvements, it's allowed me to do things I wouldn't have done if I had been allowed to continue teaching on there. It's allowed me to have a lot of fun playing video games full-time to test out a lifelong fantasy.

Do your really want to play video games full-time?

Here you go, you can do it.

Amazingly, I discovered that I don't want to play video games full-time. I don't want video games to be my main job.

Isn't that amazing, to get to try some kind of lifelong fantasy like that?

I'm grateful today to see that facing fear of the unknown in a healthy way has gigantic rewards. I now have wonderful ways to consistently relax on a daily basis, rather it's prayer, meditation, massage, going to a AA meeting, relaxing with my family at the end of the day, taking the dogs for a walk, or just taking a shower at the end of the evening.

I find that all these fears of the unknown I've been through were really the biggest blocks to happiness in my life. Each time I step into a fear of the unknown, I take a leap of faith and I get a big boost of happiness. In the 24 to 48 hours that passed since walking through the fear, I had just this feeling of euphoria, just a wonderful connection with the world after working through my fear of trying to make music online.

Thank you very much for reading this written version of episode 133 of Happier People Podcast.

My exercise today is to remember when I get in the middle of a fear, no matter what it is, that it will go away. Often, it will be replaced by another fear, or maybe if I step into and take a leap of faith into the unknown, if I act on what I know is right, then maybe I won't have any fear for a little while.

My exercise today is to remember this the next time a fear comes up. It's not that I don't have fears come up in my life, it's that I consistently handle them. I don't try to just dodge them, I try to handle them when they come up, to look at them, face them, and take the right action.

Thank you very much for being here with me today.

I hope you have a wonderful day.

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Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk


As humans we have to get out of the comfort zone and conquer new territory. It's a psychological need. No wonder the hero myth is our most priced story.

Yes it is funny how hard we work to be comfortable only to suffer in that comfort!

We don't really want to be comfortable, it's a fantasy most people will never find out isn't what they actually wanted.

Hey Jerry,

What is your take on these people that are attacking other people on steemit? I feel it is going to destroy the coin and this site. I posted this under fuckyou. Please resteem this.

The fear of crypto being worth ZERO

Confess when you are afraid. I do that as much as I can. I say to myself that I am scared or feel uncomfortable or not happy or angry or in terror. Honesty and integrity and character and transparency is an early step in making progress.

At first I was afraid, then I was petrified.

love that song in the music video with dancing gay Jesus in the streets of NYC

Love how you have the courage to express yourself in the face of fear. Hope your music goes well, you are and inspiration to all of us. See you at the Florida Steemit Meetup!

Agreed. Dare To Be a Daniel. I see dead people. Pokemon, gotta catch em fears.

Great post Jerry. My grandfather always said,the fear of a thing is not real, it only exists in your mind. Fear can only exist in the future in your mind, and if that is so, it has no place in the present. He would also say "Action destroys fear". l It took me a lot of living to really understand what he meant.

@orionschariot thank you for sharing the words of wisdom from your grandfather here with us!

I have been very fearful of things that happened in my life. In my opinion the key to overcoming our fears. We have to be Aware that our fears is what causes havoc in our lives. It's easy for us to get attached to our thoughts and feelings that we think they are all that exist, Which couldn't be further from the truth. I think it's important that to know we are not our fears!!! We are the Awareness that Experiences it. @jerrybandfield "Thank You For Sharing This Great Post"

Agreed. Know thy fear. Know thyself. It helps in the process.

I had a crazy fear that my epic illustrated flash-fiction story wasn’t going to earn $200 in four days. That fear has just materialized, lol.

No worries @arekwolf - maybe my 2-3 cent upvote will appreciate 10,000 times and be worth $200 soon ;)

I remember having only 2-3 cent votes so heres upvotes to both of you :D

Nice! Cheers for looking out for the 2 cent brigade ♨

Ha ha, thanks and you’ve got mine back.

Hold on we go 🌊🐳 hehe

lol , I made a post 3 hours ago and I've got no cent and i'm okay

Whaaat, it's such a good post too!

You must be mentally tough , man!

I have been loving your inspiring and motivational posts. You really have a lot of wisdom to share with people!

@quinneaker thank you very much for telling me that you love the inspirational posts here because that motivates me to keep doing more instead of all posts about Steemit and making money online!

Yea money is important in some ways but the real value is in our emotions, mental and spiritual health.
Family, health, love, happiness are the real importance. I far prefer it and your advise seems to be very sound so far.

you make me smile :)

Put a smile on your face and make the world brighter one oatmeal at a time.


Fear that happens in the moment, that alerts you body that something is wrong. That is good fear!

Fear of something that might happen someday in the unknown future that prevents you from making progress forward in life. That is bad fear!

Fear is not always bad, but bad fear is always bad!

Actually fear if used wisely... hmmm.. Actually fear is very useful and effective mechanic of human brain. Did you notice how your body stiffens and freezes when you are in great fear?

It is a protective mechanism. When you encounter something unknown it is supposed to give you time to stop and think over and take an alternative action (test yourself for testicles cancer for example). Body releases huge amounts of adrenaline, that makes the heart beat faster, thus providing additional flow of blood and oxygen to your brain to work more effective. It can stop you speeding by tensing your muscles, it can stop your spontaneous expenses and that is why companies are putting huge amounts of money into different research of customer psychology or how in general brain works to release those brakes, so you feel safe and secure and spend your hard earned cash (they play relaxing music, induce you with different smells, use special colors in the packaging etc etc) It requires of course a separate post and is too long for a comment, but fear is supposed to make you to do more rational decisions (that's another reason why they give you free drinks in casinos and that's why you will not a single clock on a gambling floor). Another type of "fear" that prevents you from any constructive activity and leads to procrastination is not fear actually. It has different origin. But again it requires a separate blog post. The story you have told provides many amusing parallels however and is an enjoying read.

@bescouted, agreed. Bad fear is not good fear. We might want to find a different word to describe bad fear. Maybe terror. Maybe cowardliness. Good fear might be perspective which is opportunity towards courage. We can take risks & we can be more careful when challenged. Fear is often too much of an emotion, a feeling, & we have bad habits of overreacting to stuff.
We can choose and learn how to not take things too personally and then we can rise and become stronger as we learn to deal with hard stuff that feels scary and everything. Coaches motivates athletes beyond and past limits and way beyond what the athletes and players ever thought possible. The players become stronger and faster and better because they were able and willing to work hard and was willing to be guided even while feeling scared and stuff. Joey Oatmeal.

@joeyarnoldvn wanna ask you question , what if you fear something because of nonsense thoughts and you firmly believe those are superstitious even though you couldn't stop yourself

Fear is all around us each day. There are different reasons for fear and for feelings and emotions. The word "NONSENSE" is a loaded word that has a predefined definition and ideology according to you and to most people already prematurely through assumptions and judgment that are not fully studied and investigated scientifically and historically and psychologically and anthropologically and so on.........
We may feel that we can or cannot stop or go or whatever. But how we feel or think or say or believe is not the same as what we can or cannot do absolutely and it is not related to what we will or will not do either....
Nonsense may or may not be a nothing burger of a word.
Superstition is another word that is loaded with a bunch of predefined notions and so on...........
I choose not to fear..... I choose to do what I love to do and to do what I love through objectivity as defined by what we all know is already there....

thank's for the thorough reply

I think "the bad fear" as you put it might very well be called cowardliness or lack of determination. Fearing responsibility for your actions is not exactly the same a fear itself :)