Everything Works (Stop trying to find the 'right' way)

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Over the years, I have read, listened and watched people give a range of advice on similar topics. A lot of the time, their advice will conflict with the advice of another, and sometimes they will even contradict themselves. This doesn't happen because they have suddenly changed their mind, they still believe what they said before even if it was the complete opposite.

How can they believe two opposing ideas? What am I to believe? Well, listen and believe both.


The best people to listen to are the ones who always seem to contradict themselves because they are thinking on multiple levels. Have you ever asked a questions and received the answer "yes and no"? It doesn't mean they don't know, and it doesn't mean they are talking about two things at once. They are talking about one thing, however they are referring to different aspects of it.

If you watch basketball or tennis, or any sport for that matter, you will notice that each player has a specific way of doing things; that their technique is different from every other player. I remember when I was learning tennis and the tennis coach would give very clear instructions of 'This is how you serve'… 'this is how you hold you racquet'.. Etc. But then I would watch professionals and they wouldn't do what the teacher was telling me to do. Could the teacher be wrong? Maybe. However, I noticed this difference in every single player that I saw. I started noticing that this was the same in every sport; that every player had different technique for doing the same thing.


I am sure if you think about it you will find similar examples for yourself in any field that you are in or have observed. Everyone does things their own way. The most successful people in the world in one industry may do things completely different to each other, but they're still successful. What's important to learn from this is that what the tennis teacher was teaching me was a base to learn from. Teach me the generally accepted correct technique to do it, and once I've got that down I will make the slight adjustments that suit me the more I practice at it.

This is across all boards of life, applicable to anything. Just observe for a while, and you will see it. No one does things the same way, there is no 'best' way to do everything. CEO's run their companies with different management styles and in high pressure situations some people like to fire themselves up while others prefer to keep calm and emotionless. Either way, all that matters is that you execute.

Using sport again, here is a specific example that I can guarantee no one told him to do and that everyone would condone as 'wrong' if an inexperienced person was to replicate:

Shawn Marion Jump Shot

This is a professional using what would be considered pretty horrific technique. As the commentary team mentioned on his jump shot form during one game "It's only ugly if it's not going in"

Don't try to find the perfect or best way to do something, "perfection is paralysis". Understand the basic mechanics, tinker with it to suit you best, then get bloody good at doing it.

Thank you for reading!

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