The lady who emails our restaurant her lunch order everyday.

in #life7 years ago

I work in a restaurant.

Anyone that reads my blog knows this.

For the 11 years since I've worked there, a certain lady has been emailing her lunch order every single day.

Here's the strange thing about that....


It's not a complicated order.

It would only take us a few minutes to take that order over the phone.

Most people don't even know that we have an email address.

As a matter of fact since we rarely ever check our email she literally has to call us to tell us that she emailed her lunch order.

It seems like it would take her much less time to call and order the food with our bartender.

Emailing the order creates an extra step especially because she has to call us and tell us that she emailed it.

It also means that our manager has to stop what she is doing to go load up the computer and check the email.


There are a lot of different strange types of people out there.

Not everyone walks down the same path.

Still I have to ask........ have you ever thought about emailing a restaurant to get your lunch order in when they have a phone and so do you?

I mean....... given that you actually have to call them to tell them that you emailed them because they're not set up to get an email order.

I personally think it's incredibly unusual.

I'm glad that my boss is a good sport about it because she literally has to get off of the line to go deal with it.

I see this lady everyday and she seems very friendly.

I guess she just really likes to email. It's possible she's looking for a paper trail so that she can keep track of how much money she spent.

If you think about it like that it's probably a lot easier to keep track of your email then it is to keep track of a bunch of different little receipts.

Even knowing that I still think it's pretty strange thing to do.


There are alot of people who have fear of talking on phones.
I know a girl who is very social, but hates calling and will do almost anything to try to get around it.

Gives your loyal customer a whatsapp adrea, maybe thats easier :)

strange isn't it? 80% of the people never order food through email. nice story you earned an follower :) keep up the good work

Ordering food through email, but I think if I'm very hungry but I do not think it's a good idea to send an email, my brain would not be able to write just one lyrics while thinking about food haha, but we are not all the same. It is evident that in the restaurant where you work they have an excellent service, for something the girl constantly calls.

Maybe she has a secret blog where she is training different restaurants into updating into online food ordering?

She’s very friendly but secretly sending you brain messages to get your restaurant online.

She doesn’t even eat the meal. She just goes around ordering from different restaurants.

😂😂I’m joking of course. I liked that Beyoncé picture. She looks like she’s wearing a spongebob shirt.

That was so funny. Some of the strangest people are restaurant customers!

I believe that she is a very good and persistent person. She does that because she likes the restaurant and she might also want to keep records of how she spends money. And also she might not want to Stress herself since she could get all she want by just making a phone call or by emailing the restaurant.

In the other hand she is one of the most loyal customers you have. And your boss is a good sport by accommodating for such a particular customer nonetheless. That speaks good things about your restaurant. Nice anecdote.

That's definitely true. We treat our loyal customers well. Having said that though being nice tends to get you special treatment almost everywhere you go.

If this lady was particularly rude it's unlikely we would be willing to accommodate her with such ease.

Interesting ! Yes, there are a lots of people who prefer Text (SMS) and Email for communication ! Enjoyed your post !!

It is a way to save time, especially when you have many tasks to perform. I do it

Dont know why people make things complicated. Just round the number and order the food . Emailing and then calling dont make the same food tasty. BTW the first gif is sexy.

I'm glad you like it.

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