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RE: SteemIt isn't fair...

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Well life isn't fair. Except that it is fair to rich people. If I ever become a rich people then I'm sure I'm still going to say hey life isn't fair. But then I guess we all have our own issues. Except for rich people.


lol... We are rich people. Inside of you is an even richer person. I know this because you are here, you get frustrated, you keep trying, and you are a pretty good writer.

Be careful, your inner rich person might break loose.

Came home today, house smells like crap. Roommate's cat. Litter box all over the kitchen. Up all night listening to my other roommate go at it with some chick. Rap music too. Finally get to sleep last night and then work all day. Pretty busy because Easter's tomorrow and I work all day tomorrow too.

Go into the kitchen to cook dinner, house smells like crap.... because cat crap is everywhere.

Open the door to my room and my roommate's cat is on my bed on a clean pile of laundry, with dirty poop feet. Door was closed.

I'm incredibly frustrated because I can't even afford to move out of here so being a rich person would be nice so I could get a different place.

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