Have you ever felt like just when everything is going up, something pulls you back down?

in #life6 years ago

It's been a hectic few weeks. Very busy at work.

There have been quite a few extra expenses around the house and in life in general.

Source: Pixabay.com

We in the restaurant business, as a group, have noticed that people generally aren't tipping as well as they used to. It makes sense because the economy is heading downhill just a little bit.

It didn't matter as much in February and March when prices were working a little bit more in our favor in the cryptocurrency market.

However, things have been kind of difficult lately.

After paying a few big bills, I realized that I was on track to have about an extra hundred bucks to buy a set of computer speakers that I desperately need.

Heck yeah.

After busting my butt for several weeks and keeping on track with everything in my life, it felt good to know I was going to be able to afford that computer speaker set that was going to make my life just a little bit better.

I received my paycheck today and it was exactly $100 short of the amount that normally is.

Well that makes perfect sense. I was planning on the extra $100 to buy a pair of speakers and I'm exactly $100 short because for whatever reason people must not have tipped me as well as they normally did even though I worked extra hard this past couple of weeks.

It's not that big of a deal because I can live without those speakers, however it does suck to look forward to something and then come up on an unexpected brick wall.

I've posted before that it's always a good idea to save up in case some unexpected event occurs.

That's because our expectations should be set in such a way that even if the worst event happens at our job or wherever else we're still not going to find yourself in a complete lurch.

However, even with low expectations we can still be surprised when something goes in a way that just doesn't make any sense such as this tiny paycheck.

I must admit that I'm feeling pretty frustrated.

Still, I know that life will work out, and it is very possible those in the next couple of months I will have a super good few days where I get tipped really well and then I can buy those speakers.

Of course, it would be especially nice if the price of Steem would continue to rise, and so our rewards rose in proportion with it.

However, one must not count on something happening that is only a possibility, however strongly I believe in it. I do think it is probable that before long we will be looking at a much higher priced Steem, but I just can't include that in my accountings right now.

So I've been temporarily pulled back down from my little cloud that involved a new set of computer speakers.

Still, I'm managing a positive attitude. It may be that I will need to find a new job soon. I hope I can find one writing or doing something else that I really enjoy. I do enjoy serving folks, don't get me wrong. If I didn't, I wouldn't do it. I just need enough money to be able to survive and things are looking not so good lately.

I think the answer is to have faith in cryptocurrency and to have faith in my writing skill. I will continue to write fiction. You might have noticed I've taken a break for a little while. That's because I've tried to focus on serving food so I can make money in the real world. So you can see how frustrating it is extra focus on to getting more money at my restaurant job only to get a very small paycheck in return for my efforts.

This too shall pass.

I hope one day to stand on a tall mountain.

Until then, I'll keep on trucking, and keep on Steeming.


That must be so frustrating lets hope next month is better and those speakers will be an option for you

Yes it's a bit frustrating but I think things are going to start looking up.

i know what you mean i felt it too but in a different way. A similar example that i had some ''plans'' and had some expectations but reality wasn't in my favor was the time that sbd was 10$.

I had about 100sbd during that time so in others words 1000-fees dollars. A very good amount of money that you can make plans. I said to myself ok let's wait 2 more days to see if the price will increase further or stay the same and then i take the money out and buy a computer. 2 days later the price was below 5$ :P

That time i said to myself just enjoy the platform as you do and don't care a lot about the money. It's just taking a risk and i haven't given a single $ out of my pocket let's have fun!

May ask something? Is tipping mandatory in there?

That sucks about the SBD. Those were certainly uncertain times. No tipping is not mandatory.

There is definitely nothing more annoying, one feels miserable.

Thank you for your comment.

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