A Child's Smile Makes It All Worthwhile

in #life7 years ago (edited)


Coming off the heels of @meesterboom's BOOM-tastic news, I couldn't help but be swept up with Baby Fever. Since having one of my own isn't in the roadmap for the near future (unless @randomli decides to amend it ;) wink wink nudge nudge), I would have to stick with nostalgia for now.

Around these parts, I'm what has come to be known as a baby whisperer. We're a special breed of Homo sapiens that have, for whatever reason, an innate two-way magnetism to the youngins of our species. Now, that sounds like I'm a pedophile, but I assure you I am not.

Baby Source and Whisper Source

One route of this two-way magnetism manifests in me devolving into a ball of cooing mess whenever I catch a glimpse of a cute baby. The other route manifests in the babies and toddlers responding favorably in my presence. This can be seen through random babies that I come across anywhere wanting to be picked up by me, a stranger, for some strange reason.

Now, babies are a sight to behold, so my reaction is not that uncommon. But, the babies' reactions are something that scientists and philosophers have been debating for a number of years now. @randomli posited that it's because I played with them vigorously and I looked like I was fun to be around, unlike other adults who were more subdued with their reactions. Perhaps being a baby whisperer is the thing that makes me forgettable to adults?

You see, I was the 5th eldest cousin (out of 15) on my mother's side, so I was lucky to have witnessed the growth of many baby cousins. They would gravitate to me, and I to them. It's as if I have this inviting aura that lures kids to come play. I remember not being able to talk with other adults because random kids flock me like I'm some sort of party clown. There was also this one time when my favorite baby cousin refused to go home because she didn't want to leave my side. Anyway, I have tons of other stories, but I'll reserve those for different posts. For now, I just wanted to establish some context.

During our first birthday as a couple (@randomli was born the very next day from my birthday), I gave my fiancée a giant Totoro plushie as a gift. It was a favorite of hers, and I had ordered it when we were still dating to woo her. Unfortunately, the shipment became so delayed that I received it well after we became a couple. If you've read my engagement post, you know how lucky I am when it comes to couriers. At the time, little did we know how huge of an impact that gift would have in our lives.


Fast forward to Halloween of that year, my fiancée's whole family had a gathering at their house. I wasn't able to make it, so I called to greet everyone instead. A little less than a month, I gave my fiancée a bluetooth speaker as a gift. You see, ever since we started dating, we talked to each other every night over the phone. Several months of that has taken a toll, so the duration of our calls decreased over time, mainly due to the physical strain of holding the phone for hours. To remedy that, I gave her a speaker that also acts as a microphone for calls.

Jeez, I never imagined there would be this much context-building for a very short story haha!

@randomli's then only niece became very close to me quickly (naturally). I asked if the little lady already met Totoro, to which my fiancée answered that she hasn't. Being a descendant of the trickster god Loki, I decided to play a prank with the combination of the two gifts. I asked @randomli to use the bluetooth speaker, then slide it behind Totoro so that I could provide a voice. Her niece was about 4 years old at the time, so I figured it would be easy to fool her.


I've been known to say that I want to give a voice to the voiceless, but I think I took things too literally here. It's a shame I'm not able to upload the video they took because I don't have the permission of the parents. My conversation with the little lady stretched on for quite some time. I successfully managed to navigate through disbelief and made it all the way through sheer amazement. What started out as a prank became so much more for me. In my mind, I was bringing that child magic.

I had always been able to bring joy to children, but this charade was on a league of it own. Sure, it made the adults there laugh, but what it gave the child was so much more. You see, her mother didn't want her to believe in fictional beings like Santa Claus and the like. Heck, @randomli and I are getting vibes that she's a bit pissed off with the whole Totoro thing haha! But, she has never said it outright.

This continued on for years, with me trying to up my game every time. We had video conversations, phone calls, etc with me voicing Totoro. I even made up excuses and events to justify his absence whenever we met up elsewhere. It got to a point where she considered Totoro her bestfriend, and we would cap off our conversations saying "I love you" to each other. As she grew older, she kept trying to make me confess that I was Totoro. Completely absurd, right? @randomli and I theorize that her mother had revealed it long ago and the little lady just wanted to hear me confess.

I never do. But, that's because Totoro, the magical toy, had become real to me. At the time, I was trying to rekindle my inner childhood because I was in the process of conceptualizing A Day in the Clouds, but as time went on, it became sort of an escape from the dullness of adulthood. Oh, what I would give to get my childhood back.

It's like I lived vicariously through her—through them. Whenever they smiled, it's like all of the world's problems suddenly vanish. They make it seem like every struggle is moot, and everything will be alright in the end. During hard times, we need to find the magic whenever we can, wherever we can. We can't trust others to supply us with that kind of magic, so we have to depend on ourselves to create our own. I can't believe these are the kinds of realizations I arrived in after playing a prank.

To this day, I still haven't fessed up, even though she's already scoring straight 90s in school. During Mother's Day this year her family had another get-together, and that time I was able to make it. When I was accompanying the little lady at the ice cream bar, she asked me when her aunt and I were going to get M-A-R-R-I-E-D. The question came out of the blue, especially since it was asked after another round of "Are you Totoro?" She asked it probably because, at the time, her parents were going to get married soon. I tried to dodge the question, but I figured there was no way around it.

"Soon," I reassured her. Two weeks later, I got down on one knee and asked her aunt to marry me.

Of course, this post wouldn't be complete without its inspiration. Ladies and gentlemen, the Son of...

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Hey, my bro! Certainly sounds like you're gonna make an awesome dad someday (from the sounds of it, babies and already you got a sweet connecting bond going on). It's great to hear you gush about your love of such innocence way back when. Believe you me, I'd do anything to go back and relive some of my younger days like yourself. Alas, that is a time far gone now. But your wise words speak volumes for the "little" Jed's about to be in the not-so-distant future.

Heart-warming and beautifully written post as always, my dear brother...

(p.s. How cool you guys have birthdays but one day apart)

I really hope so! Fingers crossed I'm able to work the same magic when I have kids of my own. Maybe I'm a cool uncle because I don't have to think about their well-being 100% of the time. Won't be the case when those kids are mine though haha!

I made a two-part post during our birthdays a couple of months back. It's always fun, but it's always tiring haha! Thanks for stopping by, brother!

Much genius!! That is a cool story Bro Mucker! Whatever the heck that is, I am just gonna run with it. Imagine still never fessing up!

And I did love the

Now, that sounds like I'm a pedophile, but I assure you I am not.


Hahaha! Thanks, Boom Daddy!! Jeez.. that came out wrong. And oh, I do realize that putting "jeez" and "that came out wrong" in the same sentence looks terrible, but hear me out. I...

I've been meaning to write this post for months now, but the sight of Little Boom really inspired me to go through with it. Oops! I forgot to include the pic of the person that inspired me to right this! Modifying this post after this comment. Thanks for stopping by, dude! I wasn't sure you were going to like that line, so I'm glad you did. I needed to clarify it before anyone misinterprets haha!

Always a pleasure to stop by a non pedophiles post dude!! And if that makes me sound like a basturt, will. I can assure you that I am! Lol

Hehe, it was a great post matey chops!!

Hahahahahaha, that line cracked me up too!!

Honesty will set you freeeeee!

Fucking A right, hahaha (just playing off my post from the other day ;)

Hahaha! I get what you mean about post hangovers! It's really hard to shake that off especially if you spent quite a while making it. Like a piece of your soul lodged in it haha

HAHA!! Such an awesome story. Oh man, I would have loved it if you had played that trick on me when I was little. I desperately wanted a talking toy bunny rabbit to play with haha!

I think you're completely right to not fess up. Never do it!!

My other half has a similar thing with little kids. They just seem to love him. We reckon it’s because he doesn’t pretend to, you know, like a children’s tv presenter…. all fake smiles and high pitched voice. He’s just normal with them and they love it!

LOVE the pic of you and your fiancee. I’m also impressed that you managed to get one of those little accents on top of the ‘e’ in fiancee. I’ve yet to master that skill. XD

Bunny! That's how she called Totoro too haha Must be the color of the fur and the ears. I really wish the little lady would have the same sentiment when she grows up. The opposite would be that I ruined her childhood by lying to her, resulting in people bullying her because she talked about an imaginary bestfriend. It could really go either way.

But yeah, I would never fess up, even with my dying breath. Having magic in our lives is never a bad thing. I truly believe that.

Maybe @fulcanelli and I are cute from the same cloth, or at the very least we have that same childlike aura. The kids can smell fake a mile away, so natural really works best. I'm glad to know of another baby whisperer existing in a different continent :D

Haha! It made her look smaller than she is, she really is quite smaller than average. Like a little pixie haha! With regard to the accent, Google is your friend, my friend. Just search "fiancee" and it'll give you a stylized version of it. A neat trick I picked up when I first started writing :D

Yup yup, having magic in our lives is one of the best things about being alive!!

And yes, I think kids are just naturally intuitive, before it gets knocked out of them by the "real world" haha. And they definitely can smell fakeness a mile off.

I remember an aunt of mine that always seemed really fake to me when I was little. Big wide smiles and high pitch voice... didn't like her at all!!

Did you ever figure out if she was genuine when you became older?

The real world does have the tendency to darken even the brightest of souls. If only we can do away with it our lives would be so much better!

You do seem to have that important connection. Perhaps comes from never having lost it in the first place. The Peter Pan complex. Why grow up when you don't have to? - probably because we do have to. But we can still dream and create, and empathise with children and their imagination.

Bringing joy to a child is sowing a seed for years of happiness and joy to come. It's God's work, if you ask me.

The Peter Pan complex! Aha! I just knew that if anyone would ever think of the exact term, it would be you, mate! I've had that at the tip of my tongue for quite a while, and it kept nagging at me but I just can't put a finger on it. Peter Pan was forgotten by adults too, right? Hmmm... definitely something I should look into more.

Thanks for the kind words, mate. You always know the right things to say! We do need magic in our lives, and more of it is never a bad thing. I just wish that when they've grown they would able to pay it forward. I've been keeping track of all of the kids I helped nurture. All of them are on the honor roll, and some of them graduate at the top of their class. Almost all of them are heading to college soon, so the real test begins!

Shall I tell you how to play The Taming of the Shrew game?

There's a game inspired by The Taming of the Shrew? Interesting. Do tell, my friend.

Once I was with a 3-year old kid that didn't want to go home when her mother came to pick her up, after an afternoon of playing. The protesting was loud and stern, so I suggested her to play "The Taming of the Shrew" game.
"How do we play this game?" she asked.
"Well, up until now you were a shrew, but now you are tamed, so you dress up, and go home with your mum."
All surprised, she placidly let herself dress up and went home.

So, this is the "Taming of the Shrew" game for stubborn 3-year old children. Even the adults around it liked this game, their faces brightened with a big smile, and quickly stopped being annoyed and acting like strict, moody adults.

(You see, in my language we translate shrew from the play as stubborn, obstinate or headstrong.)

Ahh! Neat trick! I think I've played that once or twice before, but it didn't work. Now that there are only a few babies left, I might still have some time to refine it. Thanks for sharing that story, my friend!

You still have the chance to use it, keep me updated on refinement.

Will do! I'll definitely put it to good use!

The baby whisperer, that's fantastic. I'm the opposite, haha! Except with my niece, she adores me, I am definitely a baby whisperer for her. And it depends on what you consider a baby I guess, toddlers tend to love me, it's only infants that don't. I think it's me, the fact that until they start communicating in some way I have a difficult time relating to them. But once they do, then I'm much like you wanting to bring magic, always telling stories about fairies and such :)

That was particularly brilliant with Totoro though, and it gives me ideas.... ;)

Haha! I count toddlers as babies as well. It's only when they can reason logically do I regard them as children haha! I've seen people have trouble relating to them because of communication issues, and that's totally normal :D

It's never too late! Maybe your niece is just the beginning. A decade or so from now, you're going to be a grandma, and you'll be able to jumpstart your baby whispering haha!

Personally, I think mine will end when I have a child of my own. I've had a good run, but baby I'm done hahaha! Definitely use that trick for yourself. I hope it works out the way it did for me!

I think it sounds like she knows it was you! I'm sure you'll think of a creative way to confess eventually, or you'll give away enough clues to let her know that you know she knows.

Haha! Yeah, I think she has known for years now. People think I'm carrying on the lie because I want to make the child look like a fool, but really though, I just want her to believe in something, anything, magical. She's a smart kid, and I just want to help influence her creativity and wonderment.

I love how you can spin the simplest things into the most epic stories XP That Totoro thing was entirely too funny, I had to explain it to the other people in the house as I kept laughing on the way through XD And now she's going to know because IT'S ON THE BLOCKCHAIN FORRREEEEEVVVVVAAAARRRRR XD

And miniBoom is too skishycute send help I'm dying. Tell meester and Mrs Boom they do good work.

Hahaha! Could this possibly be the way how I reveal it to her?? I hope the events translated well. I would hate for it to be misunderstood. I hope she comes around to watching My Neighbor Totoro and wonder why he doesn't speak for the whole movie haha! We had planned to show it to her years ago to ensure her that her bestfriend was indeed a movie star, but we never got around to it.

Right!? I'm resisting the urge to convince them to make more. The world needs more BOOM cuteness in our lives!

But he's only tiiiiiinnnyyyyyyyy give them time if they want more there will be more BOOMlets XD

I fear they are not amenable to it :( But, I was absent when they taught the meaning of "never" in school so...

Ha ha, well the people who know me well know better than to ask me to hold the baby. I do like the older kids and especially like playing catch with my grandson.

Haha! We're the opposite! I'm not too fond of older kids, since most of them are already quite cynical. Well, I guess it doesn't come a surprise to anyone that The Cur isn't too fond of babies haha!

I forgot about the Cur, I found doing the strip somewhat tedious.

I imagine it is so. Don't rush it if you feel uninspired. It's better to post work that you're happy with.

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