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RE: 语言和文字也应该求同存异

in #life6 years ago

English Version Of This Awesome Article Written By Teacher @rivalhw!

Language and text should also seek common ground while reserving differences!

Friends after 80 and 90 should be familiar with the article “Have Bowling Bowl Flowers”. This is an article that was included in student textbooks many years ago. In fact, the article is still included in student textbooks.

However, in the recent Chinese textbooks for the second semester of the second edition of the Shanghai Education Press, the publishing house changed the “grandmother” in the article “Playing Bowls and Flowers” ​​to “姥姥”, causing a dispute in the “dialect”. Textbook publisher Shanghai Education Publishing House issued a statement in this regard, saying that the change is to implement the scholastic teaching task of this section, and will fully consider the regional culture and language habits in the future.

Why the word "grandma" in the text was changed to "姥姥", the interpretation of the Shanghai Education Commission is that "姥姥" is a Mandarin vocabulary and refers to "grandmother", which is generally used in spoken language. "Grandma" and "Grandfather" are dialects.

I was born and raised in the north. My daughter-in-law is a southerner. In my hometown, although the local dialect is not the same as the Mandarin “grandmother” in the local dialect, the word “Harmony” is definitely certain. When I returned to my hometown, I called my grandmother the same way, even though the tone was a bit different from the Cantonese “grandmother”. As for the word “姥姥”, in my hometown, I mean the older generation of grandparents or grandparents, which shows regional differences. There are also certain differences in the interpretation of “姥姥”, and the word “姥姥” may refer to It is different, but I have never heard of the misunderstanding of the name "grandma" or "father". It can be seen that the term "grandma" is more accurate than "deafness" and does not cause ambiguity. North-South GM.

However, we also know that in some parts of the south, there is indeed a habit of calling “姥姥”. We cannot force people to “call” “grandmothers” because of a certain reason. This is also a big sneak sway. It does not make sense. of. In fact, there are many similar phenomena in life. Languages ​​are for people to communicate with each other better and more conveniently. However, we should also clearly realize that local languages ​​(dialects) have inherited local special cultures over the years. The significance of existence is far greater than some of the values ​​that can be seen on the surface. It is not possible to change these features because they are demanding uniformity. It is meaningless and lacks of thinking.


In fact, under the voice of the public, the opinions of the public have quickly been issued. The Shanghai Education Commission's Teaching and Research Office and the Shanghai Education Press have apologized to the public about the changes to the “grandma” of Shanghai's primary school Chinese textbooks.

This time, "Yao" finally restored the original appearance of "Grandmother".

That's all from this Article. Another quality stuff for the community. Thanks @rivalhw for your great work. Always keep smiling and Stay Blessed!

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