Inspirational Letter : To The One Who Doubts His Worth

in #life6 years ago

I know it's confusing. Sometimes, or maybe most of the time, you don't exactly know the direction you're taking. It feels like you don't have a certain goal in life, you don't have a purpose and you don't know how to continue living. Maybe because you're not really living your life, you're simply existing. I know that it feels awful when some people tells you or makes you feel that you are less valuable because you are not successful or you are not working hard enough to achieve a certain goal. They think you're good for nothing and everyday they never failed to make you feel like one. Unfortunately, they won. You eventually became one.

I hope you start disregarding their opinions. Do not believe them. They're misjudging you. Don't you ever doubt your worth because YOU are VALUABLE. You are a gem. You have a potential to succeed and you just have to work on it. Each one of us has a fair chance to have a good and rewarding life. It may seem impossible but if you believe in yourself a little bit more, I'm telling you, you can make it. Start focusing on yourself and stop entertaining negative things from other people. It's your life and you shouldn't let them stop you from becoming the better version of you.

What do you want to have? What do you want to be five years from now? Think about it carefully. Make that your goal and do everything to achieve that. Remember that there is no such thing as big or small goal. Nothing is impossible. The sky is the limit, as they say because the possibilities are endless. Your dreams might sound too impossible but if you continue on working for it, you might be surprised that one day, you're already an inch closer to achieving it. You just need to have enough stock of determination and hardwork.

Of course, things won't go along your way everytime. There are times when certain circumstances would mess your plans. Don't be discouraged and just go back to being the "good for nothing" person they thought you are. It's supposed to make you stronger and not to discourage you. It's okay to feel bad when things get awful, that's pretty normal. It's okay to take a break when things get too exhausting. Just don't quit. I've read from somewhere that if you can't fly, then run. If you can't run, walk. If you can't walk, crawl. But whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward.

To you who doubt yourself, it's about time you start to believe that you are a wonderful person. And yes, you are meant to become someone you can be proud of. You are not hopeless. No one's hopeless in this world. You can be someone you never thought you can be. Just trust yourself and you're already one step closer to success.

*Photocredits : 1 2 3


howdy from Texas @jassennessaj! Kudos on a great post, you are so correct in your wise words and encouragement. One more important tool to use in the quest for achievement is to write down exactly what it is that you want to accomplish. Almost every successful millionaire, actor or whoever that I've studied all have this one thing which they did..there is something about writing it down which solidifies the goal or gets it into your heart or mind or somehow makes it more Set, more of a certainty..whatever happens when you do that.. it works! thanks again for the great post, I'm just roaming around looking for good blogs and people, I know nothing about The Philippines except that it's a bunch of islands I think and have wonderful hardworking people.

Amazing input/additional thoughts there @janton. Thank you for sharing it, so much helpful for this blog. I love the writing idea. I didn't actually do it but thanks for letting me know.

If you're here, you will surely love this country. Your 1 USD can give you a sweet complete meal.

$1 no way! yes I already love your country! lol. is the economy growing there, are there jobs to be had? I bet it is beautiful scenery there, lush and tropical? thank you for the kind words, I'm new to Steemit but getting to know people from other nations and cultures is priceless!
bytheway, one more point about writing down goals is actually a Biblical principle and that is why it's so powerful "Write the vision And engrave it plainly on tablets So that the one who reads it will run." I take that to mean that what is written will get into your heart and cause it to happen or succeed.

Yes! 1 USD is a big thing here in the Philippines. Nah, you can enter a lot of beaches here at a very affordable rate. The fact that I told you 1 USD can give you a sweet meal is an assurance that everything is much cheaper.

Tropical. Wet and dry season only. You are really correct! Philippians 4:13 is an amazing verse that I am always holding.

Glad to know you well @janton. Thanks for bumping on this post :)

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.

Is something to live by. It helps my self and my children do everything we think is impossible.

the other one is

Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

But most importantly you must get the vision from the Head.

Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

I'm out of words. Thanks for sharing these Stan. God will truly bless and faithful person like you.

Awesome.. I didn't know that you were a Believer! Praise God! I wasn't sure if I should mention the verse so as not to offend. what would you say the Philippines is as far as percentage of Christians? I have always heard very good things about your country. So Steemit can really change alot of people's lives in your country! God bless you @jassennessaj!

Maybe because you're not really living your life, you're simply existing.

Oftentimes I felt a lot like this before, but it all changed when Steemit happened to me <3

Finally Steemit happened to me! Haha.

I think I was lost before Steemit. Life was so hard, really hard. Guess what, I even made it more harder by playing online games which is really costly. But things happen for a reason.

Indeed lodi. We just have to endure the tough times to realize the beauty when the table turns

Yes! :) I'm glad I stopped it. I truly believe in this saying :

The chains of a habit are generally too small to be felt until they are too strong to be broken.

Woah! sakto gyud kaayo na lodi!

each person has his own way to grow and lead to the success of his life, but fan criticism of suggestions from others is needed to introspection ourselves to what extent we have achieved. but if others discriminate against our lives by arranging as they please, then say stop. it's not her right to manage other people's life .. good luck we can succeed together ..

Absolutely. Thank you for sharing your input @rezaarmada. No one should/must dictate our life. Do what makes you happy (of course with careful planning).

equally @jassennessaj, if they only give criticism but do not motivate us do not listen. because our lives are not what they feel. a little talk a lot of work is the thing we need to do to succeed.

Your post is definitely on point. As i go through life, I realize what makes it hard is the expectation of other people from you and comparing your self to them when it comes to achievements. But really, it won't help. It will only make you think less of yourself and become negative at how you look at things. Thank you so much for sharing this. You really are an inspiration jassen. :) You deserve everything that you have right now.

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What a wonderful essay. Di nako mangutana nganong successfull kaayo ka. Idol!

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