The Belle Star Saga: It Ain't Her Fault!

in #life6 years ago

Howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!

When we were together last we left off with Belle Reed gettin hitched to
Sam Starr and they were starting a new life together.. with Pearl, Belle’s
Daughter, in an idyllic location for them all.

They had privacy, rich soil, plentiful game, a fresh water spring, the nearby
River provided all kinds of fish, they were on the reservation surrounded by
Relatives of Sam…it was perfect.

Belle and Sam's cabin:
Belle-s cabin.png

In fact, if we can believe what she herself said, she did indeed want to settle
Down. Here’s an interview which she did for the Fort Smith Elevator:

''On the Canadian River...far from society, I hoped to pass the remainder of my life in long had I been estranged from the society of women(whom I thoroughly detest) that I thought I would find it irksome to live in their midst.

So I selected a place that few have ever had the gratification of gossiping around. For a short time I lived very happily in the society of my little girl and husband..but it soon became noised around that I was a woman of some notoriety from Texas, and from that time on my home and actions have been severely critized.

Nothwithstanding some of the best people in the country are friends of mine. I have considerable ignorance to cope with, consequently my troubles originate mostly in that quarter. Surrounded by a low-down class of shoddy whites who have made the Indian Territory their home to evade paying tax on their dogs, and who I will not permit to hunt on my premises, I am the constant theme of their slanderous tongues.

My home became famous as an outlaw's ranch long before I was visited by any of the boys who were friends of mine. Indeed, I never corresponded with any of my old associates and was desirous my whereabouts should be unknown to them. Through rumor they learned of it.

Jesse James first came in and remained for several weeks. He was unknown to my husband and he never knew till long afterwards that our home had been honored by Jame's presence. I introduced Jesse as one Mr. Williams from Texas."

Well folks, as you might guess, Jesse was the first of many. At that time the Law was hesitant to go into Indian country and especially an area where Belle's Father-in-law was in control because he was known as a very dangerous killer.

So her homestead became a hideout for many fugitives passing through or who needed to disappear for awhile. Bad influences. I think she heard so many stories of easy money and criminal strategies that she couldn't resist anymore. Especially after having tasted them herself.

The horse rustling operation

Around this time most historians and biographers agree that she and Sam started a horse rustling business where by they would steal horses, or have horses stolen, from 100 miles South of them and 100 miles North of them.

So much for a life of "peace" which she talked about.

The horses would then be taken into the opposite territories and sold there. In other words, the horses from the North would be sold in the South and vice versa. They had "stations" set up every 50 miles, some of them in caves.

This sounds like a pretty good plan to me, 200 miles was a great distance back then and with no cars, highways, phones or surveilance technology this was fairly easy to pull off. Like Belle's robberies! lol. I'm saying that if I was a criminal, this idea would sound good to me, just to be clear.

Belle's story continues on the next post. So far she's been able to do whatever she damn well pleases, I wonder how long that can last?

-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck


ps- ya might just be a redneck if.....

This is your brother:
h0C960833.jpg source




I kind of felt that there was no way to teach an old dog new tricks.

Never too old to learn!

exactly! except you and me, we still learn new stuff everyday!

She should have made the transition into a Homesteading life a lot better. Severing the ties to criminality was either a lot harder than she intended, or the plan was just to hide in plain sight in the wilderness and make it hard for people to encroach?
I think it may have all backfired in the end.

Howdy again sir preppervetuk! Well sir you are so right. I think her intentions were right but when all the outlaws found that her place was a perfect hideout then she got sucked back into that lifestyle because she was surrounded by them, plus her husband kept robbing!

The poor daughter. I'm tense for the next post.

howdy there ginnyannette! oh...well hey these posts are supposed to be just entertaining. They're not supposed to cause any tenseness lol. The daughters okay, Belle leaves her with more responsible people(than herself) like Belle's mom or a cousin.

Lol, ok, I'm relieved :)

I love your mother's concern though! First thing you thought about was her daughter, very good!

What! Now you are thinking of becoming a horse thief. You won't get away with it, I tell you. :-)

hahaha! well I wouldn't be able to do it on my own, I'm not shrewd enough, that's where you come in! You gotta help my plan this thing. lol.

Howdy Janton, sorry for missing in action, but our internet was out for couple of days. Nevertheless, here I am catching up with the long awaited Bell Star saga and laughing at the redneck jokes, lol!!!

Well, I am also laughing wile I am reading the story, because of your funny remarks that always make your stories so entertaining lol.

So Belle Star almost settled down in peaceful lifestyle, but it didn't last very long. Oh boy! To bad, because as you said, I wish I could live in that cabin. Although, I would need and internet and camera, lol.

well well well...look who finally showed up! lol. Howdy Miss Lena, you know what's kinda funny is that I was offline all day yesterday because our internet service was out!

Drove me nuts so I'm still trying to catch up. What happened to yours?

Thanks so much for the compliment about my remarks, no one has ever told me that before so I don't know if people actually read these or not. Plus I didn't know if my remarks were humorous at all either. I mean to me they are a little bit but no one ever says anything so I figured they just fell flat or people don't read them. lol.

But anyway yes, that would be in ideal place to live if you had internet and tv. I agree!

So are you hopelessly far behind on steemit now?

oh and what about my last redneck joke with that guy in his underwear? I hope he didn't get you too turned on!

That guy in knickers, as my old friend would say. So sexy!!! If he was the last man on earth, I would

Anyway, I should compliment you about your remarks before, it just somehow, it did not fit in my comments. Well, better late than never. I think half of the reason why I like to read these stories is because of the way you write.

As far the internet, I really don't what exactly they were doing, but it's interesting that your internet was out too, lol. But since you are catching up, make sure you check my new recipe I just posted. I am going to bed now, but I catch up with your tomorrow. I have still lots of comments to reply. Good night for now.

thank you so much Miss Lena! God bless you and have a great night's sleep.

Morning janton, a leopard never changes its spots so to speak. And so the world of criminal adventures of Belle's continues.
Thanks for the very interesting post.

howdy angiemitchell....that is so true, at least not unless they go to prison and then sometimes they change..sometimes.

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howdy thelovebug! thank you so much and God bless you!

Love reading about the old west!

howdy there petertheo! Well you came to the right place then because I do quite a few posts about cowboys, Indians and outlaws of the Old West. It look like you travel around the world, that has to make for some fascinating posts! Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

At least she tried... Didn't worked for long, tho.

well it's hard to be successful when you don't have a big mustache.
Isn't it a little early to be in the Christmas theme?
what are you supposed to be, the Cookie elf?

Hello.. @janton
I find myself admiring a women I probally shouldn't 🤔. But she really is one hell of a gal..!!

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