Whole30 & Living Room Dancing: So Far, So Good

in #life6 years ago

I made a goal at the start of the month to start dancing with my girlfriend and do whole30 with her as well. So far, things are going pretty well. We've nailed whole30 and danced at least close to every other day. It's been a hectic week for Karen, so the dancing will only increase.

This week we've eaten pretty much only eggs, meat, vegetables, fruit, nuts, and a few other small things like kombucha and coconut milk. Here's my lunch yesterday:
Blood orange, sprouts, sardines, larabar, almond butter, carrots.

We basically skip breakfast, have a lunch made of snacks like above with some other options like hard boiled eggs, celery, and rotisserie chicken. Then for dinner it's usually potatoes, some kind of meat, and some kind of veggie. Last night I ended up with eggs, roasted potatoes, and a valencia orange. Not as many veggies as I want, so I'm hoping to stock up this weekend and add them in.

Overall I find this diet really easy and satisfying. It can be repetitive, but it's still simple and delicious foods. I haven't found the need to try any complex recipes, but my sister sent me a stuffed bell pepper one, so I may try to whip that up soon. Highly recommend whole30 to see where your potential allergies are. Dairy, wheat, and legumes are known to aggravate quite a few people.

As far as dancing goes, I'm getting much better. The first time I tried waltzing I felt like I had bricks on my feet. Maybe it was because we had just driven 8 hours. Now we actually have some flow and it's a lot more fun. Then we are trying to country jitterbug, or swing or whatever you call it.

Practicing that dance has been a lot of fun, we found some great videos online teaching the moves and have been practicing them and just trying things out. So far my favorite is this one, though at one time we were on the floor :D -

To go along with this, I've also gotten two runs in and two bodyweight workouts. I was hoping for a nice weekend, but we just had a bunch of rain that froze and turned into some snow last night, so might be some more inside work instead of running.

These two challenges were part of @ssimkins9's challenge from about a week ago, and also match up with some of my new years resolutions.

How are you challenging yourself or changing habits?


Dancing is the movement of our souls.

weird I didn't auto vote this post. I am looking forward to seeing your dancing skills at Julie's wedding. Good for you to try that and improve on a skill that I think Karen enjoys. We are still getting snow, snowed all day yesterday off and on and over night and it is still snowing, we have like 3-4 inches on the ground of new snow. this winter is getting old.

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