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RE: Update: lynncoyle1 & briancourteau

in #life5 years ago (edited)

Being paralyzed by itself is scary as Hell.

I got an AGE (gas embolism in the artery leading to the right side of my brain) from a diving mission that paralyzed the left side of my body once.

It took several hyperbaric chamber treatments to fix it.

Then the physical therapy team swooped in. Jeez! I think all of their last names must've been "Lechter"!

They tortured me day in and day out until I was fit for active duty again.

To have to deal with paralysis AND Cancer is a very tough row to hoe, indeed!

Regards to Brian "A True Warrior of the Light".

Namaste, JaiChai


Hey @jaichai! Nice to hear from you :) Yikes, your ordeal sounds terrible ... "Lechter" lol I guess you're a tough ol' bird yourself!

Yes, it hasn't been easy, but nothing worthwhile ever is I guess.

Regards to Brian "A True Warrior of the Light".

That's awfully kind of you to say; Brian and I both thank you <3

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