Time Management is one of the most important things in our busy lives today

in #life7 years ago

Time Management is key when running your own business. And when you enjoy writing articles for Steemit as much as I do, you need even more skill in managing your time, in order to ensure you are able to actually have time to write as everything takes time.

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Work smarter, not harder

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I have learnt a lot about managing my own time during the years and believe I can provide a few tips that might be able to assist all of us trying to find time doing everything we need to do.

First and foremost make sure you are not tired, and get an early start.

In order to be able to manage your time effectively you need to be fresh and ready to work at all times. I am a morning person, so I wake up early in the mornings, around 05:00 is my standard wake up time. This means I need to be asleep at least around 22:00 at night to get my 7 - 8 hours which is required to function optimally. Well, I actually found that I only need about 6 hours of sleep in order to be awake.

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Planning is critical, but don't over plan.

We need to plan everything we need to do. If you have a 09:00 - 17:00 job, it does not leave a lot of time to write your daily article. If you think about, most of us travel at least 2 hours to and from work, which means we already used up 10 hours of our days. This means we really need to plan carefully, and when you plan to do something, stick to it and do it. My calendar is like my bible for planning. If something is not in the calendar, it will probably not happen.

Do the most important things first.

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I have read a lot about time management during the years, and this tip, really helps a lot. I just find that when you do the most important things first, it is like you are freeing up your mind to not have to worry about that critical or important thing that you still need to do. So, plan to do your most important things first.

Ensure to devote your attention

When you are busty with a task, focus on the current task and do not worry about other tasks, which you are planning to do later. Focus is key to ensure you finish the task at hand in the allocated planned slot. Don't worry about those unimportant things, focus in the task at hand You will be surprised to find how quickly you start to save time when you focus.

Turn key tasks into habits.

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I have recently read a blog posts on Time Management, where I learnt a great tip. If you can turn your regular tasks into habits, it just comes naturally. Take writing for example, if you write something for Steemit every day, it will become a habit. I write an article per day for Steemit, except for weekends, as I am usually not in the position to write. The point is that I write an article for for Steemit every day to the point where it became a habit.


Most websites and blogs about time management will have this tip in. There are too many studies showing that if you exercise, you will be more productive. We cannot ignore this fact.

Take regular breaks

I try to break for 2-3 minutes at least every hour. When you sit down to work again, it just focuses your attention on the task at hand again.

Work on similar things together

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It works to batch similar tasks together. It saves time in the long run. If we take Steemit writing for example, for me there are three tasks.

  • Planning and research
  • Writing
  • Clean Up and Add images.

I have found that when I focus to write a specific article, I don't plan now, write two hours later and then clean the article up for posting. I do all if it at the same time.

Make sure you allocate a timeframe to complete the task in.

This is very important. For some or other reason, this really works for me. If I allocate a specific tome to get a specific job done, it just happens. And the more you focus on the time that you need to complete, the faster it starts to happen.

Don't do stuff that is not essential.

It is important that you do not do stuff that is not important. It takes up too much time. If it is not that important don't do it. If it becomes more important, you will by default plan to do it.

I hope that the tips I provided here might help somebody on Steemit to maybe get a few more things done on a daily basis. Please add some of your own time management tips in the comment section. I am sure we can all benefit.

Happy Steeming!


Everybody have a very limited amount of time on this earth. The first thing that came into existence in this universe is "TIME", so must use it wisely and manage it properly.

Thank you for a great comment @hms818

i try to micro manage my time each day, i do 'sprints' of two hours at a time to get stuff done as if it's important that i get it finished at the end of the two hours. it kinda lights a fire under my butt to get as much done as possible. then i have a creative break, game for a bit, watch youtube.

i agree with you that being able to multitask mentally for the different modes of operation each day we need to get into is crucial in the years to come!

Thank you for a great comment. Are you in software development @teamhumble? Or is it just a coincidence that you use "sprints" as a measurement?

maybe picked it up from the software development world. i'm not a coder, i never enjoyed the backend of coding as much as the frontend visual side but yes, i guess i took the sprints from software dev.

Great to hear. Thanks again for a great comment :)

thanks for writing it! :) good to kickstart the brain into thought mode on a monday morning when i'm replying! :)

Followed :)

followed back! :)

Love your post, there was a time in my life earlier that I neede that LOL

I think we all need it at some stage in our lives :)

Time is our most valuable asset. The homeless man and Bill Gates both have 24 hours a day. Another tip I have found useful for me is to do the least desirable task first thing in the morning. It gets the task out of the way and begins the day with a feeling of accomplishment and encouragement, rather than full of dread at the very thought of having to do the task.
Also, I've learned to leave room for unexpected surprises. If I plan my schedule on a razor's edge, I am setting myself up for failure, because most things don't go exactly as planned.

Hi @swenger, you hit the nail on the head there with the statement "Time is our most valuable asset" :) and also with most things don't go exactly as planned ... Thanks for a great comment.

Thank you @jacor. Excellent advice. We all got to go back and start with what comes next strategy such as 1, 2, 3 step. Because there is always distraction if we do not plan our self.

Thanks for your comment @bhavnapatel68. It is very difficult to single out one specific thing when managing your time, but planning is right up there :)

Totally agree, time is the most important thing in life

They do say time is money :)

I was taught that you don´t manage time. Instead you manage what you do in time because time is a constant.

The only true constant is Change - one could argue :)

That is correct @richcg, you actually hae to manage what you do in time.. We can't really manage time :)

thanks for sharing
it is one of my weaknesses as i am very poor in time management

Thanks for the comment @nitinchugh. I hope this post can help you to manage your time better. At the end of the day we all have different ways of getting things done :)

Thanks some very important aspects that you raised. I developed an operations management framework that adress many related issues. I will start sharing once time allows!!😂

Thank you for the comment @marcel1965 :) I am looking forward to your post on operations management.

Will post shortly

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