Water and Light. D4 , Challenge30, Play№2

in #life8 years ago

Where does life originate and what makes us grow?
What gives us hope and what gives us nourishment?
Why are we here? Here are some answers:
Water and Light Light and Water and Water and Light



It seems so simple , but sometimes this is all it takes to flourish and thrive.
I really recommend being around nature , just to break your habits a bit.
Most people get so caught up in the daily grind , they loose focus on the bigger picture.
And nature gives you back something you can't live without.
I applaud people that have weekend houses, that live in the vicinity of cities and towns
If you know any you will see how more relaxed they are
How the bad news doesn't bring them down.
How more active and happy they are.

And why is that exactly , well the simplest reason is once again Water and Light.
If you really dig deep enough you will see that what the city has is Smoke and Shadow.
Don't get me wrong here , it's beautiful and that beauty is the light and people are the water.
But living in a busy town with all the fumes and people probably gets you home after work and on to a television series to just let the time go and relax from the strain you've went through and accumulated.

We have lost touch with the happy moments. And we have our priorities mixed up , so many of us are rushing and grinding over and over again , its a bit disappointing really if you compare that to what we can really achieve , if we clean our minds and get our head out of that repetition where we live on a monthly, or even a daily basis and try our best to deal with every situation that might arise.

Do you Agree? What are your thoughts? What have you been through?



Now lets get back to the point at hand , do you remember those questions above , has anyone asked you , have you asked yourself ?
Well one way it naturally occurs is if you spend time in and with nature.

You will relax after just half an hour in the park , if you find a spot and let time go back to you , if you let go of your worries , you will see the Light , wherever you may be. There is always Light , with you and around you, that is what drives the city , why we are alive , it's you and to think how rarely if ever we ask ourselves how we feel , what we are going through. And how we are even dishonest with ourselves , suppressing our own emotions , rather than asking why? , why is this happening , what is the cause.

Sadly some of us are missing those wonderful people around that are there when the time is right to ask you and help you with the hard road , or just to share in the glory of being.

But of course it gets better , we can be those people and the more we grow and understand , the more we work towards real tangible value within, the more we tune that Light within and polish and clean those mirrors of our eyes , the more we can begin to see. We can begin to see life for what it is and people , their struggles , their joy and that is what empathy is , that is the basis of a caring family. That is the reason good people are here and why they have been so influential.

To tie it back to the start for me that is the real Human Nature , not what we are taught , eye for an eye , kill or be killed, strive for success , be the best , in those environments plants don't grow , kids don't have memories , and Light is just Shadow.
That's why people are gloomy ,for all the times we've lost, for the hardships, for the lack of understanding from a parent figure and that is how life is lost to smokes and shadow , why people become depressed , apathetic , even violent.


Water and Light

To negate all that , there are countless of examples , many of willpower, many of just simple being.
Some people are scared to face the world and close themselves off from it, find a job that suits, a house that fits and a partner with whom they can sit out all this "insane" world.

Others try their hardest to grow , most of them have had a good basis though , many of them weren't content with what they had , why have a glass when you can drink the sea? , it's a dangerous road to take , but way more fun.

Me? I'm in the middle, I can see things for what they are, like most of us I want the best of both worlds.
I want to see towns with thriving communities , living in tune with the nature around , communicating and being as free as birds , chirping away and flying to the next day. ]

But for that to happen we have to know ourselves and our depths , our potential and the cost of achievement.

So I implore you , have more of those relaxing walks with nature, find more water and light , flow with the times and relax more , relax actively, share your good moments , find those meaningful connections, be a better person for the good of the whole , one day you might have to save a life , or give one , or see one go , make those moments count, don't sit them out.

That will give you meaning and reason to be what you can be , give you those memories worth dying for.

So what do you want to be when you grow up, Concrete , Nature or Water and Light?

I'm back to my old bizarre self , had no rhyme or reason , wanted to be more "scientific" , but it sure wouldn't have turned out so pretty. I'm having difficulty writing without getting carried away or reaching those profane levels , so I hope it's a fun and enjoyable read. I'd like it to be a bit more comprehensive , but it will take some time to clear through all the themes , so far this one needs another post , for the "scientific" and "healthy" benefits and such. Actually Nature could be as expansive of a theme as the others , there is so much out there.

I believe we can ask better questions , ask for less and be and live more.

To anyone that has reached this far , Hats off !

Anyways ,. Cheers !

Follows , Resteems any help with the promotion is appreciated!
I give more than I take :)

some of the influences I've had on this matter would be by life, Jim Carrey, Bruce Lee and many others on the water and light part, Viktor Schauberger, for the nature. "The Secrets of Water, The Documentary of Viktor Schauberger" . Many many inspirations have I seen on my endless hours in the internet.

That reminds me :) , I give you a priceless piece , shine some light on it :)

The Self

The self , illusive at best
Is what makes us find the rest
Ego some call it , while others worship
Its test , to be real , they give a heart

Others forget their start
And go on a loop
of infinite twists , they turn
They seek and find , always answers

In silence I find mine
Deep as time
Always questions
And no mind , no ride.


It's very beautiful post!!
Great job...Thank you for sharing :))

Thank you it's worth the time spent , if I can see it affect someone and I hope I have :)

This is a great post.
I hope you do well in here.
Followed you

Done , read the whole post in the time it took to listen to the video. 3 Paragraphs in 2 minutes , albeit I've read it 5 times already.

We will see if I can keep up , so far I cant curate , not that has given me any rewards , just like the posts , and I cant keep up with them :)

it's a little difficult to carefully read so big posts! I prefer to do smaller posts but more posts more often and sometimes I compile them later and don't edit too much! seems like credit go down each time we edit! great pictures by the way visual is a great in your posts!
and thanks for your r esteeming and commenting!

and interest in permaculture!

my last post is about huge astonishing solar price drop due to printing and many new techniques and silicon price to computer chips also drooping!!
steem on steemit!
I hope you are al having a huge big live!


Nice to hear , IT's interesting last I heard on the subject were the solar roof tiles from Tesla, a great piece albeit nothing new there , but its a step in a interesting direction I was having similar ideas but lack the funds the backbone and the base to build megafactories :D

thank you also for the critique , I used to struggle with long posts , even get annoyed by them on the third, fourth one , I'ts too much sometimes,

What I want to happen is get people off the endless cycle I'm very far from achieving that and it depends on each person and what they do and what their mentality is , so far It's not working as well , I want to spark conversations on topics and writing in general comes easy, so I end up writing long and elaborate posts , sometimes with little face value , it' more of subjective experience , I' love to see more people explore and give their opinions, rather than the quick bang and your out kind of posts , that do work and are the standard for "good" content.

But check @mojojo s long and at first too long post , that after you've read gives you so much substance and views on life and people , it's a single frame and it's her own , but it takes you through time , brings you to the places lets you feel like you are there and gives you so much more than the easy , tap on the back kind of posts that just let you run in the hamster wheel until you are tire and g to bed.

hope to see you again and that I havent scared you with my long read again :) Resteemed your post and will check out your links , thanks :) bring me on board i your solar factory works

Water and Light! Sometimes we all need a reminder! Thank you

a quick note , everything is flowing and everything alive is breathing , so everything around you can remind you :) if you listen , Thank you for stopping by , merry melodies :D !

Man!!! The was some kickass motivation by the legend. It's funny though we all know what needs to be done, however, many fail to do it.

I am gonna go and start practicing being water technique.

May the force be with you :-)

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