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RE: Pair Bonding in H. sapiens; Why Civilization is Being Destroyed from Within

in #life6 years ago

It's getting tougher to have a fulfilling life in our culture with each passing year it seems. I'm seeing a huge correlation between the addiction epidemic and this exact problem you have explained here. When we have our needs met, most of us will choose a life of sobriety and success. Since we can't even get the basic need of pair bonding taken care of the chances to get the other things that make a person feel good and happy are almost nonexistent.

It's a shame, I'm glad your trying to help my good man though for sure. Lord knows we all need it here. Merry Christmas bud.


It's difficult to overestimate how deeply we are impacted by the profound derangement of the natural pair-bonding behaviour our species requires. Sometimes I feel like I'm breaking out of those Russian dolls, and each time I get out of one, I find I'm in an even bigger one.

Society is becoming increasingly unstable at an accelerating rate, I believe. We get wrapped up in our particulars, and don't look at the wider picture, until something alarming happens, and we realize all sorts of things have been happening while we were unawares that led to it.

I think a great many people are going to find themselves alarmed fairly soon, as they did in France. The gas tax wasn't what deranged the French, it was a trigger that revealed a lot of things that had been happening incrementally.

Guys don't go MGTOW until such a moment occurs to them, and it's so beyond normal behaviour for H. sapiens that they are extremely alarmed to take such action.

Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Hey, @valued-customer. Just went to reply to a comment you made on another steemian and found I was un-followed. Strange shit. This is now a definite recurring pattern. Anyway, I commented on freeborneangel. Not down with the whole commie antifa thing, use of commie tactics, trying to divide and confuse patriots.

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