The art and joy of creating something out of nothing.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

The joy of creating something out of nothing:

The feeling of having only an idea in mind and putting life to it; turning a mere thought into a concrete reality, is one feeling of a sheer satisfaction. We get hundreds of ideas if not thousands. Not all ideas are feasible to chase but any of those ideas when brought to life, gives us a sense of achievement; a sense of confidence. Over a period of time, it starts igniting a spark of self-credibility. And when the frequency of achievement increases, it turns that spark into fire; a passion. We start looking at the world very differently, moreover we form a positive perception of ourselves. The good thing about this, is that, the positivity is not confined within us; the vibe spreads and the people we interact with, certainly feel the good change.

Recalling the first time:

We all have that first time, the time when we feel like we acheived something amazing. The dopamine rush in our brain makes us feel really good and really excited. Be it the feeling of first time we walked on our feet, the feeling of first time we could ride a bicycle on our own, the first time we could think of something and express it with a drawing, the first time we experimented with our cooking, the first "Hello World!" program, the first cool dance move we learnt, the first song that we sang, the first story that we wrote, the first poem that we jotted, the first company that we created, the first game of chess we won, and many more wonderful first times. There's something common and marvellous about it. It all started with an idea. A thought was ignited and we put life into it, made it happen as we say it.

My potato story and procrastination:

Back in 2012, I was on my vacation at my brother's place and I practically didn't have anything significant to do for a month. I joined swimming classes and took driving lessons in the name of being productive. However, staying whole day at home alone and watching TVs or series, I had become even more dull and lazy. Things like getting groceries from the basement store, seemed like an effortful task. That's the only thing I had been doing then; getting groceries. Even then, I'd miss a few items and I'd have to make multiple trips to the store. It was bad. My laziness was at peak. So, to avoid multiple trips, I started making notes of the items that I was supposed to get. I had started maintaining a to-do for groceries. One day, the only item on my list was "Potatoes" and surprisingly, I was already looking forward to cross it off of my to do list and so I did. As insignificant as it sounds, it's played an opposite; very significant role in my life. Getting groceries everyday, gave me a sense of achievement. Crossing the items on my to-do list gave me that feeling I couldn't just turn away from. It was addictive, luckily though, it results in productivity as a side effect.

The three step algorithm:


"Isn't that obvious?", you might exclaim. It is, but sadly, we still don't implement it. Almost any task can be broken down to these phases. From getting that water bottle in your fridge to creating a new company of your own. You might have already been implementing this algorithm without even knowing that this is all it takes to accomplish a task. The difference becomes real once you consciously start noticing. Once you realize it, every task no matter how big or small, just becomes a task. It's just a matter of time before you get all the things done, some tasks might be immediate while some might take a longer time. However, the change mainly comes in the attitude and subsequently in the results too. Even the things that you haven't tried before, seem possible only based on the fact that whatever you had thought of so far, you've successfully executed it. You form that self trust so strong, it boosts you up even during failures. With every task you accomplish, no matter how big or small, you create something out of nothing. You make it happen.

The Mantra - a motivating freeverse

create something out of nothing
An idea worth pursuing
Any idea worth sewing
a dress of accomplishment

Pick a task to do
Tick a task to do
Build a castle to
Shield an attitude
of "I have to do!"
and "I have to move!"
"I have to improve"
and "I have to prove!"
"Myself and no one else
I can do it too
if I set my mind to."

"Oh! So you're going to enlighten us with your wisdom now?"

I just wanted to share how a thing as simple as getting potatoes from grocery store helped me realize the sense of accomplishment. Which reflected in other areas of my life and I went on to win a lot of competitions. This feeling resonates with the feeling of creating something out of nothing. So, keep doing the things you'd do even if there was no external reward for it. Build up the sense of self-credibility and enjoy the internal reward of giving in your best and accomplishing the task.
This is no secret and just obvious things presented with a personal touch. However, the idea of bringing ideas(good,bad,silly,unrealistic,obvious) to life is really something that suddenly makes me wanna create something out of nothing.



There really is a special Feeling about creating something, and when we do it from nothing. Wowza. Its very rewarding and hopefully to many other of whom we share it with.
Aggh. Your motivating free verse really is quite wonderful. Thank you for that.
As a creative, I relate to much of that, and am sure it too will inspire many.
There is a joy in bringing something to life like your articel says. Thank you for the inspiration. Keep creating! and of course share it.

You got it absolutely right! Glad to know that you liked the free verse :D
Thank you!

The feeling you get when you have spent days trying to create a new system that works for something specific spawned from an idea is incredible. I remember creating the first posable avatar with triggers in a virtual world and I literally jumped out of my seat and danced around the room shouting "YES YES YES"
If you are in create mode mentally it is amazing what your brain can produce. It can jump from one idea to another faster than you can completely think out the previous idea,lol. I have this problem all the time and try to slow myself down and focus on one.

I literally jumped out of my seat and danced around the room shouting "YES YES YES"
Exactly, the joy is indescribable.

Very inspirational and quite relatable to #steemit. Recently converted Steem Dollars into Rupees with @norbu dai for the first time. And, the sense of achievement was exactly like you described it up there. I had made few Steem Dollars in past few months and I managed to get it in my hands from the online wallet which only encourages me to stay more active and make valuable posts here at steemit and bring more friends in here.

Great trade! Thank you, glad that you found it inspirational. The feeling of achievement is really one of a kind indeed. Good luck with all the plans and work :D

so most inspire-able post !!!

Thanks a lot!

Everything is created out of nothing... by mind/thought. :)

Indeed. However, this notion goes unnoticed. The change is evident when we realize this simple notion :)

Having children is the ultimate in creating something from nothing. Then that creation spawns chaos (not in a bad way, just unpredictability gravitating away from order) which takes on a life of it's own and then propagates (literally).

There can be tremendous life-altering joy in creating something from nothing.

I guess it must be a wonderful feeling indeed :D

Many emotions spring forth when raising children. Wonder is definitely among them.

thanks for the article . come see me

You’ve thoroughly mixed accomplishment and creation in your post, while these concepts are not completely equitable. You can sleep with the girl you met on the beach and consider this an accomplishment. However, unless you made her pregnant and you both created a new life, this act cannot be classified as a creation. Then again, if producing offspring is an act of creation, we could as well remain apes. Human creation involves something animals don’t have – imagination. Also not every thought that comes to your mind and then followed with implementation is creation. If you imagine a taste of ice-cream in your mouth, then hopped on your car and bought it in the store, don’t rush congratulating yourself about it. It’s only when your idea has the value for many other people that it qualifies.

Your ideas are very conclusive.

Also not every thought that comes to your mind and then followed with implementation is creation.

Probably. But the gist is "creation of an action or an event", that you could relate to or place it in a timeline of your life where you began with a thought and created something out of the thought; perhaps a simple android application. So that the next time you have a task in hand, you're most likely to do it because you still have that sense of accomplishment, very fresh. It gives you confidence.

You can sleep with the girl you met on the beach and consider this an accomplishment. However, unless you made her pregnant and you both created a new life, this act cannot be classified as a creation. Then again, if producing offspring is an act of creation, we could as well remain apes.

I don't know which part of the post made you conclude that I indicated anything like what you said. You certainly didn't put everything together.

If you imagine a taste of ice-cream in your mouth, then hopped on your car and bought it in the store, don’t rush congratulating yourself about it.

You cannot imagine a taste or a smell. The most you could do is imagine how you had felt when you had tasted something. If you could imagine a taste, perhaps you could come up with tastes that don't exist or tastes that your buds have never encountered - imagination, you know. You most certainly cannot do that. Can you?

It’s only when your idea has the value for many other people that it qualifies.

I don't see how you feel like you get to decide what qualifies for whom and what doesn't.
I could create something that would help my dog. It's still a creation and still an accomplishment.

You’ve thoroughly mixed accomplishment and creation in your post, while these concepts are not completely equitable.

I agree.

A human mind can get the gist of an idea even if it’s not adequately represented by an example. Yet a computer program would crash and that crash would be a nasty one that is called an intermittent error – the one that happens only sometimes. My example with the girl on the beach is related to that situation. That is, it shows that an accomplishment (and in the minds of old boys that never became men this could be qualified as an accomplishment) might not necessarily be a creation.

When it comes to a test or a smell, I am not sure how imaginative is your mouth or nose. I often imagine a new taste or smell. I consider having an unfamiliar taste or a smell to be a local equivalent of imagination. Led by this imaginary combination, I look for ingredients to match that mixture of smell and taste that occupies my imagination as it eventualities in a dish. The same can be applied to mixing drinks.

If something you do can help your dog and many other people and their dogs that surely qualifies as an idea. However, let’s say you have a thought of taking your dog for a walk. Indeed this will help your dog because it needs to pee. However, it won’t be an “idea” in a broad sense of this word. It would have been an idea if you lived a 100 thousand years ago and were the first owner of the first dog, though. It is similar to this. The first person who came up with 2+2=4 was a genius, but the second one was just a pupil.

In general, a creation of an idea has little to do with cheering yourself up and self-assuring. I cannot imagine Isaac Newton congratulating himself with the discovery of gravity when he was hit by an apple. It has to do with the fact that in a certain sense a person is an antenna that is tuned to receive a transmission from the Universe. It often happens that a person whose moral merits are doubtable nevertheless is blessed with a great reception ability. A good illustration of this would be a movie Amadeus when Salieri is surprised to see that Mozart’s originals that have no corrections of any kind as if he took a dictation.

I think what you discuss has more to do with a proper scheduling of your time. This topic is well presented in the book of David Allen "Getting things done."


A human mind can get the gist of an idea even if it’s not adequately represented by an example.

This post was sincerely addressed to humans.

A lot of things that you said, make sense. However, half of them are totally irrelevant to my post. Also, ideas needn't be something that no one in the world or in past 100 thousand years has ever thought of. It could be anything. Yes. You don't have parameters to qualify one thing as an idea and discard the other.

Every thought could be an idea. The significance and the impact of the idea could vary, but it is still an idea. I do not really consider the act of getting potatoes from the grocery store to be any significant. It's the impact that was spawned by the activity which is of significance.

Perhaps you should give it another read just to see what I am trying to say and not why the idea in your head doesn't match with what I posted and therefore I must be trying to say something else. No, I meant what I wrote. It has barely anything to do with scheduling of time.

I cannot imagine Isaac Newton congratulating himself with the discovery of gravity when he was hit by an apple.

Please learn a little more about this story. I'm sorry to burst your bubbles but that story is not true. I'd suggest you to read more.

We tried to communicate and it was not successful. You have the right to dismiss my comments, which you just exercised. Just tap yourself on the shoulder and be inspired. Cheers

The first step is the hardest in everything we do, cuz then we can actually realize that we feel better when we're active and it's not so tough after all. Our mind keeps us away from change cuz we are used to our current activity.

True that. The first step is the hardest. The first step for any task. Once we get in the zone, things become really spontaneous.

Spirit of Joy

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