You Are Not Alone

in #life6 years ago (edited)

Sometimes it seems like the older you get, the fewer people you have in your life.

Some friendships fade as your paths shoot off in different ways or you physically move to another state.....
or spiritually move to another state of mind.

Sometimes life seems to just become about making money to pay the bills, the anxiety of not having enough money, the constant lists of things to do.....

Sometimes people say to you, "You must have been born before fun".

The freedom of youth transforms into the drudgery of adulthood.

And sometimes you feel so alone.
Alone in your relationships.
Alone in a crowd.
Sadness wraps itself around you like a cloak, smothering you in darkness.

Sometimes you feel like you would rather not exist because existence brings so much pain....and you're exhausted.

Sometimes as you sit at your computer and see the thousands of people online you think that everyone out there has their shit together...that everyone's life is a perfect dream.....and that you are the only one who is struggling.

Do you ever glance at a stranger while walking down the street and have the sweeping realization that they have their own entire life...the struggles, the pain, the joy.....a life that you will never know about?
But although you will never experience their life or see them again, you do have something amazing in common....

Being Human

We all struggle.
No one has a perfect life.
Existence consists of light and dark, positive and negative, joy and sorrow.

It's easy to feel alone during the darkest moments.

But we all experience this pain, just as we all experience moments of joy.

We are all connected in this way.
And in that sense......
We are never really alone.


my youth was pretty much the opposite of carefree , somehow my life has just been a long wait just all never panned out how I hoped ... in the end I was useful to others- at least that ... I used to say next year will be my year and hoped and believed ... now I am 50 and just think I got what I got most likely I will never belong and never be happy so I will settle for comfortable .one day i will be comfortable ...

It is what we do when we care more about others than ourselves. I belive it can be mitigated by saying no to what doesn’t serve us not the next day or year, but right now. It is only now that it is, and it is the only time we can make decisions.

I get that....I never feel like I belong anywhere.
I always feel out of place and awkward.
I wish you comfort and happiness...❤️

this is so true, yet at the same time so many have the illusion of being alone because they are afraid of rejection and strife. so difficult to be mindful when society is continually trying to separate us. hugs

So true.....some days I just want to hide away in my hidey hole.💞hugs

and it seems pardoxically the more life I've led the more I wish to be alone save a few people..........probably more of us feel similar than can imagine and there is some comfort albeit cold at times, in that fact

Sending you lots of love and the fact that there's a word for that ❤️

Awesome Sun thank you for sharing!!!❤️

Wow... what a powerful piece of writing, and I can identify with so much of what you wrote. I've had those very same feelings, all of them. Bravo for putting those feelings into words. And, what a magnificent image at the top of this post... 💙

This is so deep I lost my shoes... But more seriously I feel those things from time to time and I know that it's temporary and that it's all in my mind we're never really alone, even if we were alone, there must be others who are feeling alone too and at that time are we still alone ? * Insert smart meme *

lol I hope you find your shoes!
Exactly, we are alone....together!

Sooooo much wisdom and truth here. I feel it, my friend, the lonely and the reality that we all struggle. Good to remember we’re never truly alone.

Thank you Katrina......Love and hugs ❤️

Right. And so... Only trought people we can reach our goals, and realize forma ourselfs. I think that we are long for some company. There are loneliness that talk forma theirselves.

It is by experiencing more on the emotional spectrum that we gain wisdom. Witout tasting what is negative, we can’t muse on what is positive.

I belive being alone is a bliss, we can make more acquaintance with ourselves when the world’s noise is off.

So true, thank you for sharing.

You are welcome. 🙏🏻

Dear @isaria !
In fact, we are not alone in the campaign, we have happiness, misery, responsibilities, problems, friends, family, country, duty, relationship relationship, office, school, home, playground, parents, steam friend and whole day routine. We are living our lives while making combination with them.

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