Question of the Day: Do You Believe in Karma?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life7 years ago



Does Karma exist?
If so, does Karma result during this lifetime or the next?
Are we currently living the life that we have manifested through our own past actions during this life or a past life?
Can you believe in God and also somewhat believe in Karma or are those entirely conflicting beliefs?
Or is everything just random?
What do you believe?



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I believe in cause and effect, but I do not believe in the objective moralism that is held within the tenets of Karmic debt. I believe the universe to be wholly neutral and thus every action is equal at an objective level. Karma would have one believe that right and wrong are decided outside of oneself and that there is some sort of tally being kept of each of your deeds.

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 3.45 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @isaria.

I believe in a superior force that made us and controls certain aspects of our life and certain aspects of the universe and the reality. I could not give it a name or define it, I just choose to believe it's somewhere, because I pretty much don't like any other option I have. I basically believe there's a God because I don't like other scenarios.

When it comes to Karma, I believe in something kind of different. I see the journey through life like a really long field. You are the farmer, and your actions are the seeds you can plant.

The seeds you plant will determine what you'll get when you'll harvest. If you plant negativity, sadness and bad things, that's what the field will give you. If you plant positivity, work and kindness, that's what the field will give back.

I use this concept in multiple areas, like when I think about my brain. I imagine my mind as a field, and the ideas as seeds. If I choose to plant negativity and all kind of bad thoughts, that's what the land will give me. However, if I choose to plant good ideas, to read books and educate myself and to invest my time into learning new skills, that's exactly what I'll harvest.

It's an interesting way of looking at things, because it makes you realize that while there may be a superior force that controls certain things, you are the one in charge of your life and the things you get. It also helps me not blame a superior force for any bad thing that happen and take responsibility for my actions and the results I get.

I like this way of seeing things, thank you so much for your answer.

The mind field, you have to be careful where you walk...

That too, but I'm trying to not step on anything :)

Yes, I believe in Karma and I believe in God. Karma is not referred to Karma in The Bible but it is in there like, "don't judge or you will be judged" and reaping and sowing os talked about a lot which is like karma.

Call it however you want but I believe things we do and things that happen to us come in patterns interconnected by a certain causality connecting various aspects of our existence.

True, thank you for your answer.

I got a bellyRub and this post has received a 3.42 % upvote from @bellyrub thanks to: @isaria.

I believe we are a synthesis of all the alchemical work we've been through life after life, clearing ancient karmic wounds that keeps repeating, going to the depth of them to view different angles until we're free of it... the wheel doesn't stop turning.. unless we get out of it by a change in perspective... we reap what we saw, all the time, you send me good vibes with your post, you receive good vibes in exchange...if we send bad vibes we may get that back quite soon i guess.. peace

I like this way of seeing things, thank you for your answer!

This post got a 22.09 % upvote thanks to @isaria - Hail Eris !

Some tough questions there.
I'm not sure how much I believe in karma. I tend to think about it more in terms of "the universe reflects back to you what you put out into it".
I also think that what we project out tends to follow us into the next life, at least to some degree.
I think the concept of God depends entirely on who you ask. I believe in the Force, at least that's the name that I give it. The Japanese call it Ki. The energy that underpins everything in this reality, the energy of life, the Force.

Yes, I agree with that. Thank you for your thoughts on this. :-)

I think Kama does exist yes. To what effect I don't know. But I do know that if you are respectful and do good to others more good comes your way than if you were not !

Very true. Thank you for your answer. :)

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