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RE: Self-Responsibility vs. Law of Attraction 'Hocus Pocus' [Rant on astrology, quantum physics, & business practices]

in #life7 years ago

Muchas gracias! I appreciate the kind remarks and am happy you enjoyed reading this rant. I wasn't sure how it would come out since I was highly contentious about how I see things being misrepresented.

I completely agree with you about how this Scorpionic energy is being transmuted. I have been working with a special re-alignment technique that has been helping me "Bend it like Beckham." It's the only way to be complete in these energies. Anything that disregards the scope of the energy remains fragmented. I feel we can't claim mastery but only demonstrate it by virtue of how we are able to safely halo our own energetic expression in a covalent bond of love.

I call that the principle of the LAW of ONE, which is often explained in some scattered ways.


wow that sounds amazing! yes we have to find something that works for us during this intense time! so much darkness and negativity to block! Love heals all! :)

I was walking this method through with a select few individuals over this past holiday season, demonstrating exactly how it works in a Circle of Divine Trust. It's something that will be shared more in a new project I've been assembling.

Unfortunately, there were some individuals present at the time who came to harm the members, which prevented some of this method being brought forth in a more accessible medium at this time...but that happens when a thief presents himself under the guise of "Spirituality" to usurp rather than to share with others.

At any rate, it will be shared soon in greater ways. I have some very close friends of mine with whom I've been figuring out how to demonstrate these things in a way that help a whole grow together (versus the usual same old, "here's my newest brand of dogma BS that I'm going to sell you.").

Love Always Wins. That's what the Law of One is, if you are asking this guy.

wow sounds great! and yes anytime you are onto something or trying to do something big, the dark energies will try to interfere and sabotage. <3

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