Ancient Hebrew is SuperNatural?! 🌀 The Secret Fractal Seeds of the Universe... Part 1...steemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)


According to the story in the Torah, the seed of our Universe, 

and for everything in it, are the letters and words of the Torah, spoken by The One Creator. If God is One, and is so with everything in the universe, that was Created by speech, then a word used in the Torah for an object or archetype, is the object or archetype, and should contain unbound wisdom and secret truths... (Torah means "teaching" in Hebrew, but it is also known as the Five Books of Moses, or to Christians, the Old Testament.)

This statement makes a number of bold claims, so let's first look 

at where they come from, and then B"H, begin to explore if they are actually true, and have any scientific justification...


Personal note: To finally conclude that Hebrew and the Torah are supernatural, will likely not occur after reading this single post. As a person born a reform Jew, I never really heard any of this stuff, and I had a secular education where religion was mostly just mythology. I studied on my own for a long time, before I had learned enough where it clicked and I realized: "This ancient Hebrew language could not have been created by mankind."  It was this realization which caused me to then intentionally suspend my disbelief (about the chronology, apparent lack of evolution, a giant boat, apparent genocide, miracles etc.) and over time ask Creator and the Rabbis about the Torah and Orthodox Judaism. Why would Creator use/need/give a book, or why might It care about things so inconsequential, like how I dressed, or cut my hair... Of course there were and still are many other questions, and steps on the journey, but that is another story... Since this is such a vast subject, I will try to lay the groundwork here and over other future articles. In each successive post, I hope to share some of the hidden secrets found in a couple, or a few Hebrew words, that might eventually lead to a critical mass...

So, what does it mean that Creator used letters and words to 

create? How can words make something physical, like the Universe, or me? Where does this idea even come from?


Many of us will be familiar with Genesis (B'Reishit) in the Torah, 

and immediately recognize that it's about God speaking Creation into being... 

(Please note that Hebrew is read right to left.) 

In verse 3, it says; ג: וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים יְהִי אוֹר וַיְהִי אוֹר  

An approximate translation is;  

"And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light."

Verse 5; ה: וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים | לָאוֹר יוֹם וְלַחשֶׁךְ קָרָא לָיְלָה וַיְהִי עֶרֶב וַיְהִי בֹקֶר יוֹם אֶחָד

"And God called the light day, and the darkness He called night, and it was evening and it was morning, one day."

Verse 6; ו: וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹהִים יְהִי רָקִיעַ בְּתוֹךְ הַמָּיִם וִיהִי מַבְדִּיל בֵּין מַיִם לָמָיִם   

"And God said, "Let there be an expanse in the midst of the water, and let it be a separation between water and water."   

Verse 8; ח: וַיִּקְרָא אֱלֹהִים לָרָקִיעַ שָׁמָיִם וַיְהִי עֶרֶב וַיְהִי בֹקֶר יוֹם שֵׁנִי

"And God called the expanse Heaven, and it was evening, and it was morning, a second day."


This procedure of Creator speaking the subsequent levels of 

Creation into existence continues on. I will not cite more verses here because the above examples make the first point clearly, and the idea as presented is generally, already common knowledge. But does anything precede God's direct and creative utterances? Where is the secret? How can I use this information?

"In the beginning of God's creation of the heavens and the earth."

"In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." 

These are 2 common translations of this very first verse of the the Torah. But let's look at it in Hebrew... 

                      בְּרֵאשִׁית בָּרָא אֱלֹהִים אֵת הַשָּׁמַיִם וְאֵת הָאָרֶץ:   

In (the) Beginning  = בְּרֵאשִׁית

Creates = בָּרָא

One of God's Names = אֱלֹהִים

Untranslated = אֵת

The Heavens = הַשָּׁמַיִם

And (untranslated) = וְאֵת

The Earth = הָאָרֶץ

We see 2 anomalous words in the very first verse of our Holy 

book. Grammarians say that the word אֵת "Et," is a placement word, without real meaning, but adds structure to the sentence... Since we believe that God is completely perfect, surely there would not be any superfluous words in It's book?!

The Hebrew Aleph-Bet.


One of the first secrets in the Torah is really quite simple! א is 

the first letter of the aleph-bet, and ת is the last! Therefore, if we read Genesis 1:1 again, we see that the first thing Creator made wasn't the Heavens, but was אֵת, the whole Aleph-bet, from Aleph א to Tav ת! We can now understand that the ancient Hebrew language itself, is the tool Creator claims to have used to speak creation into being, as we read in the verses above. This is why we refer to ancient Hebrew as Lashon HaKodesh, The Holy Language...

Since אֵת appears twice, once preceding the word "Heavens," and 

once preceding "the Earth," we might conclude that there is an upper and lower form of the aleph-bet. Said differently, there are aspects of the aleph-bet that we can perceive, and from our level, aspects that we can't...

In Genesis 26-27, we learn that humans are made in the image of 

the Creator... 


  כז: וַיִּבְרָא אֱלֹהִים | אֶת הָאָדָם בְּצַלְמוֹ בְּצֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים בָּרָא אֹתוֹ זָכָר וּנְקֵבָה בָּרָא אֹתָם:   

"And God created man in His image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."


In our world, we recognize that like the Creator, we too can use 

words to describe an idea, so that through human processes, it might come into physical existence. Human speech is therefore the first manifested seed of a non-physical thought, brought out, in order to create (an object, an emotion, a desire, etc.) Can I then, create or destroy a whole "world" with my speech?! 

"So it's a nice story, but it doesn't help me, and it doesn't prove 

anything..." It's true, we haven't proven anything yet. But I hope that at least on a philosophical level, we can so far agree that speech and words, have a transcendent quality, and that this can be learned by a careful reading of the Torah. That words come from thoughts, which are no-things, and are made manifest by the real vibration of sound waves in physicality. This is obviously already a form of creation, even before words have been heard, or further manifested upon, and this is just when a human uses them... How can we use this understanding..? Am I not affected by other's words? Do I consider the impact of my words on those around me? Am I tactful? Am I honest? Do I speak or refrain from speech for the right reasons? Do I say too much or too little when I do decide to speak? Do I use my words to Create or destroy?

"You said this would be scientific..."

In the context of the premises above (and a few others,) one of the ways we use Hebrew words is to break them open to reveal what is inside. Since this is literally a science, part of it called gematria, we have to begin learning from a basic level. (Although we'll keep it simple for this post, in future more scientific articles, we'll use ancient Hebrew and statistics, to reveal aspects of physics, astronomy, and other qualities of nature and life...)

English words, and those in most languages are symbolic, 

approximate agreements about given, memorized definitions, which slightly vary from person to person, or dictionary to dictionary. Whereas in Hebrew, although we do more or less commonly agree to a word's meaning, the actual definition of a word is hidden within the word itself. This "built-in dictionary" is useful to better understand the idea or thing that a word depicts. To decipher words or letters, we can explore the sound, the name, the numerical value, the pictogram, and the meaning of the letters constituting a given word. Additionally, to determine the meaning of a letter, we refer to the context of the first occurrence of a specific letter in the Torah, where that letter is the first letter of a root word... Since these tools will lead to different layers of information about a letter or word, we see that one's definitions depend entirely on her Desire to Receive and perceive, and her pre-existing knowledge and wisdom. Where at a lower level, a definition will be correct, but won't be all there is to know about the thing that the word hides and denotes...


Let's look at a basic way to use part of this technique on a couple 

of simple ancient Hebrew words. (Which you might recognize to mean the same things as very similar words in your native tongue...) This example, made popular by the movie Pi, and where B"H, I was introduced to the idea of gematria, let's first examine the numerical value of the word for Father. The Hebrew word is אב. Pronounced "Ab," "Av," or sometimes "Aba." Being the first letter of the aleph-bet, aleph א has a value of 1. Bet ב is the second letter, making its value 2. (Bonus, but now obvious secret: this is where the word alphabet comes from, through Greek and Latin.) So, the value of the word father אב is 1+2=3... The word for Mother is אם, pronounced "Am," "Ama," or "Ima." Again, א is value 1, and ם has a value of 40. So the value of אם is 1+40=41... (Will explain the numbering system in another post B"H.) 

Of course, in the physical universe, Father and Mother form a union 

to create children, each adding specific qualities to the new life. The result through the combination of אב + אם is 44. The ancient word for Child is ילד. The value of the letter Yod י is 10. Value of Lamed ל is 30. Value of Dalet ד is 4. Therefore the sum of ילד is also 44... Simple, but neat!!


"Ok, so that's "science-y," because 44 = 3 + 41 is true 

mathematically, אב + אם = ילד is true in the Hebrew language, and the statement is true in nature. But it's just a coincidence..." Well, for now, please let it remain so... We've only just begun... I hope that at least, we can realize that aside from hiding in a few words, one of the true purposes of a mother and father in reality, and if it is not a coincidence, then at minimum, we see that these 3 words were created at the same time, and are inseparable... (Who simultaneously created the words for father, mother and child can for now, remain a separate question.) There are other secrets to be found in these 3 words, but this post is getting long. I intend to come back to them soon to explore more, maybe next time we'll define each letter... 

B"H we'll even get to the place where we can address the ideas here in @charlieshrem 's latest post;

For clarity (if needed,) here is the same idea taught in the 

movie Pi.

"See, there's math Everywhere..."

B"H we will dig some more of it out in future articles...

For the sake of peace שָׁלוֹם... With great thanks to Rav Mordechai Kraft, who thanks Rav Akiva, for the basis of this Teaching. (Gemara Shabbos, Talmud.) Thanks to the author of The Zohar, R. Shimon bar Yochai, for wisdom about the letters. Thanks to Avraham Avinu who received Sefer Yetzirah, also about the letters. Thanks to my own Reb Guth, and to HaShem and all the Chachamim who reveal successive levels of Torah for the benefit of the world...

More Secrets in Ancient Hebrew and Torah:

Thanks For Your Attention and Support!

P.S. This is a 100% S.P. post! 

Melech ben Chaya מלך בן חיה, @inphiknit 


Interesting. Love the Pi link too.

Thanks! Hmmm, it's working ok from here...
I'm so thankful I saw this movie...

Yes I got it to work. Seems my browser was playing up. It reminds me I must watch it again. It was a great clip:)

Nice! I thought I saw a full copy on youtube when looking for the clip... Maybe I'll watch tonight too!

Hello again, Friend,

Just stopping by to say "Thank You" for this revelation of the meaning behind אֵת "Et," new to me though I once began learning Hebrew... I'll be passing this along to a friend of mine who has been intensively studying the language for about three years now. :)

I only regret that I didn't see this in time to upvote when you posted it. 😄😇😄


You're most welcome! I feel your appreciation on this one. It was the same for me, a huge revelation when I learned this from Rabbi Kraft, even though it was right in front of my eyes long before... I hope your friend gets something (for the benefit of the world) from the teaching too :)

No worries about the vote, I'm just happy to share :)

Hi, my friend,

Thanks again; the appreciation is real, and I hope that in our friendship you may also find reciprocal value from time to time. I've already emailed my friend a link to your article.

In my thoughts about creation, I lean towards an "etheric" view of the universe vs the currently popular Einsteinian relativistic view. As such, I can truly visualize Creator speaking vibratory reality into the ether... ;)

Thanks for your grace re: the vote. I also seek readers and the dissemination of truth from mind to mind, more than bean-counting. ;)

I wish you great Peace this year! :)

No question about it. Whether in agreement or not, there is always value in every relationship I have, you're no exception^^ The struggle is to always see it ;)

Everyday we ask Him to continue speaking... B"H...

Thanks! And you and your family should also have peace and sustenance for the benefit of the world^^

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