What are you contributing to this moment?

in #life7 years ago

It can be so easy to get caught up in trying to accomplish this or be known for that. Our socialization trains that into us from the time we're in elementary school, trying to get that A, make Honor Roll or the Varsity team.

But isn't the greatest success satisfaction in life?

And isn't satisfaction an experience of the "enoughness" of this moment, moment after moment?

So many people spend so much effort trying to achieve even something as perfect, beautiful and elusive as happiness. They just can't get off the "make it happen" roller coaster. But you can't make an experience happen. You can set the conditions, but no matter the conditions, experience may defy your best intentions.

It turns out, life is to be found within the moments of living. This moment... this is life.

How are you feeling right now? What is your current experience?

Making a Great Life

If you want a great life, you must clarify what you value most then set about having as many moments as possible in which you are expressing that value in what you think, say and do.

This is not just an idea of "I did that," but more "I am contributing this right now."

The past is good for encouraging you and helping you know what you're capable of. Or in inspiring you to reach for more. But only this moment, each moment, is your actual life.

So let's say you value kindness above all else. Kindness is what you would most like to see more of in the world.

Then take a moment here and there to reflect, "How am I contributing kindness to the experience of this moment, both for myself and others?"

Or maybe for you the highest value is joy. Then replace kindness with joy in that same sentence. Or justice. Or love. Or peacefulness. Or security. Or abundance. Whatever you value most, notice when you are actually embodying that within your lived experience.

Don't get lost in the world of mere ideals and ideas. If you do, you may be left with many reasons to be happy, but no actual happiness.

Instead, become the embodiment of what you value most within each moment, so that you contribute the gift you most wish to give everywhere you go, and experience it yourself.

Morgan Sessions.jpg
(Image source: Pixabay)

Here are some other articles of mine that you might like:
Spiritual Road Trip and Leaving Room for the Miracles
You’re Not Broken ... You’re Art
What Would You Gift This World if You Were Dying?

Resteems always appreciated!


That's a very good advice... Be the Love you wanna see in the world...
Well... I bring all my chips to the table and I say...

LOL! yes, let's definitely go all in on being the love you want to see in the world!

I'm at the point in my life that there's always going to be more than one value to move forward because they're all worthy of my time and attention.

Obviously, it's tough to embody all of them, so working on them is incremental, moment by moment, as you say.

So much of who we are is reflected in those who are around us, shaping and growing us as we shape and grow them. Even the lightest of touches leaves something changed.

Working on oneself is not done in a vacuum, so there will always be someone else's ideas and desires to consider. Selflessness ends up being among the most refining of crucibles.

Thanks for contributing this important perspective. Yes, we are social animals so we grow primarily within relationship. Whether relationship to other people or to the natural world, we only reveal who we are in that context. It's easy to think we've embodied our ideals until we come into contact with someone asking more of us than we wish to give. Not that we necessarily have to put their wants before our own, but we see in how we navigate such things what we really value more than with the ideas we have when we're by ourselves.

Wonderful article @indigoocean. I don't resteem often but this is so much a reflection of how I try to live my life that I just had to pass your message on. Thank you for putting it into words so beautifully. 😍

Oh, thank you so much! It is a way of living I'm practicing. Still trying to create a habit out of it.

True. There is nothing wrong about catching dreams and achieving life goals but as I walk through my life I realize the only thing that could satisfy us is not the feeling of having everything but the feeling of contentment and being grateful about it.

And isn't satisfaction an experience of the "enoughness" of this moment, moment after moment?

Yes. To play the game for the sheer joy of playing it, yet still endeavor to play as well as we can. That's the challenge and the opportunity of life.

Heheh. True

The feeling of contentment tho. 👏👏👏

So simple... yet so hard.
Thank you for this eye opener!!

Thanks for stopping by, and for leaving a comment.

As this moment, I thought that I didnt contribute too much in the society becaise I thought to much of my emotions. I feel so pity right now. Thanks for your post.

The important thing when we notice how we aren't currently expressing what we wish to express with our lives, is to realize it only takes a moment to change that. We don't have to get it every moment. Each moment we do is the reward itself. If we release the story of what has happened in past moments and what may happen in new moments, all we are left with is this perfect moment. It offers itself for our realizing how perfect it is, each and every moment.

Ill keep it in mind. Thanks 😘

On a random note: could you consider writing about upvote bots? I am curious about them and I saw you commented that you sometimes use them. Thanks.

I'm leaning away from writing about Steemit these days, but I learned a lot about using them from reading @Ilyastarar. He's a great Steemit writer you should definitely follow.

Understood, and thanks for the tip.

It's so easy to get caught up into life and forget about the things that matter the most. Currently I am working to bring out my true potential as a human being. I feel like for so long I just let life pass me by and now I'm experiencing a major AHA moment. Bigger than any similar moments I've ever had. I believe that people relate to us most when we show our human side because at the end of the day, that's what all of us are.

I'm glad to hear that you've made this shift. One of many of course, along an endless continuum of them. We never get it done, but if we can enjoy the journey, we don't need to.

Beautiful timeless sentiments, these posts are always so uplifting. Thank you.

Thank you. Let us all uplift one another, each taking our turn 🙂

Thank you for the incredible and touching words.
I find that our life is full of special moments that shape us into what we are and your thought complete my idea perfectly. Thank you

Thanks for your comment. Yes, it is all about the moments, isn't it? This is a perfect one, if we'll let it be.

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