The End of Struggle - Learning How to Want Purely

in #life6 years ago

As many of you already know, I'm in the process of moving into semi-retirement at a less expensive location.

As part of this transition, I've been needing to make a lot of decisions. There are obvious ones like what moving company to use, travel dates, turning off the utilities, etc. but also some that for most people would be considered "once in a lifetime."

In that last bucket I'd put deciding what to want.

Now of course, we want this and then that, over and over. Deciding what we want is a repetitive need, not once in a lifetime. But the decision upon me now is the decision about what type of thing to want.

Previously, though I didn't realize it, I ultimately always wanted a solution to a problem or safety from an unseen threat.

I grew up poor, so I always had this sense that things were on the verge of falling apart. Food wouldn't always be there. The rent wouldn't always be paid. Sometimes the utilities would be turned off. This was my entire childhood, so it programmed me for being alert to impending hardship and loss. All my wants ultimately boiled down to security.

So to come to this point in life where I honestly can't even imagine any external threat to my well-being, and where I've developed myself enough internally that I also don't worry about self-sabotage or insatiable greed undermining me, well it's a new experience. I am having to learn how to want in a different way.

I've been sitting with this a lot lately. Do I want to move to Santa Fe or back to Hawaii or to the Southeast where I have family? Do I want to invest in this or that and how much in each? Do I want to buy another house now or wait a few years? Do I want to move overseas or stay here in the US?

These are all the same decisions I would need to make coming from a sense of lack and warding off threat vs a sense of abundance and simply clarifying greater fulfillment. The answers change a lot though. What I actually request of Spirit changes radically with the perspective from which the question arises.

For example, if you thought you might run out of money at some point, you would probably want to invest in ways that create additional residual income, such as buying investment property. But if you felt confident additional large sums of money were headed your way if ever you needed them, you might instead hold the money in a more liquid form, so that you could quickly take advantage of any such opportunities when they presented themselves.

I caught myself flipping between exactly these choices as I thought about investments. I realized that despite my newfound freedom within abundance, I was still thinking about life from a "keep the rent paid" mentality.

Well, I'll probably wind up writing more about this some other time. I have the feeling this is going to be a process with many layers. Just wanted to point out this first layer I've spotted and invite you to take a look at the presumptions behind how you choose what to want too.

Are you coming from a place of abundance and faith or are you coming from a sense of needing to make it work yourself or risk loss? Is your life a struggle for survival or a dance that moves from one delight to the next?

Do you see that there is an equal option for it to be either? Even if it has been only one or the other up to this point, just realize that there is more than one way to experience life, no matter what situation your parents were in.

(Photo source: Pixabay)

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I am in a place of relative abundance but I still am dealing with years of scarcity mindset. I am unemployed for the last 2+ years by choice and have been exploring my passions and freedom via volunteering and work trade. It has been helping me to unfold many of those layers and peel back emotions and thoughts of scarcity. even still there are many layers still ingrained in me ... but I'm making progress! Now I am looking to bring some more "regular" income back into my life but I do it with extreme caution of following the scarcity mindset of needing more. It is a fine balance and one that I am learning to navigate every day. Thanks for this post and your own story, it helps me to remember appreciating the abundance and looking at the same decisions with new lenses. Appreciating where we are in our life now though we are the same person we were then.

Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey with these issues too. It's great work to be doing on ourselves to tackle this fundamental human concern. We are trained to feel insecure and inadequate, and thus needing to always be "earning our keep." To relax into a sense of deserving happiness without working for it is hard for a lot of people. There is a lot of guilt involved. Yet when we can make the shift, that's when our greatest creativity is unleashed, and then we can be a much greater blessing to all we encounter. We have to learn to trust, both in something to take care of us when we aren't suffering and sacrificing to stay alive and also in our natural generosity and goodness when we feel secure.

That was beautifully said. Thank you. That trust is the key. Its not always easy to find or obvious that its missing. When I find that trust and tune into it everything positive you mentioned clicks into place :) Thank you @indigoocean!

I still need to work on my abundance mindset, I've been wanting to quit my job for so long but haven't been able to pull the trigger because I feel like my mortgage and other expenses will overwhelm me and eat up my savings quick. I need to enter that abundance mindset more

Some years ago I tried merging my business with a friend's who did pretty much the same work. As part of the deal I had to bring all my clients over to his corporation, and take a hefty salary with profit sharing. Seven months in it was clear that I absolutely hated it. I hadn't realized what a difference it had made in enjoyment of the projects that I was the one selling all those projects. The salespeople there were frankly signing up asshole clients and I didn't want anything to do with them. But at that point I couldn't afford to leave. My lifestyle was expensive, and a salary that high isn't easy to walk into. And I'd given them all my clients, so had to start from virtually scratch.

So I started doing abundance practices as my #1 focus every day. The most significant practice was to listen to spiritual videos on YT all day, every work day. I couldn't focus on what they were saying, because I had to think about the work I was doing, but just having them play in the background was programming my vibration. I gradually went from dreading each day to peacefully coexisting with each moment.

After a month of this, the shift happened around me. My friend's board fired him! What I didn't realize was that most of the senior staff had come in like me, with our own companies previously and friendships with him, and the rest of them had clearly managed their money better, because they quit on the spot.

I couldn't afford to just walk out, and honestly, professionally I just wouldn't do that. But I could give them my terms, which was that I would work from home starting the following week, that I would drop all the clients I hated effective immediately, and that they would pay me $95/hr for every hour billed (the equivalent of what they were already paying me once translated into hourly). They had no choice but to say yes. Working from home, I only did about 20 hours a week on their projects and used the rest of the time to rebuild my own client list.

So in my experience, programming your vibration needs to be your top priority. Don't jump. Evoke the path that will lead you forward.

Thank you for this excellent reply, abundance is one area I have been struggling of late. It's not that I am not making enough money, I'm just not making it the way that keeps me true to myself. I like your idea of playing spiritual videos at work, I used to do that with adyashanti videos and it helped me progress very quickly. Full upvote for your mini post :D

I have been finally making this shift. I kinda flicker around about it, but am getting better, for sure!

It's such a hard shift to make! I find there is only a layered approach. You peel away one layer at a time and have to keep reminding yourself that you even need to do it, because it's the perspective you're coming from. It's like having to keep reminding yourself that the lens on your glasses are blue and that you need to constantly be doing color corrections in your mind to know what color is really out there. The tendency is to forget and just see blue.

You are pure in desiring purity. Grew up in a ghetto trailer park myself in Oregon pretty poor but found treasures that are more eternal than what lust could ever find. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

This is a nice post ..thank you for sharing ..

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