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RE: What Would Happen If a Plane Window Cracked Mid-Flight?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Hey @aircastle I am going to take this opportunity not so much to comment on this post but to comment on your "Surviving Oompa Loompa's America" statement - which I LOVE and I totally GET IT - (living here in Denver, CO)I followed you on that statement alone - and that you are a college student and can see that is A MIRACLE. Assuming you are the "age" of most college students...

I am going to suggest you check out Mark Passio - maybe start with this if you have not already checked him out. I think it will bring you some new perspectives on things...

I look forward to seeing more of your work on here! I am going to read your post about crypto now.


Haha I appreciate that! It is a struggle out here 😂. I worked so hard for Bernie and Hillary's elections but, you know how that went. BTW I am 19.

It is crazy that you are from Denver, CO! That is where I am from. I moved away when I was young. I went back this summer, it has blown up in population and evolved. Not the same city I left.

I have never heard of Mark Passio. I will definitely give the video a watch, it seems interesting.

Thanks for your support!

Well good for you for working hard on something you believed in. It will be good practice for the future. Let me know what you think of that video. I liked it so much that I listened to all of his podcasts in order - and I really learned A LOT from that, let me tell you. It gave me a real basis of understanding and it also filled in blanks that I could not figure out on my own. He is in Philadelphia which he says is brimming with zombies as well. I used to live on the east coast before moving to Denver in 06. Denver is hell now - it was not like this when I moved here. If I could, I would go back to the sleepy little town I came from but I hear it is not sleepy anymore. i am not sure there is anywhere to escape to, hence my cleanse - Go within, or go without.

glad you were able to check him out! And I think you are right, but the control system wants us to violate natural law so that we pay the consequences and they can remain our masters... so if we were aware of natural law, we could slip out of their grasp!

It took me some time but I finally got through Mark Passio. He definitely brings up some interesting points. I think that knowledge in areas like this should be pushed more in our society. I definitely believe that there are natural laws that people unknowingly live by, and if they were made aware, their lives would be a lot more fulfilling and simple.

Thanks again for your recommendation!

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