Replacing the LCD touch screen and FIRST 3DBENCHY

in #life6 years ago


Ok, not all bad news this week, hopefully.

Tronxy offered me to replace the tablet / LCD broken touchscreen

And maybe do something for the heatbed that has a dent in it, the heatbed is not truely functionnal but i could still try a print without using it to heat. (i'm not a fool i'm not going to use the heating ability of a damaged alluminium surface conducting electricity, nope, not gonna happen.)


I do not like to stay handicaped by a thing that doesn't allow me to test and try the printer, so, i made my own touchscreen out of scraps and garbage trash from my city, i found a Denver Tablet in people's trash and even tho the screen is cracked, i bought a new tactile panel from aliexpress for around 9 euros ( 10 usd) and made it my new screen / controller for the printer because the connexion were hopefully identical on the Tronxy's motherboard :




It went okay, and tho i could control the 3D printer's chipset navigation menu with it. actually when i tested it the cracked screen was still functionnal, clunky, but it did work :


If you wonder what are the little pieces of wood here and there around the printer, it's because my drawing school table is not the most "stable" nor the most "right" in it's every corner, it's not leveled properly, so...


I used these stucks of wood to level the printer's feet to assure it would not be completely going places or print all crooked and tilted.


I need a good shelf or a good piece of furniture that is much more stable and leveled in the room for the 3D printer.

Have a look at my electronics schematics wiring this is very experimental looking xD i had a ton of headaches doing this properly and i was too lazy to properly isolate or use wraps around, i have to reconfigure the way cables are going through the whole printer but it works ^^ IT WORKS !


I could then print a very very small 3Dbenchy, it's 2 centimeters high and 2 centimeters wide, 0.2 mm layers sliced with cura, printed at 48 mm/ sec (i didn't want to print too fast but it took only 25 minutes to print)


Look at the small size of it, it did print it without any problems in the first try !IMG_0487.JPG

I was so proud i made a ton of size comparison shots xD i was super excited to succeed my first print so, i was very very enthusiastic and begun to compare it to almost everything, so people could understand how detailed and sucessfull in it's tiny details as it was printed :

(on the top of the hot end / printing head )



look at the size of the wires in comparison to the benchy ^^


On top of the plastic articulated chain protecting the hotend wires :



Comparing it to furniture / desk stuff :



Comparison with the keystrokes / buttons of my keyboard :



To an old zalman cooler that was making a very cool mount / stepping thing for presentation of the benchy ^^



The details for a thing this small ! and it used some cheap pla, i didn't even calibrate the 3D printer at all, and not even used the smallest layer possible xD i'm just too happy ! Probably too happy because i just built the 3D printer myself and it was very hard, and get a result like this all alone, with what i've gone through these past week it feels like something meaningfull to me, i learned a lot in the process about all the components of the 3D printer :


IT's using arm, and motherboard with connexions pretty similar to raspberry pi's and tablets / smartphones




Yeah, yeah i'm probably completely senile and stupid about it at this point but i couldn't stop myself haha ^^


It's almost the same size and shape than my cintiq stylus :


My cintiq stylus was jealous when benchy took his usual throne :


( yes i'm getting ridiculous about it xD )

Also, i received an usb cable with it, but there is no connexion to the motherboard for usb, so why ? why would you send a usb cable with the printer ? there might be a usb module on the motherboard, but they didn't provide the male or female module to use the cable... so, it was a useless addition, i might try to look at usb modules for it later.


That is all for now ! i'm very happy i could make it working out of the damaged state i received the printer from in the first place, but i still need the tactile screen, and in my opinion, i need a working, not damaged print bed if i want to print abs and flexible filament.


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man this looks like some serious work! but i also feel like you enjoy doing this kinda stuff. anyways lemme know your gmail address man i have some cloud folder for ya.

Yeah, i sent it to you through our usual channel ^^ Thanks, i will save everything there, it's true that everything stressed me out these past weeks, i will come back to doing art for the game pretty soon, as it's finally over for the 3D printer, got it ready and working.

alright man. i'm glad it's working. take it easy. you never wanna get too stressed out.
gamedev is a very long process!

thank you for sharing @imaginalex, by reading your post, familiar with touch screen LCD and FIRST 3DBENCHY.😊

Thanks for your continuous support Jhoni, yeah i got plenty of experience with this 3D printer ^^

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