The Cold Can Kill But The Cold Can Heal

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Uncomfortable Situations

Waking up early is just not my cup of tea. I would rather not wake up till around noon but most of the time I am forced awake by the sounds of my beautiful little girl. Well this time she was out of town with my wife and I had the bed all to myself. But I still had to wake up early. For one I had to release a post, which I am now regularly waking up early to do, and two I needed to go outside in the bone chilling cold. 

If you haven't been to Texas in the winter then just know that since we have high humidity the temp can feel extremely colder than it actually is. This past weekend there were once again weather reports about ice and what not. So I said perfect! This would give me the opportunity to not only wake up at a time I'd rather be sleep but also to expose my body to the elements. 

The rush you get from exposing your body to cold temperatures is hard to describe without feeling it for yourself. It's a surge of energy. Your blood starts rushing through your body in order to try to heat your body up. The key is to control your breathing and take deep breaths. You should try to suck in as much oxygen as possible. I promise it helps. I've been taking cold showers for over a year now and actually going outside in these kinds of temps is just another way for me to put myself in uncomfortable situations. It's all mental. You are much bigger than the cold.

Would you do this challenge?

I can't complain at this point in my life. I am no longer a shell of myself but I still feel a little off at times. Well at least progress is being made. 

And if you wanna test the mind and body, check out my cold shower videos. Shalom.

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Wanna Build Mental Toughness? Take Cold Showers

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Now your body is accepting this challenge after a series of cold showers! But unfortunately mine is not like that :D


I'm used to it now. Yepp.

You are a courageous soul @humanearl! And I am sure you are quite right; being in the cold strengthens the body — it's much like the Tibetan monks who sit and meditate in the snow, high in the Himalayas. They don't get cold, and they hardly ever get ill, either.

The subtext in your message, for me, is that there were no promises offered that life is going to be easy or comfortable so we have to be ready to take things as they come for us.

Bright Blessings!

The way you read it is right. We are not entitled to a "good" life. This is why I train my mind to deal with not only life's struggles now but the times we are headed in.

Cold can kill

With extreme cold weather comes health hazards like increased risk of heart attacks, frostbite to mention a few.

Cold can heal

  • It reduces inflammation and pain all over the body system.
  • Disease carrying bugs are reduced in the cold weather .
  • The cold makes one stay longer in bed, it is natural to want to avoid the brutal cold. This in turn triggers isolation, then motivation comes to contact our loved ones on phone, eventually resulting in a long chat, thus, the bond is strengthened the more.

Just playing on my keypads though...☺️. Nice post @humanearl

Isn't that crazy how it can do both? It's cools to me.

I'm fan of Game of Thrones and I'll name you King of the North. Haha. Hello Jon Snow. Conquering the cold is one of the most terrifying things for me. Haha. I, too, live in a cold temperature place here in the Philippines and every morning is a challenge for me. But I overcame it by taking a bath with no heater. My body get used to the cold. And I barely feel it while taking a bath. Hahaha. Nice post brother. Thanks for the support man. I will be posting pizza tomorrow. Haha. Hope you check it out. Thank you!

Haha. I haven't seen G.O.T. Ahh pizza! Send me a link when you post it.

Hahaha. You should see it man! Haha. I will brother. Haha. But how?

Just copy and paste the url of your post and include it in a comment.

Okay brother. I will keep that in mind. Haha. Thank you. You can also check my other posts. ;) I post almost food and some love letters and past experiences. :) check it our bro. Haha. Thank you

When im fighting the cold i always loose, i beginn to shake. But like you said just accepting it, will make your body handle this situation.

Chears bro!

And I know Berlin is a icebox in the winter. Does it get that cold in Bayern?

For sure! Spezialy the Mountain side ;)

Man you have got nerves of steel and your motivation level is awesome. You are trying every time a new experiment to amaze your followers.

“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven..”
― John Milton, Paradise Lost

I appreciate your will of endurance and wisdom of your mind.

I love that quote. That's why I say it is all mental.

I would to named you..The Conqueror of the cold..I feel all my bones are frozen when i saw your video..Godd bless you.

Lol. Great name. I would like to try even colder weather and see how I would do.

@humanreal, I saw you uploaded Dtube video of Texas winter season. Its rough winds here. Cold temperature very difficult to face. I have never experience about winter season's temperature coz my country has only summer. But I can give some suggestions for solve this cold condition. I saw from you, you are more healthy and fit , the more easily your body can cope with these stresses. I think a good technique to stay warm in a cold climate is by the use of the inner furnace to generate heat from within.This is your body's way of telling you it needs more fuel to keep warm. If you can put up with constantly feeling cold, it's a possible way of losing weight. Probably cold weather can be increase heart-attack risky. When we are cold your body reduces the circulation to the extremities and skin surface. This increases the internal blood pressure. Also you can do fast walking or jogging in fact. It increase inside of body temperature.

Yepp. Being in the cold helps to lose a certain kind of body fat. Good stuff you mentioned.

Yep exactly. Thank you..
Happy Valentine Day my friend @humanearl.

I'm from Texas and really hate the cold weather. I can't stand even getting out of the shower when its cold. I don't know if you know who the life coach Tony Robbins is, but he has a morning routine where he sits in an extra hot sauna for 5 minutes and then dips himself into a pool of 18 degree water. Supposedly it a finnish tradition that helps keep your heart healthy.

I know Tony. I don't listen to him though. Only heard of soundbites. The alternating between hot and cold is another method too.

O my!haha I think I can't really do the challenge becaused I can't stand with cold temperature. This is good for individual who can take it but this can caused HYPOTHERMIA that if you can't bear with it this can lead to death..

No worries. I know it's difficult for some.

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