Taking The Debate Of God's Existence To A Whole Nother Level

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Same Facts, Different Worldview

Our worldviews shape how we live and interpret the world around us. No matter the evidence we will still interpret that evidence according to how we see the world. I've had my fair share of conversations with atheists and I have gleaned alot from them on how they view the world. To be straight up and as many of you are already aware I have no shame in saying that I believe in God.

I cannot definitively prove that God exists as that would require all knowledge since we can't see him. But also the atheist cannot disprove God due to the lack of all knowledge. So where do we go next? Well here are two points that I want to make. I believe they are crucial to the argument for the existence of God or for his non-existence.

Last View Standing:

  • We have to look at the evidence to support our claims of whether or not God exists
  • To go even further we have to see which worldview is the most logical and reasonable. This will allow for us to see if our worldview will stand on its own.

This is merely a battle of worldviews since we will interpret the facts and evidence according to how we see the world. My intent with this post is not one of trying to bash anyone for their beliefs. Most of you know me at this point and I have no intention of attacking anyone. I am just curious about the subject and I would love to learn how other people see the world and openly discuss it in hopes to come to truth.

So please, if you identify as atheist or if you just want to discuss God's existence, I welcome you to pour your heart out on this issue and feel free to ask questions. Lastly let's all be adults and not relegate to personal attacks. It's all love on this side. Peace to the world.

Why do you not believe in God?

Why do you believe in God?

If God revealed himself would you believe?

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I believe in GOD and I know he exists.

Here are my reasons:

  1. As a child I used to hear Him speak to me and direct me, and I don't mean an imaginary friend.

  2. I feel His Presence: I feel His comfort when I need it and I feel Him walking with me and leading me when I need direction.

  3. He answers me when we have a conversation in Prayer.

  4. I know GOD exists through His Word.

5.He has revealed Himself to me through His HOLY SPIRIT.

I don't expect a layman to understand all these.

But, it's more of the Spiritual than the Physical.
And cannot be explained by mere words but until you have an Encounter with GOD yourself.

You have much personal experience with God. Those are powerful and rel moments. When people experience God for themselves it's unlike anything else. Thanks for sharing

You are right Sir.
It's an indescribable experience.
Words aren't adequate enough to express how real GOD is.
It just has to be experienced personally.
I pray all those doubting HIS Existence have a life changing encounter with him-just like Saul's encounter or even better.
Thanks @humanearl, I pray more people see the debate and are transformed by it.

God exist? Yes!
I am not going deeper, but yeah I believe it!


I'm with you.

Ok. I did my homework, and i plan to keep this as short and detailed as possible.

I believe the most solid foundation in the believe that God exists and did from the beginning, is the eventual coming to the world of Jesus Christ. This was the first (and last) case of a virgin conceiving independent of seed from a man.

We do hear in some other religions of people referring to Mohammed, Moses, etc, as prophets and messengers of God, but during the life of Jesus Christ, though He kept referring to Himself as being sent from the Father, He was the closest to the nature of God that was made evident.

During Jesus' baptism, there was the loud voice from heaven, and when He died, the God nature in Him was made manifest as the earth was shaken and dead saints arose, there was also the splitting of the temple veil, and the eclipse. The resurrection, appearances, and ascension of Jesus in plain sight (which cannot be down proven by science), can justify to an extent the believe christians have in the existence of God.

Furthermore, the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles in the upper room (the first in record of such experience) can further illustrate this claim. Here, someone may say spirits of the same kind exist also in the supernatural realm, i think so too. But like i said in an earlier comment on this, there are supernatural forces in existent, but there is one most powerful than all, and christians choose to believe that the one is the force of God.

I would say more if i had to refer to the scripture, but i did not want to so i won't seem biased. I made sure the few references i made to the stories in the Bible are those that happened in plain sight.

Maybe we can't empirically prove that God exists, and Jesus came to the world, died and resurrected. But it is also the same way we can't empirically prove that William Shakespeare was the first man to write poetry.

Hope this is short enough, lol...
Hope it makes sense to someone.
Good job once again to my boss @humanearl.

Solid points. I always say we can't prove him in that way either but neither can anyone who says he doesn't exist. So from that point on I lean towards the most evidence. To me the evidence suggest a creator of all or as you and I know him. God.

I believe there is a god, here I try to give evidence, such as day with night, man with woman, rich with poor, sun with moon ..
All of them are created in pairs, have we ever thought who created it all ??
It is all created by God, and it becomes proof that God is there ..

I believe so too.

A very good post @humanearl, this is very useful for everyone. In my opinion, we as humans who live in this world we must believe that God exists. We can see and prove that God exists is to see the existence of this world and all the contents that exist in this world, if there is no god of this world and its contents do not exist. But it all depends on the way each of us, because the god can not we see, so, to believe in the god it depends on our respective religions. Thanks for sharing, and wish you a wonderful day ... :)

Without God wee have no reason to live moral lives. I just mean that without God where do we get morality from. Some people would argue that He doesn't exist but I agree with you that he does.

@humanearl sir...
funny conversation, amazing how personal people get on the subject. I believe that god exists as much as i do not believe. Why? because one thing I am certain of is that the human mind is notoriously prone to playing tricks on its owner. To be fair, I believe in the possibility of a godlike entity, most certainly not in any concept of god brought forth by any relegion. Really if you want to get technical something like Gravity is compareable in power to the God in most religions.... Invisible, imutable, infinite. Gravity is the reason the universe formed as it did, it is the reason there is life on this planet. Sound familliar? LOL Point simply being that what we define as god is unique to each of us, even inside religions, even inside sects, even inside seperate places of worship for that sect, even within the people in the places of worship. We identify this longing to find a place in the universe with the people around us. My friends we live on the luckiest rock in the lonliest place, our planet is one billion miles from the nearest bacteria colony. All we have is each other, no one is comming to save us.

But how can gravity in itself create life from nothing. That implies that gravity has intelligence. Now either gravity is an entity of some sort or gravity is just a code/law put in place by an intelligent source.

There is God!

God is alive!

God does not need our validity to reinforce his existence.

God is mysterious.

The greatest proof of God is the Holyspirit I carry with me. You need an experience to be able to tell.

A good post, there is much to think about. I believe in God, even if there is no God, that is, something that protects us.

Without God we have no reason to live morally . This is why I am led to believe there is a God due to the fact that we have morality.

I believe in God! People want tangible reasons, but the evidences are more spiritual than physical. If there is a supernatural realm, then there are supernatural beings, and the controller of the realm, though there are other principalities in this realm.

It is hard to engage in this kinda argument without bringing in the scriptures, but if you do, you will be entertaining questions like, how sure are you about the writings in the scripture when you were not there from the beginning?

Everyone believes in a superior being, even if that being is their superior self. The believe in God Almighty enhances morality, freedom, and true purpose of living. Believe in the Existence of God helps us make sense of all the nature we see around us, tracing it to a common source of creation. There are other theories debunking that of christianity in the creation story but i'll take some more time to do my home work, and return here soon with a more solid answer.

But altogether, i think if God did not exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. Lol..
Thank you for always speaking up about things like this.

I'd go even further. If God does not exist then what reasons do we have to live moral lives. Where does morality come from if there is no ultimate being to create it?

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