Rest Is A Key Ingredient To Your Long Term Success On Steemit

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Getting Much Closer

You wanna guess one of the most overlooked ingredients in continuing to make progress on Steemit? Sure, hard work is in there. Yepp, so is perseverance and consistency. In fact those are not only the popular answers but they are of course a big part of accomplishing anything. Let me throw this one at you though. REST. This is in my opinion the most underrated aspect of growth but it is just as important as some of those other factors. The same way muscles grow better and you are more healthier with the proper rest it goes the same way with anything you set out to work on or accomplish as well. A huge problem I believe in most modern work environments is the idea that you have to work your self to death in order to be successful. Like I said hard work is definitely a part of it but you want the work you do and the progress you make to be sustainable not just for the short term. So here is my take on getting the proper rest and how I have managed to take a semi hiatus from Steemit while still working at creating content consistently. Peace.

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Alright, earl. You want to know what I am on, what my new projects are!
I am on a radical letting go trail. Letting go of everything that's holding me back from becoming my real nature, my spirit, my I and I.
Today I start walking as a digital nomad, barefoot and without money from here (near Wiesbaden) to Paris. I will work on the road.
Work in this case means shooting, editing and uploading good quality content, organizing an online conference, writing books and starting my new podcast about high sensitive people, and other stuff.
My family is staying home, so I will rely to 100% on my Steemit income and the projects I'm working on.
Stay Steemed!
Love, Unity & Abundance

I agree with the statement that rest is an important component of success here. However, "rest" is an integral part of any business. If you ignore the need for recreation, you quickly "burn out" and cannot fully work or do business. Health always has high priorities!

Totally agree with you @humanearl .It's important to take a regenerative rest every once in awhile.Even God the original creator recognized the need to rest on the seventh day.

@humanearl, Actually take a rest must valuable for create better contents. Rest giving better healthy condition to us. Working hard also make our stress and tired. Then mind gonna move everywhere. In fact taking rest best selection.

Well agreed buddy !

In order to let ourself grow we need to take care of our health as it is the one of the key point to success !

creating new and unique content is a bit hard but you can find inspiration everywhere the people really helps :)

Take care of our everything indeed health growing much faster success. If without best health will not jump next step.

I would add another word that patience is the key to success thats all.

hey @humanearl i just messaged you on ,i have something to tell you ,pls reply me ,my name is fabix13 :)

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