Why is Life so Weird, Mummy?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Why is Life so Weird, Mummy?

I'll let Robbie Williams explain...

(explicit lyrics - obviously as title is Motherfucker)


We are all nutters and motherfuckers!

There isn't a lot we can do to escape society, other then become hermits or hideaway, but doing that won't prepare kids for the 'real' world.

The best we can do is be realistic. Teach them that it is ok to be themselves, whoever and however they feel - they don't have to hide it.

I'm going through this one with my 6-year-old daughter, as she says she hides who she really is at school.

I take this to mean they don't see her temper and she doesn't talk about her worries.

She had a little poking the eyes incident with her younger sister at a birthday party, which was witnessed by a lot of her friends and she was so worried that they wouldn't like her anymore.

I do get psychologist help with her, as some of her issues are beyond my capabilities to deal with on my own.

But, that has led me to look into more strategies to cope with life's stresses, like meditation, mindfulness, breathing techniques, and have located a kids yoga class to try. I truly think these sort of things should be part of the school's curriculum, as they are every bit as important to learn as a kid, as maths, reading, writing, and sciences.

The natural inclination is to wrap your children up in bubble wrap and protect them from the world.

You can do this, but they will find out themselves via friends, television and other people. And really it is so important for the first mention of things comes from a parent, as they always look to you for guidance (whether it looks like they listen or not).

I found this out with the recent Manchester nail bomb incident. It wasn't me who told them about it, but they found out about it at the assembly at school.

And I didn't know how much or what was said, so I probably ended saying more than I should or needed to about it.

Unfortunately, this is the times we live in now, we can't hide it.

We can prepare them to stand the best chance of surviving such an incidence though, by being vigilant and aware of the surroundings, especially in cities. But never let it stop it doing what you want to do or going where you want to go.

Oh yeah and don't wear trainers with circuit boards in (aka light up trainers) when you go through airports. Yes daughters, "only special people get searched", as the security lady told you.

Well, that's today's rant anyway!

What do you think? How can we best prepare our children for today's world?



Hey, ​my friend. I see your writing skills are good as before ^^
I am glad to be back and read your work

Thank you, I think my writing might be a little more raw in places these days, but my message is still hope to the core. Glad to see you back and posting too, Ray.

Your message is well passed @hopehuggs

Skilled to kill letters and thrill the audience, this is good, you write so well

Thank you @josediccus, your poems pack a powerful punch also

Great post! it is difficult to explain certain concepts now to children, I agree with not over-protecting them, we need to 'control the narrative' for them as to not allow others to influence them.

control the narrative

That's the phrase I was looking for. The kids amaze me sometimes with their understanding of things and empathy even as young as 6 and 4. They are far more intelligent than we usually give them credit for.

That's right, but I fear how sometimes that intelligence lacks understanding. I once heard a class teacher catching 5 seven year old students 'playing rape'. Sigh..

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @banjo.

Children adapt to circumstances more easily than we think, but some kids are influenced and changed due to things that happen in their lives. What affects one child might not affect the other. When I grew up I was a happy child. Then we moved to a different town and I hated it and it changed my whole being. I still have those same feelings thirty-five years later can you imagine that?

I get that completely. I moved somewhere I didn't like at 7 (and it probably was one of 'safest' places to be in UK) and instead of getting more confident, I withdrew and I still battle with that today as well.

"We are all nutters and motherfuckers!

Ain't that the truth!

Yep, I defy anyone to show me a 'normal' person.

ha ha I totally agree

I see I influence you in a good way.

Good that you realize that the TV wants to make princesses and faggots of our daughters and sons.

We have to be good parents or our children will have a really bad time later.

They need a balanced view of life, yes.

Your parenting posts are so relatable. Thanks for sharing the daily trials and tribulations of motherhood. I hope you know how much I appreciate you.

Thanks @girlbeforemirror, you know how much I love you too. You are truly one of my inspirations.

Wow... that is very interesting. Reminds me of my own childhood, and a conversation I had with an ex-roommate of mine. About identity in school. Six is quite early for that insight, I'm quite surprised. But I remember that's a very diplomatic route to go. Appeasment so that you "fit in". It's what I did, and I think it isn't the best route to take, although it certainly works well enough. But then you start to do things that are not in alignment with your beliefs, and that can cause other problems...

My friend who went the other route had it very tough though. He stood firm, and was the target of a lot of bullying. But he was able to defend himself and was quite strong, so that was good at least.

I wonder how it would have been if had I done the same...

I was like your friend. I didn't fit in at school and I often wonder what it would have been like if I tried to fit in. Although as I said in one of the comments above, things changed significantly when we moved to a new place when I was 7 years old. It took 2 years before even our neighbors would talk to us, it was that kind of tight-knit community.

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