Why I Don't Need or Want to Retire?

in #life7 years ago


The World is Changing Drastically and so are Social Norms Like Retirement.

When I was growing up in the 80's everyone around me had stable jobs that all led to some kind of retirement. My Father was a Kodak 30 year man, my Step-Dad retired from the City of Rochester Water Bureau and all of my relatives had similar jobs that led to a retirement. Not all of them made it the full distance but back then that was the goal. Find a steady job, stick with it for 30 years and retire with a pension. Then when you were old enough you could file for social security.

After you completed these goals the idea was to live life comfortably, lightly travel and have a relaxed retirement. What a lousy existence! Now I am sure this post my ruffle some feathers but I have a contrarian way of looking at life.

It is a constant annoyance for me when people say to me. "Randy are you saving for retirement?" or "Randy I hope you are working on your nest egg." or "Randy you need to get a pension." Listen people, that pipe dream disappeared in the 90's unless of course you have a government job. Even then there is no guarantee that the pension system will stay solvent.

Retirement is not even a word that is mentioned in my house unless we are making fun of someone who uses the word in our presence. Seriously, that ship has sailed. It is time to wake up and get on the self funded train.

We Took Retirement Into Our Own Hands.

The first thing I did was move to a country where my money went much further. I left Rochester, NY in May of 2011 and moved to Panama. It was the best decision I have ever made. Our cost of living is a fraction of what my fellow Americans need to live. Our monthly budget is around $1700 and we live in a gated community.

The second thing @AnaHilarski and I did was start a business. Our business is a social media marketing business that caters to the world of Crypto Currency and Blockchain technology. Initially we did social media for all types of companies but have since narrowed our focus. This business has brought in a steady income and afforded us many opportunities in Panama and abroad.

The third thing we did was build our personal brands online and in Panama. Over the course of 5 years we have built a following online of over half a million. This number grows daily as we share the good news of Crypto Currency and Blockchain as well as expat living. Our personal brands are by far the most valuable part of our portfolio.

The fourth thing we did was become full time bloggers. During the first four years we each had our blogs that we wrote on once or twice per week this helped build our personal brand. Then Steemit came along and ever since August of 2016 we have been blogging on this platform earning a steady secondary income from it. Yes it was slow going for a while but I still wrote on a daily basis and that consistency has paid off in spades!

The fifth thing we did was dispose of all personal debt here in Panama. I am not one who believes in personal debt. After years of drowning in debt back in the USA we decided that we would not repeat that mistake. We pay cash for everything and therefore have no overhead. In the future we might leverage business debt to build a portfolio of real estate but we are not at that point yet.

Why We Don't Need a Pension or Social Security.

We have chosen a path that physically does not require us to retire. We have a team that helps run our online social media business. We have our minds and skills on a computer that allow us to build an audience for our blogging online. Each and every day our personal brand is growing. Can you imagine what it will be like for our personal brands in 20 years? We will have millions of followers and that is worth a ton of Bitcoin!

The income that we generate will far outpace anything that a pension or social security could give us. The best part is that we have multiple streams of income coming in so if one drops the others continue to come in.

What This Means for Your Retirement.

If you are retired already, 10 years away or even just joining the work force I implore you to start building your personal brand today. Spend one hour a day building your brand online. I recommend you begin with Steemit and build your social media networks around it. The reason is that the Steemit community rewards you for your content in the attention economy. Think of a bicycle wheel, the hub is Steemit and the spokes are the support for your wheel.

The key is being consistent. If you can do this plus provide content that your readers/listeners/viewers enjoy then you will be successful. This is not a get rich scheme. If you choose this path to financial freedom it is faster than the traditional way but slower than winning the lottery.


Keeping yourself busy just makes your life meaningful. Even you got enough money for retirement you literally dont need to retire but do things that you want to. You may got much freedom and happiness from doing things you love to.

Retirement is boring, I rather create and make something happen everyday! Great post 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼

My wife and I have been taking exploring trips around the islands for a couple of years and we are about to pull the trigger to move to a much cheaper location (Maybe Panama!).

I own a business and some real estate in Texas and I am sick of the way things are going. Every year our governments find a way to raise the price a good 3-5% on everything. Be it money printing or flat out tax raising, they find a way. My town just built an $80 million dollar sports complex for the three local high schools to use!

Yep, you saw that number correct Hilarski and Stackin. It's not $8 million, it's $80 million!

For a bunch of teenagers! And of course they borrowed the money on bond.

And for this they raised all my property taxes the maximum 10% and they will do it again next year. Oh, and they passed a law to where they are now adding sales tax to our utility bills. So add 8.125% to that.

This is every year they do this.

My wife and I look forward to our ex-pat life!

Excellent post.. yes, i totally agree that brand building is one of the major step in order to be successful.

who know if i'll ever retire, i'm leaning towards 60/40 no atm but regardless...

one thing i know for sure is that i'll never stop learning

I really enjoyed your steem and got alot from it. I'm happy to hear someone is doing so good in life peace to you and your wife

in some cultures people don't have to save to retire, their kids take care of their needs and the government doesn't have to pay a cent. here in belgium you do receive a pension but its so low an unemployed immigrant who doesnt speak the languege will get more with his unemployement fee. i do support that family will take care of you after a certain age or situation because it brings you back together. you can always save for it and spend it over a period of time or buy a super car to enjoy the shit of it.

when we grow old the world is going to be so changed no one knows if there is still going to be retirement :)

Loved your analysis, when we build up our own brand, we don't have to depend on any company.
They call jobs and pension funds secure, what's secure today, what assurity do they have that their company will not cut positions after people have worked for them for more than 20 years and in a moment they go jobless.

What assurity do they have that their retirement funds will be suffice to live their old life and take care medical bills.
Nothing in this world gives enough assurity except if you have a bussiness online.
If ever even your country falls economically, and the biggest business, the biggest jobs fail, internet market will be still standing strong laughing.
If you move to a new country, you have to look for jobs, setup a new business, but If your business is on internet, you just have to carry your laptop.
You could work from anywhere in the world.
I have the same mentality as yours. I think I will work how much I want and how long I want. Only internet gives me that much flexibility and that's why I love it and I work on it. I work on myself by working on it.

If you move to a new country, you have to look for jobs, setup a new business, but If your business is on internet, you just have to carry your laptop.


Have been living the online life for a couple of years now.

My biggest worry is powercut. LOL.

Haha, my nightmare is when the interenet on my wifi goes off suddenly without any reason and it doesn't starts again in a few days, happened with me a few times, can't get more worse than that fir people like us.

I hope in my retirement I will have an independent business, or at least a stream of income besides Social Security, to live on. That's my plan now, anyway. Moving to Panama or another country in Central America is another plan. Right now, I am semi-retired (as I call it) teaching English in China. A week ago, I thought I was going to have to leave China because of my age, but then another job landed in my lap with a higher maximum age limit. That means I can stay longer, and have more time to put my plans into effect. Steemit is now part of those plans.

Thanks for this post. I work with many older adults and I worry about them when they retire. Often they struggle to find a new purpose, their health goes downhill, and their retirement gets cut short. I think we are meant to continue to be productive and take on challenges even as we get older.

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