Caution- For Entrepreneur Eyes Only!

in #life7 years ago


Are You Struggling to Find Your Direction? Are the People Around You Supportive?

Guess what? You are not alone. Unless a person was lucky enough to grow up in a family of entrepreneurs then you are probably struggling finding your direction and the support you need. I was like many of you. I did not have family, friends or peers that understood my drive. It was a very lonely passion. The only person in my life who truly supported me was @Sunscape. My Mom was cut from the same cloth.

My outlet was reading books, ordering self-help courses and watching videos. If it was not for the internet I don't know if I would have ever found my path.

When Someone Tells You School is the Only Way.

If You are an Entrepreneur School is Probably Not for You.

For those of you who are reading this and think everyone should got to school, FUCK OFF! I told you this post was just for entrepreneurs or aspiring ones. People like you were the ones who keep the entrepreneurial spirit down. Go back to your cubical and shut up. Rude right? These people never shut up about how we should live our lives.

Now, back to the subject, if you feel an overwhelming tug of entrepreneurship then you better get to it. Hell if you fail 10X then you can always go back to school or learn a trade. Many tradesman go on to being very successful entrepreneurs. I think it is because so many work closely with business owners. Entrepreneurship tends to rub off on those exposed to it.

What Can You Do to Stoke the Flames of Entrepreneurship in Your Life?

  1. Read Books
  2. Turn OFF the TV
  3. Make Friends with Business Owners at Meetups, Conferences, Online Groups ETC.
  4. Start Something on the Down Low. Worry About Incorporation, Bank Accounts, Licenses ETC When You Are Truly Ready.
  5. Watch Youtube Videos About Your Passion.

Is It Really That Easy.

Dam straight! One thing I have learned as an entrepreneur is that people who have ideas are numerous but the people who start today and stick to it are the ones that will be successful. When someone says to me, "Randy I have an idea". I listen, wish them luck and say, "let me know when you actually start".

Know one thing, failure is a real thing. You will fail miserably along the way and the same rude people above will be there to say, "I told you so!". Fuck em, get back on your feet and try again.

But I Need Money to Start.

I will let you in on a little secret. I started my last three businesses with zero capital! We invested our time. We spent nearly 12 hours per day online building our brands over the last six years. "Randy, I don't have that much time to commit to my personal development and future success."

If you want to be successful as an entrepreneur it requires sacrifice. I personally put myself in the most uncomfortable position possible.

  1. I moved to another country with the mindset, "Never Retreat".
  2. I did not have a job.
  3. I had no safety net.
  4. I had literally no influence online.
  5. I had only a little bit of income from writing.

The above might seem like it would have put me in an impossible situation but here is what I came prepared with.

  1. Thousands of hours learning and practicing sales.
  2. I read hundreds of books about my passions and entrepreneurship.
  3. I married a supportive woman!
  4. I moved somewhere that had a very low cost of living.
  5. We did not spend our money frivolously.
  6. We networked with fellow entrepreneurs.
  7. Going to the coffee shop for hours on end, discussing our plans and executing.
  8. I cut off all the doubters in my life.

This Photo Was Taken Shortly Before We Launched 200 Social

Now Six Years Later Token Magic is Our Latest Endeavor.

The Token Magic team consists of entrepreneurs from all over the world. Crypto was the passion we all have in common. We literally conceived the idea in August 2017, and already have revenues that most companies could only dream about in their first few months of operation.


Get Started Today, Stop Waiting for Approval From Others.

I am giving you the permission to get started building your dreams today. We only have one life. Why spend that time being miserable pursuing something that does not fulfill you? High Five and good luck with your endeavors.


For those of you who are reading this and think everyone should got to school, FUCK OFF!
hahaaaa i agree with you fock school and like entrepreneurs project ^^
i like token ico ^^

so good and refreshing to step back and get perspective! Having just started out on this road 'officially' and find myself wondering what to do during the day...but realising it's all about learning and soaking up as much info as possible!

When my Mom recently visited Panama we went out to dinner with Adrian Scott (Napster) and Ira Miller (Bitcoin OG) and on the way home she said, "that was one of the most interesting conversations I have ever had in my life". My response was, "Mom we do this multiple times per week". Find yourself other entrepreneurs to talk to and the road gets so much easier.

I'll get on that asap! thanks

Thanks my friend for these motivations and tips
Everything in life deserves to be worth working for
Success often comes to those who dare to do business. Rarely comes to the timid who are afraid of the results
Success does not end, and failure is not final

You are a goal-oriented person. And you have achieved your goal. The longing ahead is the goal of life. Let the whole life be an aspiration, and then it will have a highly beautiful clock. Thank you for the post.

Great story. People can get suggestions from your succeed. Thank you for sharing and please keep going.

I fully agree with you except on the point of schooling. You can have gone to school/college and be an entrepreneur, they are not mutually exclusive.
I am doing the same (no college either though) but have a website that is almost finished, have a server running and a few crypto projects slowly coming to fruition (mostly paid by steem income)
This platform has been a catalyst into the cryptosphere

you are one of the successful people in steemit and make a happy family and all the best you have achieved today.
Becoming an entrepreneur is indeed a value to the success of society. and this is a form of appreciation to you. @hilarski

entrepreneurship is a way of living life what you love to do the most don't go behind anyone lead the way in life

IMG_20180125_215318.jpglike that article,
We all love to dream and try to transform dreams into implementation.

This post is amazing ... there is a real synchronicity between us (:D) I am reading for the moment the " Fast Line Millionnaire " ... And I try not to give up my project (even if it's so hard).... I am too much into approuval of others (or what they think!).
You post is feeding me !!!!! THANK YOU !

Approval is not needed that is for sure.

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