
Setidaknya tumpukan sampah di atas bisa menjadi spot yang bagus untuk instagrammable, apalagi orang Indonesia yang pecinta selfie dimana-mana . . .LOL

hahaha anj....

Nice post :) kalau boleh minta follow backnya, biar semangat nulis juga.. Terima kasih

It's really bali?. . Saye kira tak ada space untuk sampah di bali.. :D😂

I remember my first time in Indonesia going out for a surf and being shocked because I thought that there were jellyfish surrounding me. Naturally I was worried about getting stung but upon a closer look I realized the gentle movement that so closely resembled jellyfish were actually plastic bags floating in the water.

I was instantly saddened by this experience because all around me was such breathtaking scenery and to see these plastic monsters floating by instantly took a bit of that beauty away.

In the moment I had to remind myself that not to long ago everything was wrapped in banana leaves or some other organic material so once someone was done with their take away they would simply throw the wrapping on the ground. No harm there. This habit has persisted today and unfortuantly there has been a shift to take away being put into plastic and foam containers so now the result of this habit is the pollution that you speak of.

Luckily a local like you is taking the time to make people aware of this issue! We need to keep educating the citizens of the world so that this problem will eventually disappear. It is going to take a lot of time and hard work but as a human race I believe we can do this. Good on you for getting out there and spreading the good word :)

I will be back in Bali in a week here and can't wait to see what has or hasn't changed since my last time. Do you know if there is a steemit community on Bali? I would love to meetup with other Steemians when I am there :)


Hey, I totally agree with what you say, being in the water in the beautiful scenery and swimming in plastic bags is just disgusting... I am not sure about the Steemit community here yet, I basically just started my blog a week ago. But probably you will find one hehe :-) Thanks for your support and let's make the world a cleaner place together!

Ohh my God. I am from Flores Indonesia. Bali sits in the middle of the Indonesian Throughflow, a current that streams from the Pacific Ocean into the Indian Ocean through the straits of Indonesia. This means that plastic waste could either be local or brought in from as far away as the Pacific Ocean. The plastic I saw mainly had Indonesian labelling but because of the current could be coming from anywhere in Indonesia, the Philippines, Malaysia. Add data pollution in Bali

Hai okky, tampaknya semua pantai di Indonesia memiliki masalah yang sama, itu juga terjadi di beberapa tepi pantai di aceh, kurangnya kesadaran dan minat pengunjung dan warga setempat untuk membuang sampah pada tempatnya menjadi penyebab utama penumpukan sampah itu, mungkin seharusnya pemerintah turut andil dalam masalah ini, tapi aku pernah melihat polusi plasti terbesar di TPA (Tempat Pembuangan Akhir), aku hanya menatap polusi itu dan seraya berkata dalam hati "andai ini tumpukan emas, maka rakyat indonesia akan kaya raya" :D

"andai ini tumpukan emas, maka rakyat indonesia akan kaya raya" - hahahaha, benar @uncleboy!

Itu sampahnya banyak bgt yaa...??

banyak sekali, jijik!

Butuh perjuangan secara bersama-sama untuk membuat kita bisa mencintai pantai melebihi cinta kepada diri sendiri agar pantai kembali indah.

betul sekali!!!

I don't like rubbish and saw it in Vietnam. I talked to many Vietnamese about it. Thanks for sharing, hehe. I'm Oatmeal Joey Arnold. You can call me Joey.

hey :-). yeah, rubbish just sucks

Thanks. How are you? Always good to see you.

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