Are Sports The Biggest Distraction Ever?

in #life7 years ago (edited)

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Don't get me wrong here guys. I f@#king love sports a lot. I love everything about them, watching, learning, playing and even a die hard stats fan. I have read up on this before though and it seems sports might be the biggest distraction to the masses that there is? A mind control technique that diverts society's attention from reality.

How Could This Work?

Everyone goes about their day to day job completing mundane tasks to receive their pay cheques and look forward to spending their evenings and weekends home doing what they like. Avoiding political issues all together is not necessarily true but the problem is being able to do something about it. How can people make any changes to the political system by sitting on their couch talking to one another? They can't, so they switch their focus over to something that means something to them. I would say more people know who Joe Montana or Peyton Manning is then they do the President or Prime Minister of their country. This keeps the population very busy and eliminates them from getting involved in things that actually matter.

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Why Would They Want You Distracted?

Like I mentioned above keeping the herd away from political issues allows them to pass bills overnight as an example. Basically they can go about ruining your life and bettering their own well you hope your favorite team gets a touch down or if they'll make it into the playoffs or not. Another reason is consumerism. They can sell tickets to the sporting events, merchandise, food and beer etc. They can tier up your cable in a way so that you have to pay a ridiculous amount of money per month to get all your sports channels. They fill the sporting events on TV with advertisements so the items will be imprinted in your brain next time you hit the stores.

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There Are Some Good To Sports

Sports aren't all that bad. They do teach team work, motivation, a way to make new friends and are a great way to get exercise. Sports should be a balanced thing in your life just like everything else. Moderation is best. Ask yourself if sports are a hobby or your main focus in life?

Let me know what you think? Are sports a huge distraction from reality?


Id recomend you an author though not sure is there translations available - name is Duci Simonovic. philosopher, and of the best basketball players in europe fwew decades ago. He spent good part of his life dissecting sport, and you can guess, hes one of most unpopular names because of criticism of holy sport. Some really different angles. If i find anything translated ill post it.

Wow! Cool man thank you. I will see if I can find anything in English on his stuff. Of course he is unpopular lol he went against the grain.

well seems he is translated already. i must warn you, hes born and raised in communist Yugoslavia. Ive just noticed i didnt read more than half of his work, because i was interested only in his view on sport and olympic.


"Each sport has a specific training technique, which means that each sport in a specific way cripples people both mentally and physically and turns them into specialized sportsmen-recorders. The one-sided sports activity leads to the hypertrophy of some and atrophy of other extremities, organs, bodily and mental functions. A sportsmen becomes a specific working force (a self-destructive character), a tool for labour (highly specialized machine) and material for processing(body as a raw material) ± for producing a particular record."

Thank you for getting these links to me so quickly. I will check them out. I really appreciate it! :)

What become the problem is sport get tooooo much focus and real important stuff is not talked about. Elites that want to control us are pushing this sports thing, because they know if we are focus on it (with various things) we want think how to change the world to the better. Sport isn't the problem, too much focus on it is the real problem. Word sport can be replaced with fashion, celebrity or whatever, it's the same if we don't focus on real things.

BTW I also love sports, but I watch it like little bit of fun and so imporant in the end.

I agree we can definitely replace the word "sport" with any mainstream distraction like you mentioned in your comment. All they want is for us to stay distracted and away from them.

Them as elites?

What they want is us to not think about ANYTHING what can change the world to better place. When you go deep to it, if most of people have all the time to observe the world and come with best solution to can't control them in the end. What you need is to manipulate them to constantly be occupied with something that want change anything. Sports are just one of those things. But I still love it in heathy way :)

Yes them as in Elites!!!

I still love sports in healthy way as well. We're most definitely on the same page here.

For me... Just sport can be a kind of a distraction to some individuals, it depends and ranges on what we all want. I love football and watching Chelsea fc plays can really distract me of anything that I am doing.. The distraction is only limited to when Chelsea fc is playing.

Yes ahahaha for you the distraction is minimal. You only enjoy one team and cheer for one time. Lokk how upset the crowd gets with Chelsea FC loses a match. Do you think if all those people got that upset about the new tax or bill that passed in the government it would be good or bad for the government? They like us distracted?

I stopped watching sports and tv years ago. Biggest waste of time and energy. You think your rooting for your team. And you feel like your a winner but actually it matters nothing whether a team loses or wins cuz at the end of the day it’s a game and distraction from more important things in life. Same with video games.

Good on you! It's a hard thing for someone to do. I'm glad you were able to see the distraction and separate yourself from it. You can actually life life now!

1000% agree. and the only political things addressed are indoctrination tools such as standing for a song and pledging allegiance to a piece of cloth. they try to inspire more nationalism which is whats wrong with society IMO. you can and should probably be proud of where you are from but that doesnt mean you need to adhere to propoganda and question ethics....great post man

Thanks man. This world is a crazy place. We need to make changes and there's no better time then now!

This is a great subject to "tackle" ha ha!

It can be a distraction like anything else: food, alcohol, sex, drugs, internet. I agree with the all things in moderation stance. If whatever your escape from reality is begins to take over too much of your time or damages relationships with your family or spouse etc then it can be a negative. I do realize that it can be a positive that brings people together to hang out and cheer your team on while letting off some steem. It is up to the individual to know the difference between the two.

I have issues with the consumerism/ propaganda ingrained in sporting events. That in my opinion is a bigger distraction from reality than the sports itself.

I agree Michael!

I have issues with the consumerism/ propaganda ingrained in sporting events. That in my opinion is a bigger distraction from reality than the sports itself.

If these advertisement didn't work why would corporations pay millions for 30 sec commercials during things like the Super Bowl! It's disgusting how much they push this stuff.

I especially despise the "RA RA We love war " ads brought to you courtesy of the DoD. Pushing the war agenda and fake patriotism thru sporting events is truly sick. What worries me is that people's opinions of going to war and supporting wars are made for them

Yes I agree! You actually would like war? I don't think the solidiers even know what they're fighting for anymore? It's because you're forced too.

I would agree with this post before tv and internet were invented :) Now sports is a huge business and things like internet are actually distracting you: computer games, fake new, stupid series etc. When you go to watch football to the Arena, I can't see how it distracts you. You meet with people, you actually talk about politics after the game somewhere in the bar etc, but when you sit alone at home reading some bullshit, that's what makes you manipulated.

I agree with you. I'm going to add it to my list of distractions as well rather then replace it. I feel that

computer games, fake new, stupid series etc.

are also a huge distraction and definitely a problem.

Sure, it worked in ancient Rome already, and it still does now.
In this context, a little movie tip: in case you dont know it, watch the 70s SF movie "Rollerball" with James Caan. It deals with exactly that subject.

I'm excited to watch this now. I haven't seen "Rollerball" before. Thank you

Great old SF classic. When you watch it, keep in mind they had no computer animation at the time, its all done by stuntmen. I hope they had a good health insurance... :)

It's crazy how they used to do stuff isn't it. Is "stunt man" even a job anymore?

Oh yeah, there are still stunt men today. But they do the smaller stunts mainly. Its just a matter of what is the cheaper way to produce a sccene, CGI or SFX. And if its not too crazy dangerous, of course.

Right. So they don't do dangerous stunts anymore. I'm out lol

There's a reason even the ancient Romans promoted "bread and circuses" for the masses!
I'm glad to see this coming from a sports fan. You can enjoy the thing you enjoy and still see critically the societal implications. I've never been a big sports fan, so I feel like it seems elitist or snobby of me to talk about it. I mean, I can enjoy a game of soccer or hockey, but I'm not really passionate about it. It's more fun in a "hang out with friends" kind of way to me (and soccer isn't that popular here in the States. It might be if it was on free tv like other sports are, but you have to pay out the wazoo to have a cable package that includes soccer matches. And I hate American football. It's so slow to me, lol).

I defiantly feel like we are being distracted so we won't pay much attention to what is going on. Great article!

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