Alternative Methods

in #life6 years ago


Alternative Methods

In today’s world, the classic way of living your life preached and idolatrized by the society is no longer an option for most, going to college only to get a shitty job that pays you just enough to live by and then get a family is not the way to go anymore. Don’t get me wrong, such a lifestyle is fine as long as you want it, but most people have no idea what they want and follow what others set up for them.

As my philosophy teacher said today, the purpose of the human beings is to reach a state of happiness, a thing that is only possible if you stay authentic if you follow your vision but impossible if you just do what others say.

We’re probably the luckiest beings that ever lived on this planet since we now have a shitload of possibilities, we don’t need to obey the usual, we can break out of the paradigm thanks to the alternative methods, ways that got developed over the past years.

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We live in the most exciting age of all time, the information is floating freely everywhere, and we no longer have to follow a specific school to learn some particular things, we can learn anything on the internet. Most of the so-called teachers have no idea what they are talking about, they are not speaking from their experience but preaching from the textbooks usually written by morons.

To give you an example, if the business teachers were any decent in their field they would have no damn time to waste in class, they would be outside winning at life. Most teachers nowadays are those that never accomplished anything but are only talking about what others achieved, and I know many examples like such in real life.

Of course, if you would’ve had Aristotle as your teacher that would’ve been amazing, he knew what he was talking about because first he learned and experimented and only later in his life he taught others, he’s the one that shaped the minds of people like Caesar. But the today’s teachers are not even close to him.

But thankfully, we have this life-changing tool called the internet, and we can now learn anything for free from experts. The beautiful thing about this is that most of the times, those teaching online have some experience, they already built something epic in that field and now are sharing their journey. They are the people like Gary Vaynerchuk, Dan Pena and many others who are sharing all of their content for free; you only have to be willing to learn.

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Now, in this century, everybody can work from home, going to a job is no longer a need. The jobs are rigged, having to work on a rigid schedule, every week until you’re an old fuck for a salary that is usually not enough to live your life freely, doesn’t seem like the best use of anyone's time.

Yes, it may seem that building something online is not as safe as a typical job and it may take a while until your side hustle starts to make you some bucks and you will have to work for free until that happens but you want to know what, the jobs are not safe either. Think about the last economic collapse, so many people lost their jobs just because the companies went bankrupt and that can happen anytime.

If you work online, you are your boss and can decide your schedule and the amount of work you want to put in, but I advise you to give out 200% until you accomplish something significant, whatever that means for you.

And also, in this era, we don’t even need to use the old and fucked up financial system that’s soon going fail since it’s, of course, a damn Ponzi scheme, the biggest in the world, now we can use the alternative methods like crypto. Will fiat money ever stop working? I have no idea, but one thing is sure, after the next economic collapse which is coming soon, more and more people will realize how rigged the banks are and start investing in crypto, where they have the control. The blockchain technology is building a new era for business and sustainable living, and one of those examples is Steem, it’s not easy to accomplish something here, but it is possible, better than most things out there.

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These are the two alternative methods that impacted my life the most, and I firmly believe that anyone could take advantage of them to some extent and change the quality of their life, they just have to want it enough. The technology is growing at a rapid pace, I can’t even keep up with it, and more and more things will soon start to be revolutionized putting the power in the hands of the people, a thing that didn’t happen since we were living in tribes.

Is a new era of abundance and happiness for everybody waiting for us? That thing I don’t know, but it is sure that the old system it’s already dying off and those that can notice and take advantage of it, will win tremendously.

The world is moving fast, break out of the old paradigm and try to look for the future because it is damn exciting.

The pictures are from Pixabay: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.




Interesting read.. not sure I can agree completely on everything but you are definitely on to something. While I don't think there will be a huge economic collapse just yet I believe that cryptocurrencies will only get stronger and more influential as time goes by, provided that information will be much more easily attained and available to the masses. I myself is still struggling with the idea, that my online "money" is completely digital and nothing solid I can hold in my hand and relate to.
Will be interesting to see what will happen as crypto is understood and embraced in the future.

Every student - no wait - every person considering to become a (University) student should read posts like this and take old wise teachers (like Aristotle) as an example. Been there, done that. Followed everybody's advise until I was 25, depressed and in possession of a worthless college degree and a huge study debt.

All the aforementioned - and my lack of faith in the schooling system - is why I stopped being a teacher and started living life. Learning from real teachers, real people and by living and traveling.

There's one thing I disagree on with you: People aren't happier now than ever. There's way more depressions and burnouts than there were in the generation before us. The difference is, that we now have 'escape pods' and - even though this overflow of info and stimuli is burning many people out - when used wisely, the online world can be tremendously helpful and powerful. As can the offline world be, if we study it the right way.

Blogging, cryptos and Steemit have become my escape pod too. Even though I already quit my (teaching) job a year before I discovered Steemit. Blogging - combined with crypto investments - and looking at the world in another way, prioritizing the real important stuff in live, have made it possible for me to continue on this road and be my own boss.

Great post my friend!


Alternative methods as you call them are something with little to no precedent, and they are possible only thanks to technology, that's why we see mostly young people trying to have a lifestyle completely different than what is traditional, because young people are the most heavily involved with the latest trends in technology.

What you say about the job's salaries not being enough is true man, especially in poor countries like ours, most of the time its not worth it to put 8 hours of your day (plus the time you lose with transport) to receive so little money that's not enough to have the life everyone wants. Its really depressing to watch professionals earn less than 50 dollars a month here in my country, people that studied for at least 5 years in the university, and besides have years of experience, yet, have monthly earnings smaller than a meme upvoted by dmania...

I think just as you said, we are very lucky to live in modern times where technology offers opportunities to everyone to improve their live. We just need to identify them and be proactive enough to take advantage of them.

Cheers man!

Sticking to the same routine in life help us no way. I personally believe that we are here on Earth for some purpose. And I am genuinely waiting for it from my side. Leaving it aside, one should explore new things and contribute something unique to the society rather than following the same stuff regularly.
Amazing blog!!

Absolutely, the opportunity for the individual to take one's power back from the Matrix is becoming more and more accessible at any level of being. The internet is a major tool in this, and the step-up dimensional/consciousness shift that is synonymous with this taking of power back can be likened to the step-up that took place with the advent of the printing press. Once people could, for example, read the word of 'God' for themselves, and in their own vernacular, the power-role of the interpreter/middleman (the priest) was greatly diminshed. I think thecurrent shift may be of exponentially greater intensity than even this!
Cheers @guyfawkes4-20 :D

Its true! Many teachers are not that good... and you can't study from that kind of person if you want to be great at whatever the thing is. These days we CAN learn from Aristotle, or Caesar, or Carnegie, or whoever your choice is, so why not do so? Those books and speeches are as great today as they ever were.

Both the education and money can be acquired by the alternative methods. I am not a great supporter of the traditional ways because as you said, the world is changing and adaptation is almost impossible for the big majority with the traditional ways.

we only look for our satisfaction and good the world of the tecnologica goes very fast, we hope not to continue stumbling

Heartfelt article. I agree with every word. As for the teachers who speak the phrases of the textbook. I like the fact that there is now this opportunity to go their own way, to get the knowledge that you are interested in using the Internet. And by the way, recently I read an article that said that cryptocurrencies are a Ponzi system. Though actually, you're right, everything is exactly the opposite. Crypto gives more freedom and opportunities for a person to manage their money without paying tribute to the state. But Fiat money is a huge fraudulent trick, a real Ponzi system.

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