How to stay a Liberal/Libertarian after a traumatic Shooting

in #life6 years ago


How many of us can really say that our convictions have been tested and held up to the fire? I would wager that every single person reading this will say they believe in freedom and liberty. Everyone with out a doubt right, who would admit to being a tyrant? So then why do we all disagree so much when I comes to the role of the State in our lives? Strap in for this one, what I am about tot ell you is true and I'm even going to try and calmed down some of the details where I can. I'd love to hear what you all would have done in my shoes.
I was planning to hang out with my wife and kids in my back yard for a bbq on a sunny afternoon in June one day but I realized I needed a few things from the corner market. I headed out by on foot being that it was a perfect day to walk a few blocks but unfortunately things took a bad turn fast. Only a block and a half away from my house (100 yards aprox) an argument erupted. That is typical around here though, this isn't exactly Disney Land, and I kept walking without flinching that is until the gun shots rang out.
I'm familiar with firearms, I've owned a few and have been to the range with my friends many times. I knew it was the sound of a 9mm pistol but in that moment I honestly told myself "it's probably just fireworks, it is July after all". I even told myself the scraggily malnourished guy running towards me was out for jog. My mind kept trying to turn what I was seeing into things I was familiar with and I stood there processing it instead and moving. It took seeing the rock wall behind me explode with ricocheted shrapnel to figure out that the scraggily guy was trying to hide behind me. I looked one way and saw that and finally turned to see the man holding his gun a block in the other direction. It was only then when my brain started to send adrenaline out and stiffen my neck so to speak. The couple of seconds it took me to piece together the situation almost got me killed.
As I said before I do own firearms but they're not the type I'd feel responsible carrying in a city. Even if I did own a pistol, shooting it where kids are playing on a Sunday afternoon is the last thing I can see myself doing. So there I was standing in the street being used as a human shield by a drug dealer while a maniac tried to gun us both down and I was unarmed. All this because I wanted ice tea and pickles. I snapped into reality quick enough at least, I got away from the both of them until the magazine was empty and ran the hell out of there. I got home safe and hugged my family.
That wasn't that last of my involvement of course. It's safe to say the police completely botched their end due to incompetence and a blatant disdain for the people who live around here. I had to lead a few of my stiffer necked friends from the range back to the apartment building where this scumbag shooter lived. We all chatted amicably until we came to our own resolution for the neighborhood, eventually. I believe there is enough to say about that day for an entire new post though, let me know if you'd like to hear about that part. I'm feeling a title already - "How to deal with maniacs without calling 911 for more maniacs to arrive",, probably needs work....
My point to telling this personal story is to show that I was a Ron Paul voting Libertarian before all that madness and I still am to this day. My convictions in regards to the 2nd amendment didn't change nor did my stance on ending the war on drugs. I feel like the laws and restrictions we have on the books are partly responsible for the incident therefor there's a need to talk about them as soon as possible. Many people seem to have the opposite reaction to these life experiences, at least it's depicted that way in the media. They cry out for less freedom and more laws/restrictions as if tightening the State grip on me will solve these kinds of problems. I don't think more State is the answer. They couldn't have done a worse job helping us here and more rules won't change that.
This incident left me a bit more twitchy than I was before, I'll admit that but it didn't make me forget my lessons from history or change my ideology. I only need one savior guys, could have used more of his help with this one honestly.....
Have you ever been tested like this? Please share your story in the comments. If anyone wants to hear more details about the aftermath of the shooting let me know and I'll get right back to you. Thanks for reading.

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